Arizona hospitals activate emergency plans as coronavirus cases spike

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (right) and Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Arizona Department of Health Services. Ross D. Franklin/AP
June 9, 2020
The Arizona Department of Health Services urged the state’s hospitals to “fully activate” their emergency plans — as the state has seen a spike in coronavirus cases since reopening last month, according to new reports.
The letter, dated Saturday and signed by health services director Cara Christ, urged hospitals to prepare surge beds, cross-train staff and “reduce or suspend elective surgeries to ensure adequate bed capacity” for COVID and non-COVID patients alike.
The letter includes many of the same recommendations outlined in another memo sent to hospitals in March — except the new letter comes weeks after Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order expired May 15. Statewide coronavirus cases have more than doubled since then, KPNX reported.
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The Arizona Department of Health Services urged the state’s hospitals to “fully activate” their emergency plans — as the state has seen a spike in coronavirus cases since reopening last month.
Sadly, this shouldn't be surprising-- its what happens when states re-open too early.
The Carolinas, Texas, Arkansas and Florida are all showing the same.
One needs to wonder about other states where state officials are sanitizing data. Nebraska, Iowa.....
And to take it even further: there is starting to be a sudden spike in new cases and hospitalization in the states that "opened" too early.
Not surprising. (These are generally states with Republican governors, who are following Trump's lead in trying to convince everyone that shouldn't be taking the virus too seriously...
Not to mention it also quickly reverses any progress made against Covid and associated new cases. People are also probably not practicing basic safety guidelines like social distancing or wearing masks, which may be contributing to the spike in cases.
Probably not surprising the way Trump and his toadies obsessively try to downplay the seriousness of the Virus from the beginning. (And sadly his mentally-challenged followers believed him):
Which is just irresponsible, ignorant, and dangerous.
Which is just irresponsible, ignorant, and dangerous.
Which goes to everything Trump and his toadies touch....
Define too early. Will 40 million more out of work satisfy the "shut 'er down" crowd?
And yet the state refuses to re-issue the "stay at home" order. They rather see the people die.
Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order expired May 15. Statewide coronavirus cases have more than doubled since then.
Within the next week or so I expect this will also happen in other states who re-opened early (or where politicians sent a message downplaying the seriousness virus)
Or sent the wrong message by not wearing masks or distancing and such.
Arizona Hospitals Activate Emergency Plans
This is getting serious...
everyone knew there would be a small spike in cases.
and there will be another spike in cases from the protests.
and another spike in cases from whatever happens next. and then another.
its never going away for good.
with some luck, we will get a vaccine soon.
lockdowns are useless against this bug
I would not want to be in china's shoes right now. - they own every death. and all economic damage around the world.
gonna be a tough bill to pay
There will also be a spike with increased testing, where some who are asymptomatic will become recorded cases.
And China has another problem, this virus, more than likely, will not go away, so how is China going to re-enter the global economy
without letting the virus back within it's borders?
Bingo. They tout the case numbers without releasing the numbers of asymptomatic cases. WHO just the other day said it is difficult for asymptomatic people to actually spread the virus unless they cough/sneeze in someone's direction. The cough, being one of the symptoms, is much less likely to happen for those without symptoms. Here they give updates on hospitalizations and deaths but that is about the extent. Not the survivors/asymptomatic numbers.
lots of people have the virus and do not even know about it.
if these cases are added to the math the survivability rate will greatly increase
asymptomatic spread?
What I would be interested in is the antibody test. I've seen it reported that in NYC a sample was done and found that as many as 20% of the population has the antibody already and should be listed as recorded cases and you can guess what that does to the survivability rates.
Yep, the University of Pittsberg Medical Center reported a few days ago that they are seeing signs where the virulence and infection rates are on the decline.
What's the currently fatality rate? Somewhere below 1%?
Seems like some just want to stir up more panicked hysteria.
How many additional deaths, due to reopening, are you okay with Greg? 1,000? 10,000? Give me a number you are comfortable with.