Man suspected in deadly Portland shooting is '100% ANTIFA'
Category: News & Politics
Via: dean-moriarty • 5 years ago • 148 commentsBy: nypost (New York Post)
Antifa goon murders Trump supporter in Portland.
By Lee Brown
August 31, 2020 | 8:21am |Updated August 31, 2020 | 9:19am
An ex-military man who calls himself "100% ANTIFA" and ready for "war" is being investigated over the deadly shooting of a President Trump supporter in Portland, according to a report.
Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated over the death of Aaron Danielson, a "supporter" of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday, police sources told The Oregonian.
He was identified in part to a distinctive tattoo on his neck of a "black power" fist — as well as a call from his estranged sister who recognized him in video and photos of the deadly attack, the paper said.
The 36-year-old sister — who The Oregonian agreed not to name — was first alerted after a threatening call that woke her at 8 a.m. Sunday warning that "our whole family was in danger unless we turned him over."
"We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots" from the shooting, she told the paper.
The father-of-two is estranged from most of his family — including his parents — after stealing from them, the sister said.
"On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite," she said. "But he's also been very impulsive and irrational."
Portland police hold back a man who was with the victim of a fatal shooting.Nathan Howard/Getty Images
She decried the shooting as "not the solution" to the nation's problems.
"Violence begets violence and hatred begets hatred. This is not the solution. My heart goes out to the victim. It always has, before I even knew my brother was involved."
Reinoehl, who has a son and daughter, regularly posts about Black Lives Matter and the protests on his social media — which is now swamped with threats and pro-Trump messages in the comments.
"Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight," he wrote in June, comparing it to his time in the Army.
"I am 100 % ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters!" he said, insisting he would not "run" from violence.
"It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties," he wrote, calling protesters and ANTIFA "my brothers in arms."
He also claims to have been hit by a rubber bullet while working "security" at protests, and most recently posted video of a flag being burned by a mob chanting "F-k Trump."
Reinoehl was cited at a July 5 protest on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police, The Oregonian said.
He was given a date to appear in court later that month, but the allegations were dropped on July 30 with a "no complaint," according to court records. No reason was given, and the Multnomah County District Attorney's office said it was reviewing the case.
A man is treated after being shot in Portland..AP/Paula Bronstein
He had a slew of other charges — including being accused of racing his 17-year-old son at speeds of up to 111 mph in June, the paper said, citing state police.
He was also previously charged with having a loaded Glock pistol, which he didn't have a concealed handgun license for, when once stopped with his 11-year-old daughter as a passenger, police told the paper.
Portland Police Bureau did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Antifa kills Trump supporter in Portland.
This sounds like 100% bullshit.
It's not like you weren't warned.
About what? Crazy extremists?
Plenty of those to go around.
Bumper stickers vs murder? I think somebody has a problem with priorities.
Vic...the guy that owns/ed this van threatened to kill people who were anti-trmpers. Remember that guy from last summer?
He sent them pipe bombs. Fortunately he was too dumb to know how to make them right.
No, I don't. Did he make good on those threats?
You mean he was just mouthing off? How does that compare with murder???????
That's what it was. Thanks, John
You know, I'm not being fair. If I can't remember what that guy did, I certainly shouldn't expect low information right wingers to remember
He actually made pipe bombs and sent them to liberals.
Fortunately for all involved he was too STOOPID to do the job right. It's just too bad the first one he made didn't blow his fool hand off
He sent them Vic. He didnt know how to make them right and they didnt go off.
Vic doesn't remember and he doesn't care
And that somehow justifies all the mayhem and murder that democrat mayors have allowed?
It's just too bad the first one he made didn't blow his fool hand off
And be careful to say it that way so nobody flags you for a death wish.
And that is your defense of this act of murder? Iv'e yet to hear you condemn the murder.
Readers please take note.
that's not death wishing
but feel free to flag it, Vic. I know your flagging finger is itching
By who? I don't take anything you or BF, or what any tRumpturd supporter, says seriously.
Of course not, you carefully said you only wished he blew his hand off.
They only care about their anti-fa boogiemen, when right wing exremists/agitators outweigh the violence (and any alleged killing by anti-fa)1,000 times over.
In Vic's world if you point a gun at someone's head, pull the trigger and the gun misfires, you not guilty of attempted murder... wtf?
then why mention it as flag-worthy? Trying to get my goat? You have to find it first
That's a crazy, mixed up world. The only difference in your scenario between a capital murder charge and an attempted murder charge is a faulty gun
That's one of the great lies of the left. Obviously, as we are seeing ALL THE VIOLENCE IS COMING FROM ONE DIRECTION - THE LEFT!
In my world we stay on topic. There is no need for whataboutism.
FACT: Neither you nor any of the other lefties here will condemn that murder!
Nope, 99.99999999% is coming from the 'right' which has been spurred on by the 'president'
should be locked up for life
Well, looks like Dismayed and I both disabused you of that fact.
No, when I made the statement, it was a fact. You both have since made your condemnations. I like to think I inspired you to do the right thing.
keep dreaming, Vic. You couldn't inspire bread dough to rise
I condemned this killer in my first comment on the subject, your expected condemnation of the left wing extremist motivated no one to follow suit. Perhaps if you condemn right wing extremism as vociferously and stop seeming to defend them you might be able to inspire other right wing fellows to do the same, but I don't really expect that to ever happen.
Vic, this was national news, even Fox covered it. That's why I didn't feel the need for a caption or story link. Everybody in this country heard about it. News was headlined for weeks until they caught the guy.
I guess Trump supporters finally got their wish.
I have never condoned the ANTIFA movement and always called for any of these disparate groups who make up the movement to be held to account for any of their crimes, whether it's violence or vandalism. Up till now there hasn't been a single death tied to their movement which was their only saving grace that set them apart from the dozens and dozens of known murders committed by right wing extremists. Now it appears one of them has escalated the violence to murder to match the right wing murderers they claim to be pushing back against. Both sides need to be loudly condemned and rejected by the rational Americans on both sides of the center which is where the vast majority of Americans are, not out on these extremes. It's true, right wing extremists have FAR more blood on their hands, but those on the left extreme now have blood on their as well and need to be held accountable.
It''s like they couldn't wait for antifa to murder someone
Right now only one has to be condemned for one murder. Are you up to it?
And how about you? Can you condemn an antifa member for murder? Are you that radical, that you can't even do that?
Oh, I absolutely can. This thug/punk antifa should get the death penalty.
Now that I've condemned'll forget that I did
Only one? Let me remind you: Rittenhouse, and that's for two murders.
Yup, and this killer Rittenhouse is only 1 of the 'right' wing agitators, killers. Just 1 out of legion.
You have just given yourself some credibility.
There is one.
He's not the topic here. Maybe you should do a story on vigilantism and why it happened.
Frankly, Vic, I don't care what you think about my credibility.
I know, your'e a progressive and you need to hurl some nastiness at me. It's ok, we have anonymity & lot's of distance between us.
BTW, it's not what I think of you. It was the objective observer thinks.
Do I condemn this guy? Of course I do as I thought I made fairly clear. That doesn't mean I can't condemn the right wing shooter from just days before as well.
As for condemning ANTIFA who are still a bunch of disparate groups making up a movement, I condemn any and all self appointed members who commit crimes. As a concept however, as an ideology, I believe there is nothing wrong with being anti-fascist. On the other side, right wing ideology, as a concept, I believe is vile, misogynistic, xenophobic and based primarily on bullshit fantasies of white male Christian superiority. It is also FAR more violent and has taken hundreds of American lives. Are those on the right willing to condemn right wing ideology that has motived dozens and dozens of right wing extremists to murder?
You do your share of throwing nastiness around
We all condemn the murdering thug and thugs that are on both sides of this violence. However, that doesn't fit the narrative the righties at NT have constructed for us. They want us to only condemn the violence on the right so they can do their tit for tat and then pat themselves on the back and tell each other..."look at how much classier we are?"
They never considered that many liberals/ progressives are law abiding citizens and understand law and order. And we don't want "free stuff". We want to earn it
How about how we feel about your credibility?
Ok there's two
Only to those who earned it!
Never as an emotional response.
You don't deal in facts or substance.
My comment provides clarification to your comment.
Don’t you claim to be a lawyer? Is calling for the murder of innocents something the bar association supports?
i didn’t realize killing innocent people who support the wrong candidate is “justice” for other crimes.
Your comment should be directed at someone who calls for the murder of innocents, or killing or injury to people who support "the wrong candidate". It's not me and that inference cannot possibly be drawn from anything I have said. Your comment is total B.S
Try Donald "I'd like to punch him in the face" Trump perhaps.
So besides connecting the murder of a man on the street to an event in another state and implying another murder of an innocent Is called for, you specifically endorsed a comment calling for the hunting down and murder of tea partiers among others.
removed for context
Your comment is insane. Ok then, so besides implying the Holocaust was a great triumph and should be repeated in America, you specifically endorsed a comment calling for the hunting down and murder of doctors who provide abortion and family planning services.
So the Portland DA let him go without charges after he was arrested for carrying a loaded handgun And resisting arrest in July. That says it all.
Remember that the next time Dems call for gun control or say trump is to blame for the violence. Rioting and violating gun laws are not crimes in democratic cities.
So, we will no longer be hearing that antifa hasn't killed anyone?
Unless this guy has a notarized acceptance letter in Antifa , a receipt for dues and is on Video taking an oath to Antifa within 24 hours of murdering a guy for wearing a hat, they’ll claim he’s a right wing provocateur,.
Worst case, they’ll claim he was tricked into doing this by a white supremacist.
They'll say anything. Our readers get it!
heh, you could count all your readers without having to take your socks off.
I have quite a few. You've been a big part of that.
As a matter of fact I believe it was he who always used to say "antifa has never killed anyone"
Yeah that's funny isn't it - 'our readers'.
They don't realize that by simply refusing to condemn the murder, that they, themselves have become the issue.
We have yet to hear the specifics on who is behind all of the violence. On the other hand, there can be no doubt about who allowed it - democratic mayors!
I can recall when a democratic mayor cleaned up a huge violent protest.
His name was Richard J Daley
Who’s surprised this isn’t as big a story as the Charlottesville murder? Innocent person murdered by deranged political fanatic. Very similar cases.
Will Biden condemn all protesters? Because if he says some protesters are good people and Antifa should be condemned, that means he thinks Antifa are fine people, per left wing English.
I'll tell you what is not similar. When you go to a place of demonstrations vs counter demonstrations, you go accepting an element of danger. When you attend a speech/rally, you should be able to go without fear for your personal safety.
Not surprised how many progressives are openly rooting to kill more people for disagreeing with them here.
they try, but the violent fanaticism always comes out. Sad to see.
The veil has come off. Not long ago they wouldn't dare admit they were for reducing Police dept budgets, open borders or diluting citizenship. They've become very brazen or maybe it took one man to get them to show their true colors?
This kind of thing will continue, and it will get worse, until mayors start doing their job to enforce the law and secure public safety.
Locked in the absence of the seeder.
Too many off topic comments & personal comments.