Trump Gives Speech About Civil Rights Issues - Nations Fact Checkers Called In For Extra Shifts
Nations Fact Checkers Report For Emergency Duty To Check Trump's Speech On Racial Issues
President* Trump gave a speech on police and racial issues a few minutes ago. The nation's fact checkers have been called in to do overtime. My favorite was when he said that before the pandemic everyone in America had a high paying job.
Half the speech wasnt about racial issues at all, but Trump bragging about the stock market and retail sales during the lockdown (when people had nothing else to do to amuse themselves but go online and spend money.)


Professor Principal
5 years ago
Joshua Potash
8m In a speech theoretically about race and police brutality Trump just said: “They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine.” There is no such vaccine.
Trump is giving the “Y’all niggas weren’t shit without me” race speech.
17m Just got done watching Trump and his press conference, I’ve got a huge headache LOL and his whole entire speech he did not mention one thing about race !!!
Professor Principal
5 years ago
Seth Victoria
8m Replying to
Trump: "These are the people, the best, the smartest ... And they've come up with the AIDS vaccine . They've come up with— or, the AIDS, and, as you know, there's various things and now various companies are involved, but the therapeutic for AIDS."
My gawd.
Professor Principal
5 years ago

Holly Figueroa O'Reilly
1h Replying to
I know. I can't believe it either.
"School choice is the civil rights of all time in this country. Frankly, school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade, and beyond."