A poll: If not Trump or Biden, who would you prefer?
Category: Other
Via: buzz-of-the-orient • 5 years ago • 10 commentsBy: Buzz of the Orient

A poll: If not Trump or Biden, who would you prefer?
This is not the poll. This is just an ad for the poll, directing you to click the "SEEDED CONTENT" link just above this paragraph to open the poll for you to vote. Your vote is confidential. You can make comments here, or on the comment wall below the poll.
To vote, click on the words "SEEDED CONTENT" above, or this link:
I have cleaned up your article so that it can run cleanly. Sorry about the disturbance.
This is an invitation to a poll, but apparently the members prefer to use this article for a discussion putting forward their own preferences, so since in has become necessary for me to moderate it, and it is now 10:45 pm I'm turning off my computer and locking this article for the night.
This article is now unlocked for the (my) day.
The poll results at this time are as follows:
Pogo 2
Alfred E Neuman 2
Mickey Mouse 3
I didn't think of it until later, but I should have added Ronald McDonald as a 4th candidate.
The final results remain as before, so Mickey Mouse leads the poll as a preferred POTUS candidate instead of Trump or Biden. Pogo and Alfred E Neuman tie for second place.