Christian Group Hits Trump: 'The Days Of Using Our Faith For Your Benefit Are Over' | HuffPost

The new bipartisan PAC Not Our Faith says Trump is not getting their support this time. By Ed Mazza10/15/2020 04:14 AM ET|Updated 5 hours ago
A new bipartisan Christian super PAC is taking on President Donald Trump with a new ad that accuses him of hypocrisy when it comes to matters of faith.
"Mr. President, the days of using our faith for your benefit are over," the ad from Not Our Faith warns. "We know you need the support of Christians like us to win this election. But you can't have it."
The spot also accuses Trump of "using Christianity for his own purposes," and shows footage of his Bible-toting photo op in front of St. John's Episcopal Church, across from the White House, after having peaceful protesters teargassed to clear the area for him.
Not Our Faith's advisory council includes Michael Wear, a faith adviser to former President Barack Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, and Autumn Vandehei, who was an aide to former Rep. Tom Delay (R-Texas), The Associated Press reported. The group is launching a six-figure TV and digital ad campaign targeting Christians, especially evangelical and Catholic voters.
"Trump eked out 2016 with unprecedented support from white evangelicals and, important to note, a really strong showing among Catholics. We're going after all of it," Wear told AP. "We think Christian support is on the table in this election."
Indeed, last week more than 1,600 Christian leaders signed a letter endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden. And this week, a Pew poll found that Trump is bleeding support among Christian voters, including the evangelicals who were essential to his 2016 victory.
"Christians don't need Trump to save them," the new ad states. "The truth is that Trump needs Christians to save his flailing campaign."
In a USA Today op-ed, Wear took issue with Trump's bold claims about faith ― and in particular spoke out against Eric Trump, one of the president's sons, for proclaiming that Trump had "literally saved" Christianity.
"For Christians, of course, the position of Savior is already filled," Wear wrote. "And Jesus is one person Trump can't fire or bully."

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If Trump is Christian I am the Pope!
Good thing..... Now I know I don't have to genuflect and kiss your ring JBB.
And I'm the King of England
If you put a mitre on a Duroc it is still a pig!
The fact that they supported him, at all, shows you just how far into politics Christian churches has fallen. They have sold their souls to the devil, in order to gain a little more power over the people they want to rule.
Yes, that tide seems to be finally turning now!
Ummmm they're a newly formed PAC so they supported no one..............and I'll bet you a cookie they won't back Biden.
Ummmmm, you apparently misread my comment.
Just goes to show you that there is truth and then there is: Error!
Jesus pointed it out in the New Testament; there is truth and there is its "alternative." It's a choice! For which black people have chosen "the better part."
Black people have chosen "the better part." Democrats care for widows, orphans, the sick, and prisoners. And since this article is about Christianity, it is related!
I'll believe it when I see it........
Another example of religion in politics. It's still wrong even if I agree with the message.
It is about damned time that the church separated from the state.
I'm a bit puzzled about "new PAC' and "this time" Sounds like they may have last time but if they are new, how could they have? There won't be a next time...............
No there will not be a next time! Trump is toast!
You know what I meant but if you feel better..........................other than the fact that your response has nothing to do with what I posted nor meant, if it helps you cope, good.
It makes me feel lots better now that millions of Christians are finally repudiating Trumpism!
It's simple Jim. The PAC is new. The people supporting it aren't. Count the votes.
So are you saying that prior to being a collective they were on board with Trump in 2016?
I believe that they are saying that they were.
Sure they are.
For many "christians", I put it in quotes because many who call themselves "christians" talk the talk but sure don't walk the walk, it is all about making abortion illegal, they don't care about anything else. So, despite what they may say they will always vote for anyone who claims to be against abortion.