The Divinity of Donald Trump
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 13 commentsBy: Jordan Klepper
He (Donald Trump) believes that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Donald Trump-- devout Christian...or sleazy con artist?
We decide!
(P.S: There's nothing in the CoC that prevents you from making a total ass of yourself by commenting on the video without actually having watched it-- so comment away!)
Related: How a data-backed Christian nationalist machine helped Trump to power
The Divinity of Donald Trump
"The Lighter Side"...( or is it?)
"Not News"????
trumpski is the perfect representative of conservative evangelical values in America.
That is some good stuff. LMAO!!! I especially liked the next video about mexican voters.
It don't get much better than that.
Perhaps true. However, to him, it obviously does not mean only one woman at a time. His history makes him a poster child for multiple acts of adultery. I guess their God finds such behavior divine.
I am sure glad their God is not the deity I believe in. Even Trump must think so, as he is supposed to be so afraid of germs, but, has no trouble dipping his wick with a Star prostitute without any protection on either side at all.
Follow-up question; If Donald Trump were a credentialed minister, knowing his history, would you hire him as your church minister/pastor?
Unfortunately, there are some credited ministers out there who have a sordid history as Trump that are in charge of some of our churches of various religions who prey on some members of their own congregation.
But, in answer to your question, I would not hire Donald J Trump clean up the dog poop in my backyard, much less as a Pastor/Minister.
He is an insult to our country as a President, much less as a supposed man of God.
His supporters may accept and praise him as such, but, it is doubtful that the God he is supposed to believe in does or would.
I would absolutely keep him away from the finances of the church.
I should have added, "And why?"
The concept of marriage being only between one man and one woman is a bit confusing if that concept is taken at face value.
Example: A man and woman are betrothed. And this is where the 'between' comes in. It would be fair to speculate that the married couple in order to fulfill the 'between concept' would have to also choose another couple in order to get them to be between them. Thusly, all marriages would actually involve four people, two women and two men. Makes sense, right?
s/ lol