Trump's 'plane loaded with thugs' conspiracy theory matches months-old rumor
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 31 commentsBy: Ben Collins (NBC News)

Trump is our fake lyingass gossip monger in chief...

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Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. SUBSCRIBE Sept. 1, 2020, 12:32 PM UTC By Ben Collins
The conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump pushed Monday that a plane "almost completely loaded with thugs" had been set to disrupt the Republican National Convention was almost identical to a rumor that went viral on Facebook three months ago.
In an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Trump claimed that "we had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that."
He then claimed the matter was "under investigation right now."
There is no evidence of any such flight. When Ingraham asked for more information about the flight, the president said, "I'll tell you sometime." He then alleged the people had been headed to Washington to disrupt the RNC.
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Before mentioning the uniformed men who allegedly boarded the plane, Trump claimed that there are "people that are in the dark shadows" and "people that you haven't heard of" controlling Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Ingraham pressed the president for more details and said it sounded like he was alleging a conspiracy.
"They're people that are on the streets. They're people that are controlling the streets," Trump said.
The claim about the flight matches a viral Facebook post from June 1 that falsely claimed, "At least a dozen males got off the plane in Boise from Seattle, dressed head to toe in black." The post, by an Emmett, Idaho, man, warned residents to "Be ready for attacks downtown and residential areas," and claimed one passenger had "a tattoo that said Antifa America on his arm."
That post was shared over 3,000 times on Facebook, and other pages from Idaho quickly added their own spin to it, like the Idaho branch of the far-right militia group 3 Percenters.
One post claimed that "Antifa has sent a plane load of their people" and that the Payette County Sheriff's Office confirmed it. Within days, that version of the rumor picked up enough steam in Idaho Facebook groups that the Payette County Sheriff's Office had to release a statement insisting that the viral rumor was "false information."
Trump visit to Kenosha has some concerned it could reignite tensions there
Sept. 1, 2020 01:45
Rumors of marauding bands of Antifa supporters have plagued local Facebook groups, chain emails and forwarded text messages since mid-May. One of the most viral rumors on an Antifa invasion into the suburbs was taken down after Twitter said it was created by a troll account with ties to white nationalists.
Some armed Americans took to town squares in several towns to fight off fictitious busloads of Antifa in June, spurred by false rumors on Facebook pages. Seven days after the original Idaho rumor went viral on Facebook, armed men stood guard over protests in Missoula, Montana, worried about the planeloads of Antifa supporters.
Ben Collins
Ben Collins covers disinformation, extremism and the internet for NBC News.

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Thank Goodness our National Nightmare is ending...
With the end of the Trump "Reality Show."
Those weren't thugs. They were members of the RNC wearing black in mourning for the death of Trump's campaign.
Could you imagine how the right would react if this story was reversed?
"The conspiracy theory that Vice President Joe Biden pushed Monday that a plane "almost completely loaded with Nazi's" had been set to disrupt the Democrat National Convention was almost identical to a rumor that went viral on Facebook three months ago. In an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Biden claimed that "we had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with Nazi's, wearing MAGA hats, black uniforms, with swastika gear and this and that".
He then claimed the matter was "under investigation right now.
There is no evidence of any such flight. Maddow asked for more information about the flight, the vice president said, "I'll tell you sometime." He then alleged the people had been headed to Wisconsin to disrupt the DNC."
People on the right would be losing their minds screaming about what a liar and fake he is for making such outrageous false claims. Sadly, with Trump doing it it's just another Tuesday... No one is surprised in the least and half of Trump supporters buy into the bullshit and the other half just chortle and claim they love how Trump "triggers" progressives with his many lies.
I'll tell you sometime.
Right. Crawl back under your rock Donald. We'll let out... sometime.
Correction" "We'll let you out..."
We have a conspiracy-theorist in charge of us, with nuclear codes. And, conservatives are "OKAY!" with that. Now if Joe Biden was a conspiracy-theorist what would the landscape look like? Donald is tin-foil loopy (with control of this nation's secrets and nuclear codes).
Donald is heaving the kitchen sink at us already.
Russians are interfering in our elections (again). We need a president who will stand up to Putin, who poisons his political challengers. Trump is seriously crazy. And is supporting Russia's Putin. Why?
Russians are interfering in our elections (
Sure are. They got just busted running a propaganda site that supports the riots and attacks trump. Unsurprisingly, a lot of it’s propaganda consisted of stealing articles from left wing journalists and reposting them.
Take it upstairs, Sean. I won't be spending time in dull understandings today. See ya. @7.1.1
They weren't "attacking Trump", they were pretending to be supposed violent ANTIFA intentionally stirring up right wing extremists by feeding them the same bullshit narrative that all the "liberals" are the real violent folk even though it's right wing extremists who are the most deadly domestic terrorists in America as they have been for the last decade.
Pure fantasy Sean. Apparently they were inciting violence at the protests, something right wing Boogaloo bois were trying to do as well, and then directing web traffic to Biden's campaign site to make it appear as if ANTIFA was somehow officially connected to Biden.
"Based on copies of the site on the Internet Archive, it was blank from 2013 until June of this year when it began to feature a message in support of the protests that erupted around the U.S. following the killing of George Floyd. The page declared, “we are actively increasing Membership” but provided no contact information for anyone interested in joining.
“We Are Antifa: Join Us & Take Action,” the note said, adding, “More to come ... Check back regularly for updates & How you can be part of something that is changing the world".
" people in control of any website can redirect to another, without the permission or even knowledge of the second site"
It seems Trump's claims of a plane full of thugs is true.
Here is the proof.
Pre-covid ?
If not pre-COVID, then there was not only a plane full of thugs, but, also a plane full of totally brainless people for not wearing any masks.
Just like a ship of fools.
If you look closely there are a number of Trump administration people there. Jim Jorden, Ben Carson, and others.
Truly a ship of fools.
Ben Carson is still alive?
Super gay.
I will never let myself look like such a tool (outside of unit photos from the USMC).