Three Days Out Of The Hospital , Trump Describes Himself As "A Perfect Physical Specimen"
I think we may be witnessing the final days of the rule of someone who is comparable in mentality to some of the old Roman emperors, perhaps like Caligula or Nero, nutcases who thought they were the state and they were the people. Caligula built statues of himself around Rome, Trump builds statues of himself in his own mind.
Bob Woodward was interviewed this morning and warned that the final 26 days of this campaign will likely be wild and unsettling to a lot of people. Trump is reaching the desperation stage and will say anything from this point forward.
President Donald Trump pronounced himself a “perfect physical specimen” on Fox Business as he brushed off the coronavirus infection that forced him into three days of hospitalization.
After rejecting the Commission on Presidential Debate’s plan to hold a virtual forum because of his infection, Trump claimed “there is nothing wrong” with himself and voiced his urge to resume campaign rallies “tonight”. The interview went on with Trump claiming “I don’t think I am contagious at all,” sneering at face masks, and Maria Bartiromo gushing about his “strong form” and “amazing” recovery.
“I’m back because I’m a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young,” Trump said. “So I am lucky in that way.”
As Trump denied any significant health problems, he went on by minimizing the virus and touting the drugs and therapeutics that have been put out to treat it. After saying he “didn’t feel great” at first, Trump then claimed “I think I would have done it fine without drugs. You know, don’t really need drugs.”
Again, this comes after Trump was hospitalized for three days, where he received top-grade medical attention around the clock and experimental treatments not available to the masses.
Watch above, via Fox Business.
Jan 21 cannot come too soon.
Hospital records show Trump actually weighs 322!
That’s a lie.
244 is still morbidly obese, or so my doctor tells me, lol.
Perfect specimen of a deranged narcissist, as far as the physical part...hell NO!
Mr. "perfect physical specimen" can't even go down a ramp without doing the Thorazine shuffle. If he is not letting cv dominate his life, then why did he get tested every day?
That's part of the problem PB, according to two different WH sources, the POTUS gets was getting tested "about every three days' and was very reluctant to do that.
They cannot say for sure when his last negative test was.
Wow, just wow. Where is this family? The man is clearly addled by his medicine at this point. Their only possible way out of this is to use his clear and evident health issues and his mental health issues as a reason to bow out at this point. His health issues are the only way they are going to get through the tax evasion issues or drag it out for years.