
The MAGA President Remade America as a Shithole Country


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  tessylo  •  4 years ago  •  11 comments

By:   Alexander Heffner, Daily Beast

The MAGA President Remade America as a Shithole Country

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


The MAGA President Remade America as a Shithole Country

Alexander Heffner

63bb9d90-bb4c-11ea-bedf-3bfe90bc44a5 August 11, 2020, 4:36 AM


Alex Wong/Getty Images

If COVID-19 is a war against the “China Virus,” as Trump insists,   America lost miserably .

The nation is quarantined, fearful of a virus raging uncontrollably because the president surrendered. The 160,000 lost souls so far have already surpassed American deaths in every overseas war save World War II.

This is, as Nancy Pelosi has said, the “Trump Virus” because this administration actually facilitated its spread. Authoritarian tweets aren’t the only third-world reality of his presidency; a deliberate anti-science policy begat a festering illiteracy and evisceration of our public health. We are now   the shithole country in the toilet —not the shining city on the hill—thanks to the president’s disinterest in protecting Americans. Our passports are a red flag to the world because of the failure to mitigate the infection rate here.

America Is on Track for a Million Coronavirus Cases a Day, and at Least 800,000 Deaths, by the End of 2020

As   Katherine Eban’s reporting   crystallized, Trump, Jared Kushner and company   wilfully   denied vital health care and equipment to Democratic-majority states and cities. By refusing to activate a genuine national emergency plan, Trump immobilized America at the initial epicenters of the crisis, and quickly left us with the world’s worst pandemic response. At every turn, Trump incited civil unrest rather than encourage a disciplined and united approach to social distancing.

There is more to blame than Trump alone. Gov. Andrew Cuomo likewise ignored the body counts in China and Europe to initially downplay the pandemic’s deadliness. But Cuomo eventually followed the science instead of gaslighting, and a governor is not a president.

After I called out Trump’s genocidal negligence on cable television last weekend, his cultists trolled my inbox. There is nothing that makes them more madly defensive than the guilt of supporting a treasonous wartime president, under whose watch there have been scores of thousands of preventable deaths, and whose day of reckoning awaits on November 3.

What upsets them most is direct and truthful language. They know but won’t admit Trump is responsible for the greatest homeland insecurity in U.S. history. First attacking disproportionately Black Americans in metropolises, the virus has now spread all across rural and suburban parts.

Public health and the survival of our democracy are not supposed to be partisan issues. They are in 2020. Since Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP super-donor, began defunding the USPS and instituting new rules to end overtime and curtail delivery hours, Americans have reported extreme delays and suspensions in Democratic-voting cities. As   The Philadelphia Inquirer   reported, many people in majority-Black zip codes can no longer rely on getting paychecks, medication, and other essentials delivered; their votes are similarly endangered.

There’s no need for Democrats on the Hill to invite DeJoy to deliver song-and-dance testimony. It’s self-evident that he is attempting to ratfuck, on Trump’s behalf, the postal service and to cripple the franchise for Democrats specifically this fall.

All those challenging Trump this November can’t be afraid to say so. We are all witness to his failings, and potential victims of them. If Trump is re-elected, there is no trust we can place in the scientific soundness of a rushed government show-vaccine.

COVID-19 has terrorized the nation because of Trump’s genocidal negligence, which now is increasingly a pretext for manipulating the vote.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Tessylo    4 years ago

If COVID-19 is a war against the “China Virus,” as Trump insists,      America lost miserably   .

The nation is quarantined, fearful of a virus raging uncontrollably because the president surrendered. The 160,000 lost souls so far have already surpassed American deaths in every overseas war save World War II.

This is, as Nancy Pelosi has said, the “Trump Virus” because this administration actually facilitated its spread. Authoritarian tweets aren’t the only third-world reality of his presidency; a deliberate anti-science policy begat a festering illiteracy and evisceration of our public health. We are now      the shithole country in the toilet   —not the shining city on the hill—thanks to the president’s disinterest in protecting Americans. Our passports are a red flag to the world because of the failure to mitigate the infection rate here.

Professor Principal
2  seeder  Tessylo    4 years ago

After I called out Trump’s genocidal negligence on cable television last weekend, his cultists trolled my inbox. There is nothing that makes them more madly defensive than the guilt of supporting a treasonous wartime president, under whose watch there have been scores of thousands of preventable deaths, and whose day of reckoning awaits on November 3.

What upsets them most is direct and truthful language. They know but won’t admit Trump is responsible for the greatest homeland insecurity in U.S. history. First attacking disproportionately Black Americans in metropolises, the virus has now spread all across rural and suburban parts.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Tessylo @2    4 years ago

Trump is an Agent of CHAOS. Chaos is a tool of SATAN!

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.1    4 years ago
Trump is an Agent of CHAOS.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  Tessylo    4 years ago

Public health and the survival of our democracy are not supposed to be partisan issues. They are in 2020. Since Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP super-donor, began defunding the USPS and instituting new rules to end overtime and curtail delivery hours, Americans have reported extreme delays and suspensions in Democratic-voting cities. As   The Philadelphia Inquirer   reported, many people in majority-Black zip codes can no longer rely on getting paychecks, medication, and other essentials delivered; their votes are similarly endangered.

There’s no need for Democrats on the Hill to invite DeJoy to deliver song-and-dance testimony. It’s self-evident that he is attempting to ratfuck, on Trump’s behalf, the postal service and to cripple the franchise for Democrats specifically this fall.

All those challenging Trump this November can’t be afraid to say so. We are all witness to his failings, and potential victims of them. If Trump is re-elected, there is no trust we can place in the scientific soundness of a rushed government show-vaccine.

COVID-19 has terrorized the nation because of Trump’s genocidal negligence, which now is increasingly a pretext for manipulating the vote.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
4  Dismayed Patriot    4 years ago

Anyone with even a little bit of sense saw this coming. Dishonest Donald has a long history of promising to rebuild bigger and better, tearing things down, starting the rebuild project and taking all the cheers and credit upfront, then get's half way through the project, files for bankruptcy after sucking millions off the sucker investors he conned and then all the workers and contractors who trusted him get paid pennies on the dollar and his investors are left deep in the hole.

lady in black
Professor Quiet
5  lady in black    4 years ago

The WORST person in the entire world to have in the white house during this crisis.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
5.1  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  lady in black @5    4 years ago

"The WORST person in the entire world to have in the white house during this crisis."

Next, to SATAN, that is!

Satan is Trump's religious guide.

Why do Evangelicals believe that GOD anointed this three-time married, serial adulterer, accused child sex rapist, and proven compulsive LIAR the man that their GOD wants to be president?

Who the HELL is the "Talking-In-Tongues," rollin' in the aisles, backwoods preaching EVIL-GENITALS, anyway?

When confronted with that statement they always revert to their standard line, "Well, those are wicked things Trump did before he became president. Now, he is SAVED and washed in the blood." 

I'll say he is "washed in the blood of 166,000 DEAD COVID VICTIMS," due to his neglect and incompetence.

Evangelicals are FAKE CHRISTIANS, worship a Fake POTUS, Real POS, Donald J. Trump!

It was bad enough when they were handling deadly snakes to prove their religious devotion to the Blonde, Blued-eyed, White, Velvet painted God.

Generation after generation of gulping down home-made Moonshine must have permanently damaged their progenitors' bloodline


Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
6  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    4 years ago

Trump is the DISEASE, COVID19 is one of his pathogens. 

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
7  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    4 years ago


Trump is going downhill fast. But, not fast enough for some of us!

Professor Principal
8  seeder  Tessylo    4 years ago



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