Trump threatens to call off 2020 election with executive order saying Biden can't serve as president - Raw Story

Published on September 19, 2020
By Bob Brigham
With polls showing President Donald Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential campaign, the incumbent appears nervous that he might lose a fair vote.
At a campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Saturday, Trump spoke for over 90 minutes.
In addition to vowing he will "fill" the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and accusations that Biden has performance-enhancing drugs injected in his ass, Trump threatened to call off the election by banning Biden from running.
"You can't have this guy as your president," Trump argued.
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"You can't have — maybe I'll sign an executive order, you cannot have him as your president," Trump argued as his supporters cheered.
Trump: Maybe I'll sign an executive order, you can't have him as your president
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) September 20, 2020

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Trump, mad with power, must be whooped badly...
Whats worse, he sincerely believes his supporters approve of such comments, probably because they do.
This nonsense is being normalized, just by the fact that the 70% of the country that are not Trump fanatics don't denounce it every day. We have 50% denouncing it, but we need the 70%, then there would be less anxiety about the election. Buck up independents and moderates.
because we have a sense of humor and know he can NOT do that... LOL
it takes a special kind of stupid to believe he was serious or would even try something like that.
Trump is a joke but he's not funny.
your opinion has been duly ignored
have a great day
Yes, because he knows they like a good joke. Especially a joke that trolls the opposition. He even said he was joking and it still got people upset. That makes it even funnier.
Presidents of the United States should not behave like buffoons - or am I too old school?
I wouldnt mind Trump "joking" once in a while if he had some wit. Instead he's about as funny as a Police Academy movie.
Critics ConsensusUtterly, completely, thoroughly and astonishingly unfunny, Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol sends a once-innocuous franchise plummeting to agonizing new depths.
Total Count: 20Trump is so full of shit that his eyes are brown. He can not override the US Constitution with a bs EO.
Did you watch the video? He told the crowd he was joking.
And even then, we have this. I'm convinced that some people just want to be angry.
even still, the left believes it to be true...
because - they are not the brightest kids on the block
It appears that many low information liberals are unable to discern or understand jokes and satire when it is mockingly directed towards them. Normal, rational, intelligent, decent people have no such problem understanding Trump, and enjoy watching him drive befuddled left wingers and the media nuts. He's been doing this for four years now and they still don't "get it".
I can't get over how dumb this story is. Somebody with a job in journalism wrote this nonsense and expects to be taken seriously.
Incredibly! Somebody did. Just amazing.
When you define yourself by how outraged you can be, you always take shit like that seriously. Because it feeds the outrage. The rest of us laugh at the obvious joke.
And just in case, if it wasn't obvious to you, he prefaced the joke with:
But even THEN! Even then, if you are so deliberately intent on being bent out of shape that you take his words seriously, they only equate to eliminating Biden from consideration. It doesn't equal canceling the election like the headline says.
So once again we see that even with insane, extreme TDS driving the story, they have to exaggerate to make it even worse than the initial warping of the truth.
If you cannot see the truth that the shit that spews from the asshole in chiefs mouth is not only divisive, it is detrimental to us all.
If one cannot see sheer hypocrisy, there is no help.
If one thinks rule with an extreme conservative majority is somehow a good thing, one is being totally if not willfully blind.
I have actually come to the conclusion that if/when the US would fail, the conservative assholes that looked to block any sort of reform that could have occurred, have to live in their own filth.
Then I wonder if that would even be a hell.
Totally void of even an ounce of integrity, the lying, thieving, negligent scofflaw Trump praises Ginsburg and then spits in her eye by ignoring her last wish in order to trumpet (so to speak) Republican hypocrisy by appointing a SCOTUS Judge only a few weeks before he will most likely be defeated in the election. What an unbelievable symbol of America that piece of shit is - blackening the name and reputation of America around the world.
Her last wish was to not be replaced until there is a new president. Ignoring for a moment that justices are - in theory - not supposed to be political, do you really imagine that a justice has a right to expect a president to nominate a justice based on her wishes (whatever they might be)?
Any president should ignore such a wish. It is his constitutional responsibility and authority in conjunction with the advice and consent of the Senate. Justices do not name their replacements. Ever.
And do you actually think donald and his pick would be the best option?
I should have prefaced this with, if you do, you no longer have any credibility.
Hypocrisy - and how do you spin that? Trump is succeeding in making America a pariah nation - NOT to be trusted.
That is irrelevant to what is being discussed. You either respect the terms of the Constitution on this matter or you don't. And if you don't, you have no credibility.
No hypocrisy and no spin. Try reading the Constitution.
Oh, does your Constitution say it was okay for Mitch McConnell to make an opposite ruling as to appointing a new Justice than he did for Garland? Seems like hypocrisy to me, but then I haven't read your Constitution.
Yepp... perfectly legal under the constitution. not even a dent.
your confusing us with china... the world has relearned an old lesson.
never trust communists.
the thought of hillary and the left seating 3 justices on our court is sickening.
we thank god "she lost every single day
so yepp... trumps picks are the best and only viable option for our future.
this would be why we made sure to take the senate
Granted that it's perfectly legal in America to be a hypocrite even if you are supposed to be a representative of the people (like his constituents protesting in front of his home).
Since you're obviously well versed in your Constitution, if Trump calls off the election, then come January, who is going to be your POTUS? Calling off the election means nobody will be elected, but if it means he would continue as POTUS, then he can be just like Abbas and Putin - maybe that's what he wants.
sorry, but that ain't gonna happen.
it takes a special kind of stupid to think trump was being serious when he said that.
everyone knows he was joking around except for the tds ridden among us
trump is representing the people - regardless if the left likes it or not.
the left is getting the same representation the right had under obama.
us "bitter clingers and bible thumpers" are having the last laugh.
Trump is the very definition of "special kind of stupid".
Trump has no sense of humor, he doesn't "joke", he floats crazy insane things as ideas because he's a fucking dumb shit and then says he was joking when people around him laugh it off.
He's representing himself and was elected by a minority of bitter bigots whining about losing their white culture.
Hypocrisy: noun - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice, therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” - Mitch McConnell 2016
“I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that’s underway right now,” - Mitch McConnell 2016
“The Senate will continue to observe the ‘Biden rule’ so that the American people have a voice in this momentous decision on who to name to the court,” - Mitch McConnell 2016
“It seems the more we hear from Democrats about the Supreme Court the more we’re reminded by comparison of how reasonable and common-sense the Republican position is today.” - Mitch McConnell 2016
“One of my proudest moments was when I looked at Barack Obama in the eye and I said, ‘Mr. President, you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy,'” - Mitch McConnell 2016
“President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate,” - Mitch McConnell 2020
Conservative Republican hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. And all the lying and defending of it by Moscow Mitch's sniveling piece of filth supporters proves these are not patriotic Americans but weak cowardly partisans who would slit their own grandmothers throat if it meant a win.
Your question is unclear to me. McConnell did not make a ruling or appoint anyone. Maybe you could rephrase?
The Constitution gives the president the authority to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court, but it also requires the "advice and consent" of the Senate. The bottom line is that no one becomes a justice without the consent of the Senate. That undoubtedly pisses some people off, but that has been the law for the entire history of the Court. Not every nominee gets approved.
McConnell knew there was not enough votes in the Senate to approve Merrick Garland, so he spared the country pointless investigations and hearings. As leader of the Senate, that is his prerogative.
It's kind of hard to tell when he's joking when most of what he says is a joke. It makes it very convenient for the Trumpsters to say it was just a joke when he says something stupid.
We'll see in November who has the last laugh.
trump will win, but you can wait... no problem.
not if your from here ( and do not have tds )
your first clue would have been only the left's hair was on fire. everyone else was laughing.. LOL
a president can not simply call off an election ( make a note of this for future reference )
I get how a foreigner might get confused. no one born and raised here has a valid excuse
Perhaps my using the word "ruling" was incorrect, but Dismayed Patriot has made Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy absolutely clear.
so what does that say about the people who have been trying to take him down for almost 5 yrs and have failed every single time? I would call them an "extra special kind of stupid.
The fact that I'm not from there means that I don't feel the pressure of "party loyalties", and that I have a more objective viewpont than a person who IS from there. But that does not mean that I am ignorant of America and Americans, as I have spent considerable time in the USA, starting from being brought there for a visit as an infant carried in a basket by my mother to Baltimore which also happens to be the last American city I was in, for the wedding of my son. Since my trip in a basket I have travelled from Hawaii to Cape Cod, from Los Angeles to Boston, from Miami to Chicago, from Dallas to Buffalo, From St. Louis to Washington DC, from Palm Springs to Cincinnati, from Las Vegas to New York City, from Philadelphia to San Francisco. I shared ownership of a golf condo with my brother in Hollybrook, Florida for many years and spent considerable time there. I have attended many music festivals in many locations in the USA, perhaps the most iconic one being the Newport Folk Festival where I saw Bob Dylan get booed off the stage for going electric. I have had American girl friends from Buffalo, NYC, and Philadelphia, and having grown up an hour's drive from the US border I've spent a lot of time there. The very first TV station we could watch for quite a while, and we did, was WBEN-TV Buffalo. As well, I've been reading and having dialogue with Americans on an almost daily basis for about 13 years on Newsvine and then here. I THINK I can proffer comments about America and Americans without TDS or any other ridiculous identifications.
Conservative Republican hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
Imagine believing democrats hypocrisy on this subject knows any bounds.
It says they are intelligent determined patriotic Americans who don't want their nation run by an inept narcissistic misogynist moron authoritarian who monumentally failed the American people, fomented division, insulted our soldiers and veterans and lies non-stop. Most rational sane Americans won't give in to such a vile piece of filth or to those who support such scum just because they have won a few battles over the course of four years. The pendulum will swing back to justice and equality with a vengeance and it will be very interesting to watch all the sniveling bitter bigots whine and cry as they and their party are unceremoniously kicked out of power. When all of Trumps crimes are out in the daylight a third of America will be eating crow and pretending they never really supported such a heinous criminal.
patriots do not burn cities, businesses, and destroy countless lives in the process.
the left might say they are patriots, but no.
Wouldn't it be funny if Trump gets life in prison?
He should be charged with Negligent Homicide - tens of thousands of Americans died due to his negligence, admitted by his own words.
It would fit the guidelines for Depraved Indifference.
so far, 961,000 have died from chinas plague on the world.
blaming trump will not save china from their fate
is xi planning a celebration at 1 million dead?
before it is over xi will give mao a run for his money.
Data will help inform whether the Department of Justice will initiate investigations under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) regarding New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan’s response to COVID-19 in public nursing homes
every state that sent covid patients to nursing homes is governed by demoncrats. (go figure)
regardless of what the doj does - voters will remember