Trump campaign calls Fox News poll 'fake' for showing Biden in the lead
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 24 commentsBy: Oliver Willis (The American Independent)

A phenomenon not unknown to those hereabouts!

By Oliver Willis - July 24, 2020 12:15 PM842
Fox News' Brian Kilmeade pushes back against White House and says Fox pollsters 'do a great job.'
Trump campaign spokesman Hogan Gidley on Friday called polling from Fox News showing Donald Trump behind Joe Biden "fake," prompting a quick rebuke from Fox host Brian Kilmeade.
Gidley alleged that Fox's pollsters "oversample Democrats," echoing allegations made by Trump, his administration, and his reelection campaign.
"I know the people who do the polls. They don't do a fake, they do a really good job," replied Kilmeade.
The exchange was unusual, as the conservative Fox News continues to be one of Trump's most stalwart allies.
Recent polling by Fox has shown Joe Biden with an 8-point national lead over Trump among registered voters. Fox's polling also shows Biden ahead of Trump in key swing states such as Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. Fox's polls are in line with other national polls showing a consistent Biden lead.
From the July 24 edition of "Fox & Friends":
HOGAN GIDLEY: You touched on some polls. Most of those are fake, I'll be honest, they oversample Democrats.
But let's also talk about another instance here. We've had more than 1.1 billion views across our social media platforms for Donald Trump. He's not even really on those social media platforms all that much. Joe Biden, however, comes out the other day for a Q-and-A, he promotes it, he's on camera, and he has 19 people watching it at one time. I think 17 of those were network news anchors and reporters just trying to figure out how to donate. The other two were staffers.
The fact is, the enthusiasm, the excitement is all on our side, and we know this. Our supporters will stand through rain, sleet, snow, hail, and crawl across broken glass to vote for Donald Trump. Joe Biden's supporters won't even click on a link to watch him do a Q-and-A. It's absolutely embarrassing. We have the momentum, we know we're going to do well in November.
BRIAN KILMEADE, Fox News: I just, I say, I know the people who do the polls. They don't do a fake, they do a really good job. They might not be accurate in the end, I don't know, but they do a great job —
GIDLEY: Well doesn't accuracy determine - I know the people are great, but doesn't the accuracy determine how great it is?
KILMEADE: I'm not saying they're Nostradamus, but I'm just saying their math, and they're professionals, so I just - don't call the Fox News pollsters fake.
GIDLEY: Of course. Well, the methodology's flawed, at the very least, how's that?
Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

Can Trump even get to be any more preposterous?
Actually I've known this all along: Fox news is....TADA...Fake News!
And I can tell you this. Many people are saying that Fox News is .... a SOCIALIST!!! site. (That I can tell you).
Can Trump even get to be any more preposterous?
Yes, and dangerously so...
Would you like some cheese with that Whine Trump?
Funny the gop cannot find one poll they can believe!
Just beware any poll where the numbers are written with a sharpie.
The November numbers are all that count...... screw the polls, get out the vote, and lets remove this fascist from the WH.
Donald Trump, fake President.