
Texas DPS "checkpoints" underway at Louisiana state line, anyone entering from Louisiana required to self-quarantine for 14 days


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  5 years ago  •  14 comments

By:    KBMT (12NewsNow)

Texas DPS "checkpoints" underway at Louisiana state line, anyone entering from Louisiana required to self-quarantine for 14 days
Texas Governor Greg Abbott expanded an executive order that requires people traveling into Texas by road from Louisiana to self-quarantine.

Looks like the Texas "Deep State" "Big Government" "Snowflake" wants to take away even more of the freedoms of his upright, law-abiding citizens!

"Nanny State"-- or is it just the "Socialist" "Snowflakes" that run the Texas gov't stoking unnessary fear in their hard-working, church going citizens? . .


Tracking COVID-19: Southeast Texas coronavirus tracking maps

Here's some maps plotting reported cases of the coronavirus in Texas and the U.S. so far

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Texas Governor Greg Abbott expanded an  executive order that requires people traveling into Texas by road from Louisiana  to self-quarantine. That order went into effect Monday, March 30th at noon.

Until Sunday, DPS had only increased patrols at the border. But Gov. Abbott said in a tweet Sunday, "Now, CHECKPOINTS at La.-TX border will be used to further reduce travelers from Louisiana potentially bringing #COVID19 into Texas."

Texas Governor Greg Abbott expanded in his executive order that people traveling into Texas by road from Louisiana would have to self-quarantine for 14 days. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

What goes around come around ... jrSmiley_5_smiley_image.png

Professor Quiet
1.1  Freefaller  replied to  Krishna @1    5 years ago

Lol while we don't have checkpoints and such here yet everyone coming in from another province/country is expected to self isolate for two weeks (border services will forward your place of residence to the police so they can check up on you).  We have one poor kid that was posted to our section from QL3 trg last Wed that gets to spend another week and a half stuck in a hotel room, poor kid.

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

The words "Big Government" "Nanny State"  "Deep State" "trump Derangement Syndrome" and "Snowflake" come to mind!

Oh and of course the ever-present (but incorrectly used) term "Socialist" may be applied to the governor as well . . .???

Professor Participates
3  Snuffy    5 years ago

it is kind of funny that the Democrats lambasted the administration for not having a country-wide lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus.

Now they are upset because there are checkpoints at state lines and people coming in from other states are expected to self-isolate for two weeks on arrival.

for the record I was in favor of a country-wide lockdown but feel confident that some states would take the administration to court over it.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Snuffy @3    5 years ago
Now they are upset because there are checkpoints


Professor Participates
3.1.1  Snuffy  replied to  Krishna @3.1    5 years ago

What?  This very seed?????  

a line directly at the top of this page

"Looks like the Texas "Deep State" "Big Government" "Snowflake" wants to take away even more of the freedoms of his upright, law-abiding citizens! "

or are you trying to tell me you are simply amused by this seed and that is why you posted it?

Professor Participates
4  FLYNAVY1    5 years ago

Next thing you know they will setting the "Black Helicopter Watch"

Strange bunch down there in Tex-ass......!

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    5 years ago
Looks like the Texas "Deep State" "Big Government" "Snowflake" wants to take away even more of the freedoms of his upright, law-abiding citizens! "Nanny State"-- or is it just the "Socialist" "Snowflakes" that run the Texas gov't stoking unnessary fear in their hard-working, church going citizens?

It's silly - or ignorant - to try to find some kind of hypocrisy of political philosophy in expecting government to protect people from a pandemic. Trying to apply "nanny state" or "big government" to this situation demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of the concepts. Even people who favor limited government expect that government to protect its citizens against an immediate threat. And terms like "deep state" or "snowflake" aren't even remotely relevant to the context.

In any event, restricting travel between the states is probably a good idea.

Professor Quiet
6  shona1    5 years ago

A/noon...Our States closed their borders a few weeks ago now..No one bats an eye lid...It has to be done and we know it. Everyone here is flat out trying to stop the movement of people full stop all over the country..The border is closed between South Australia and Victoria..Queensland and New South Wales...and the big one Western Australia from the rest of the country and they have divided their State into 7 areas as it is so large...they cannot travel anywhere else is Western Australia either..We would rather have live Aussies than deceased...The number of deaths here from the virus stands at 45...infected 5,800..We have been in lock down for a few weeks and the rate of infection in each State is dropping...to the extent we are cautious we "may" have passed the peak of the virus. Our hospitals are not overwhelmed, testing is going flat out and the vast majourity of people are doing what they have been asked to do...The whole country is working together to achieve a good outcome for all us, in a bloody grim situation...Stay put, stay well and stay safe...

Professor Principal
6.1  Ender  replied to  shona1 @6    5 years ago

Nice to hear some good news. In the US the death toll has topped 10,000.

A lot of people are still not taking it seriously. We just had a local report saying people need to stay off the roads and stay home. Had to go out and pick up some groceries and the traffic looked like any other day.

Professor Quiet
6.1.1  shona1  replied to  Ender @6.1    5 years ago

A/noon Ender...Yes we are following what is happening in the States closely..We see it every night on the news..the toll, the refrigerated trucks, the bodies being wheeled out..talk of digging up parks to temporary bury bodies..The overwhelmed hospitals in New York..the medical staff stressed to the nines..We were warned..."Look at what is happening in the US..We do not want to go down that path"... So listen up Aussies, this is what we are asking you to do...Vast majourity have taken heed and willingly obliged...but with all things still get that feral element where the law does not apply..So far I think we are coping fairly well, but as I have said before 45 lost Aussie souls, is 45 to many...The tolls in the US and Europe to us are staggering and heart breaking...Stay put, stay safe and stay well..

Professor Principal
6.2  Kavika   replied to  shona1 @6    5 years ago

Hi shona, 

My daughter lives in Perth as does one of my granddaughters. They were telling me how WA is divided in 7 regions. When they talk about lockdown they really mean lockdown not some of the nonsense we are seeing in the US. 

The same applies to the rest of the mob as they are in NSW and the same restriction applies there as well.

Stay safe my friend.

Professor Quiet
6.2.1  shona1  replied to  Kavika @6.2    5 years ago

Gidday Kavika..Yes she is dead right..WA told the rest of the country do not come here unless you are a resident or for work or medical reasons..They are turning people back across the Nullarbor..it is the same in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania...everyone is well aware and we don't want to over load the hospitals..So far so good. The cops are doing spot checks at home on people who should be in quarantine...if they are not home fined or in one case jailed. Driving around you better have a damn good reason or proof why you are out..Going "just" for a drive fined..Groups of more than 2 people fined..We are deadly serious..we have seen what happened in Europe and doing all we can to stop the damn thing in its tracks here..NZ is going really well. 4 weeks lock down, 1 death and 1,200 infected...and their infection rate is also dropping...We are still very cautious an watching and waiting..Hope your rellies in the West stay safe and stay well...

pat wilson
Professor Participates
6.2.2  pat wilson  replied to  shona1 @6.2.1    5 years ago

Best to you Shona, stay safe !


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