Fox ' Britt Hume : Trump Has Mental Problems

Hume appeared to acknowledge that the sitting president of the United States has mental problems .
Fox News' everybody's grandpa inadvertently spilled the beans on Trump wednesday afternoon as he was trying to ridicule Joe Biden yet again .
Hume appeared to acknowledge that the sitting president of the United States has mental problems .
Hume's pitch was essentially 'He (Trump) may have mental problems , but he's not as bad as the other guy.'
Somehow it's hard to imagine Trump being assuaged by the qualifier in the second half of the sentence.
What this faux pas demonstrates how impossible it is to criticize Biden's verbal stumbles without acknowledging that Trump is the same or worse.
Hume's pitch was essentially 'He (Trump) may have mental problems , but he's not as bad as the other guy.'
Is that the exact quote?
Remember - there is always a military aide only a few feet away from the President - with the launch codes .
And he "MAY have mental problems"?
That's a toughie - is it better to have a president with mental problems who is senile or not senile?
When he said "he may have mental problems" he didnt mean "may" as in it's possible, he meant "may" as in "he does" .... but..... the other guy is worse.
So...what mental problems does Trump exhibit?
Just asking, cuz Biden's are so plainly obvious
To me it looks like he is afflicted with narcissism, compulsive lying and paranoia.
Those are not illnesses, or even really disorders
You asked about mental problems:
You did not ask about illnesses or disorders.
They can be symptoms of both Illnesses and disorders.
The key here, I submit, is that there is no denial that Trump is afflicted with narcissism, compulsive lying and paranoia.
Why would we seek to reelect a PotUS with such mental problems?
He exhibited these same deficiencies during his 2016 campaign, although not to the degree to which he exhibits them now. However, I still think his issues were problematic enough that he should have withdrawn from the campaign.
Those that seek to reelect him, especially those in his inner circle (starting but not limited to his extended family), all have personal agendas that can only be met if Trump is in office. That said, I'm thinking that history will not be kind to the Kushners.
I found it interesting that Cindy McCain prominently brought Senator McCain into the D convention. I was a little surprised that Jeb Bush did not have a speaking slot.
My point, of course, is that Trump is undesirable to a great many Rs. The economy and comfort of the electorate was serving him well to override the negatives of his abysmal character and less-than-stellar popularity among Rs. COVID-19, however, has hurt his main claim to fame (the economy) but much worse, it has caused the electorate to be uncomfortable. People are stressed; life is not as good as it was prior to COVID-19. Then, to make things even worse for Trump, it is clear that he did not take COVID-19 seriously enough and failed to manage the situation. Now the USA is far behind other nations. We are bracing for a second wave while other nations have this pandemic under control. Thus Trump will be blamed, appropriately, for the current stressed-out electorate.
That is a reasonable question.
i'll take the senile dude, over the mental deficient over under achieving Orange pop tart, N E FCKN DAY !
Any senility exhibited by Trump is massively obscured by his juvenility; which in a man his age manifests as incredible stupidity. The president gets into twitter battles over puerile subjects all the time. His speeches have been run through an app used by the military to gauge the vocabulary grade level of manuals; Trump’s is fourth grade. No other president is anywhere near that low. Listening to him read is simply embarrassing. He has basically no attention span, he does not read the PDBs; actually, he does not read. It is beyond difficult to get him to sit still for a briefing. Bannon said in 2017 he is “like an 11-year-old child”, Tillerson called him a “fucking moron”, Mattis said “We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”. Kelly went on record agreeing with Mattis. Trump contradicts himself inside a single sentence. People put a corrupt, narcissistic, idiot child in the White House. Who could have imagined that that would have a down side.
I do wonder how many distinguished Americans calling Trump a moron can dance on the head of a pin before Trump's true believer moron cultists will wake up and smell the covfefe.
I can make myself invisible.
Tell those of us with an IQ above 110 we don't know Mr. Hume.