Alabama students are throwing COVID-19 parties, with prize for 1st infection: Official
Category: News & Politics
Via: buzz-of-the-orient • 5 years ago • 23 commentsBy: by: CNN Wire (No Author Indicated)

BUZZ NOTE: There is a video as part of this article which you can view by clicking the "SEEDED CONTENT" link just below this message.

Alabama students are throwing COVID-19 parties, with prize for 1st infection: Official
Some students in Alabama are throwing Covid-19 parties, a disturbing competition where people who have coronavirus attend and the first person to get infected receives a payout, local officials said.
The parties are being held in Tuscaloosa, and infected people are urged to attend so others can intentionally contract the virus, City Council member Sonya McKinstry told CNN. She said she heard about the trend from fire officials.
“We thought that was kind of a rumors at first. We did some research, not only do the doctors’ offices confirm it, but the state confirmed they also had the same information,” she said.
During a presentation to the City Council this week, Fire Chief Randy Smith also said young people in the city are throwing parties with a payout if they catch coronavirus, McKinstry said.
The first person confirmed by a doctor to have coronavirus after the exposure wins the money made off the ticket sales, she said. Over the past few weeks, there have been several parties in the city and surrounding areas, and probably more that officials don’t know about, she added.
“It makes me furious,” McKinstry said. “Furious to the fact that something that is so serious and deadly is being taken for granted. Not only is it irresponsible, but you could contract the virus and take it home to your parents or grandparents.”
The city is working on getting the word out and breaking up such parties. It also passed a mask ordinance this week that goes into effect Monday.
“This is not political. This is a public health issue. People are dying and there is no cure. We have to do whatever we can to save as many lives as possible,” McKinstry said.
CNN has reached out to the Alabama Health Department for comment. The state has reported about 39,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and nearly 1,000 deaths.
Sweet Home Alabama, how many parents and grandparents can we kill?
Round the stupid asswipes up and lock them in a large airplane hanger and let them deal with it. Don't bother wasting time with medical attention for them.
One might wonder if those idiots were born stupid or did they have to learn it.
Considering who the main figure is that fuels this behavior, is anyone surprised by this. I guess the Tide Pod challenge was not enough for these asswipes. If these are college students, the parents need to stop financing them immediately. Then set up tents in backyards for them to live in but give them 90 days to find new lives elsewhere.
One might wonder if those idiots were born stupid or did they have to learn it.
Well, If anyone here has ever been to Alabama . . . they might have more insight about the answer to that question!
covids been tough for the “youth are going to save us” cult that fetishizes young voters. These are the anti capitalists who are going to redeem progressivism.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" - in this case, their brains.
Well, you know the olde sayin':
A fool and his brain are easily parted!
--Attributed to Booby "Macho-Man" McGee
they are anti-capitalists?
Link please!
I'm not seeing the part about the Covid parties. None of the links seem to go to that.
There are pages of this story on the net - just search using the title.
Why in the world should I have to go searching? This is your seed and the title claims there are Covid parties with a prize for infections. But I followed your link and the video doesn't mention that. The links in the associated text don't mention it either. I have put out a reasonable effort. All I am asking is that you give me a little help with the actual information that you advertised. I shouldn't have to go searching the internet to make your seed work.
Here you go, Tacos1. Spend your holiday reading, and if you see anything that contradicts the story I posted, please let me know and I'll post a correction.
alabama-students-throw-covid-parties -152244838.html
alabama - students - covid -19- parties
alabama - students - covid - parties -bet-on-who-gets-sick-2020-7
You don't get it, do you? I'm not trying to contradict anything. If you're going to post a seed that makes a claim in the headline, the seed should somehow support that claim. It's pretty straightforward.
Yes, I get it. I get it even though you're trying to shove it down my throat. The story is pretty clear whether or not the links can be opened. It is the story that is repeated over PAGES on the internet by news sites from all over the world. What if I had just changed the links to plain font and you didn't know they were links? It still would tell you all you need to know. I'm not perfect, Tacos1, and your demands will never make me so, and that means you can't always get what you want, but if you try somehow you'll get what you need. I hope the Rolling Stones don't come after me for that.
Please remember, Buzz-- there are many people who don't know how to use Google.
(As well as those who, for some strange reason, are actually afraid of it!)
Here you go, Tacos1.
Of course you are.
(Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Shove what, exactly, down your throat? I made a simple observation that I couldn't find the thing in the title and asked for some help. That's it. There is zero reason for you to be hostile about it.
And you don't need to read anything into it either. I just couldn't find the thing I came looking for. Keep the attitude if you don't want to help.
And there are many people who don't have simple good manners either.
Tell me, when you come to a seed on this site, do you expect to have to Google something, or do you expect the content of the title to be found in the actual seed itself? And if you can't find it there, would you like to be pointed in the right direction, or would you prefer to be told to "Google it" along with a thick dose of crappy attitude?
Covid parties? Is that for real? If so, our country has officially become too stupid!
Covid parties? Is that for real? If so, our country has officially become too stupid!