No charges in NASCAR noose incident involving Black driver
Category: News & Politics
Via: it-is-me • 5 years ago • 32 commentsBy: By JENNA FRYER, AP Auto Racing Writer

Just another Lie to fuel a cause and outrageous behavior !
Must have read the "How to make something out of nothing" book by Jesse Smollett !

U.S. Attorney Jay Town and FBI Special Agent in Charge Johnnie Sharp Jr. said an investigation determined “although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week.”
A crew member for Richard Petty Motorsports discovered the noose Sunday at the Alabama race track. NASCAR was alerted and contacted the FBI, which sent 15 agents to the track to investigate. They determined no federal crime was committed.
The statement said the garage stall was assigned to Wallace last week in advance of the race scheduled for Sunday but held Monday because of rain. Through video confirmed by NASCAR it was discovered the noose “was in that garage as early as October 2019."
NASCAR said in a statement that “the FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall. This was obviously well before the 43 team’s arrival and garage assignment.”
"The evidence was very clear that the noose that was in the garage was in there previously. The last race we had in October, that noose was present.
The Wood Brothers Racing team said one of its employees informed the team he recalled “seeing a tied handle in the garage pull down rope from last fall,” when NASCAR raced at Talladega in October. The team said it immediately alerted NASCAR and assisted the investigation.
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The discovery of the noose stunned the stock car series as it takes an active position in a push for inclusion while distancing itself from its rocky racial history.
Fake "Shock" was needed to further a cause Nascar has decided on.
THE NASCAR ...... door holding ..... NOOSE !
Shocking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well great, now l have to change all my rope loops for tying up my boat now.
You Better !
That may be the first picture of it. Another claim of a "noose finding" hoax!
Move over Jussie!
The New Kids in Nascar town now !
That is what the big uproar was over? A loop on a door pull rope?
who is surprised? seriously.
America has gone bat shit crazy...
The noose in the picture here is not the one news reported when this all started. The one I kept seeing resembled a hangman's noose and was tied to a rafter.
By a Rollup Door ?
"The Wood Brothers Racing team said one of its employees informed the team he recalled “seeing a tied handle in the garage pull down rope from last fall,” when NASCAR raced at Talladega in October. The team said it immediately alerted NASCAR and assisted the investigation."
I'd believe those that are actually there, over the news media !
I didn't notice any door.
Always look beyond the object.
What's around it, or was it just a "Closeup" shot of the "Object" ?
The (Rollup) Door was in the "Up" position in the "Media" Pictures.
It was up and the guy in the picture is standing in the opening....
It was just a close up shot of the object. I am beginning to think that they pulled a Smollet.
Makes ya wonder, don't it ?
The "Media" REALLY DOES have an agenda.... and I don't care what others say to the contrary.
Can you share that picture? Or was it a stock photo they used for emphasis for the masses?
It was probably a stock photo. As it was on my morning news, I don't have access to it.
They keep a stock photo of a noose hanging from the rafters of a NASCAR garage? Hillaryious.
I thought NASCAR would get better when they got rid of that dumbass Brian France as president, his replacement Phelps is not much better.
An FBI investigation over a loop on a garage door rope pull is crazy
I read it was 13 to 15 agents that investigate an inanimate object !
13-15 agents to investigate a pull down rope.
How many investigated the three year killed in Chicago the other day?
Our priorities are insane.
"0" !
"Our priorities are insane."
You betchya, but it's the insane Lefts Priorities
, not OURS
You would think people would get tired of expressing their faux rage only to be humiliated when the truth comes out. Watching the left wing media saying the 'noose, had been there for 9 months was even more hillaryious. I guess all race tracks will have to go thru and make sure all the 'nooses' are removed so we don't have anymore triggered masses. I cut mine off my garage door this morning so I don't have the FED stopping by accusing me of a hate crime. The good news is I am enjoying all the Bubba Smollet meme's.