Coronavirus update: Birx in Trump's crosshairs for 'new phase' as WHO warns on vaccine hopes
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 7 commentsBy: Anjalee Khemlani Senior Reporter Yahoo Finance

Dr Deborah Birx told CNN of the advice she gave the president. ‘I’ve never been called pollyannish, or non-scientific, or non-data driven.’ Photograph: REX/Shutterstock
Deborah Birx’s bleak assessment of the coronavirus outbreak entering “a new phase” in the U.S. put her in President Donald Trump’s crosshairs on Monday, exposing new divisions among top officials as the disease continues to spread unchecked.
Over the weekend, Birx re-emerged after an extended hiatus from the public, telling CNN in an interview that COVID-19 is now “extraordinarily widespread” in both rural and urban areas, which is different from March and April when it was concentrated in the Northeast.
She added that the disease was entering a “new phase,” which echoed remarks made last week by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Even as reports emerged that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had blasted Birx for “enabling” some of the president’s remarks about the virus — and Birx taking fire for her staunch defense of the president — Trump hit out at the White House coronavirus task force coordinator for a “pathetic” response.
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Dr. Dara Kass, Yahoo Finance Medical contributor, told Yahoo Finance on Monday that “unfortunately, it’s not a new phase of disease. We’ve never seen the decrease in number of cases to truly think that we have taken care of this virus.”
The state of play put new pressure on Trump who continues to face criticism from health experts over an inconsistent national strategy, and for politicizing mask-wearing.
In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!
Time for the White House to purchase yet another bus for the WH parking lot!
(Needed to throw Birx under, as the spaces under the present buses are now totally full of so many of Trump's staff he's thrown under them!
"Monoclonal antibodies can be used both as a preventive and defensive treatment, according to Fauci. “ Great news he sounds optimistic.
Dammit, she told the truth, that is verboten in this administration.
I swear the man's brain stopped maturing in kindergarten.
And they have the nerve to say Biden is lacking in mental capacity...