GOP pollster Frank Luntz blasts Trump campaign as worst he's ever seen | TheHill
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 27 commentsBy: Jonathan Easley (TheHill)

This is coming from the veteran Republican opinion make and arch conservative Frank Luntz!

By Jonathan Easley Tweet Share More
Prominent Republican pollster Frank Luntz blasted President Trump Donald John TrumpNearly 300 former national security officials sign Biden endorsement letterDC correspondent on the death of Michael Reinoehl: 'The folks I know in law enforcement are extremely angry about it'Late night hosts targeted Trump over Biden 97 percent of the time in September: studyMORE and his campaign on Tuesday for focusing on Hunter Biden in the stretch run to Election Day, calling Trump's campaign the worst he's ever seen and saying the president's advisers should be "brought up on charges of political malpractice."
Speaking at a briefing for the British strategic advising company Global Counsel, Luntz said Trump's advisers have "their heads up their asses" if they think Hunter Biden will be a winning issue for them.
"I've never seen a campaign more mis-calibrated than the Trump campaign. Frankly, his staff ought to be brought up on charges of political malpractice," Luntz said.
"It is the worst campaign I've ever seen and I've been watching them since 1980. They're on the wrong issues. They're on the wrong message. They've got their heads up their assess. … Your damn job is to get your candidate to talk about things that are relevant to the people you need to reach. And if you can't do your damn job then get out."
The Trump campaign has been running ads and holding daily briefings to draw attention to allegations that Hunter Biden sought to profit off his father's political connections.
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Joe BidenNearly 300 former national security officials sign Biden endorsement letterTrump narrows Biden's lead in Pennsylvania: poll Florida breaks first-day early voting record with 350K ballots castMORE's son before Election Day.
"We have got to get the attorney general to act," Trump said, pointing to a story about Hunter Biden's business dealings in the New York Post. "He's got to act and he's got to act fast."
"This is major corruption and this has to be known about before the election," Trump added.
The Post story, which other news outlets have been unable to confirm, alleged that Hunter Biden acted as an intermediary to arrange a meeting between his father, who was vice president at the time, and the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma Holdings.
The Biden campaign has said there was no meeting recorded on the former vice president's official schedule. Other critics have suggested the story could be part of a Russian disinformation effort.
Regardless, Luntz, who was once the pollster for former Speaker Newt Gingrich Newton (Newt) Leroy GingrichMORE, pointed to polls showing the economy and coronavirus are the issues voters care most about.
"Nobody cares about Hunter Biden … why is [Trump] spending all his time on him?" Luntz asked. "Hunter Biden does not help put food on the table. Hunter Biden does not help anyone get a job. Hunter Biden does not provide health care or solve COVID. And Donald Trump spends all of his time focused on that and nobody cares."
Luntz said his focus groups revealed that Trump lost the first debate badly to Biden, tipping a substantial number of undecided voters into the Democratic nominee's column.
"Our undecided focus group participants called [Trump] some pretty awful names," Luntz said.
The GOP pollster said Trump must record a game-changing moment against Biden at the final debate Thursday to have a chance to win the election.
"If Donald Trump doesn't score a knockout then there's not enough campaigning or mindshare to give him a chance to catch Joe Biden," Luntz said.

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Even Frank Lutz says Trump's campaign is a bust!
Negative ads work.
Biden is a crook
I would not be surprised if Trump is overriding the campaign strategy. That is, I expect Trump thinks he knows best how to run a campaign and is not listening to the professionals.
I was just watching a live Trump rally. It was bizarro!
Where's Biden crowds?
Where's the happy excitement about him?
It simply doesn't exist.
Covid-spreader events are nauseous get togethers. And how about those legal disclaimers at Trump rallies, are they signed at the gates or announced over the PA system?
I was going to say something else but I will start out with this comment from the article
The chances of Donald Trump scoring a "knockout" in the debate versus Joe Biden are ZERO. No chance at all. If Luntz thinks Trumps chances in the election depend on Trump scoring a "knockout" in the debate Joe Biden can start measuring the Oval Office for his choice of drapes right now.
Donald Trump has never won a debate in his life. He blowhards and attacks and verbally assaults the other people and the days of that "working" for him ended a long time ago. He has to attract undecided voters or cause Biden voters to change their minds, and that simply is not going to happen.
Biden showed at the first debate that he is more than capable of fending Trump's belligerent b.s. off.
True.. It's comical watching that loser Hannity try to spin Biden in cognitive decline after Biden wiped the floor with trump.
Trump wasn't second best in that debate, he was THIRD - the FLY did better than him. .
Worst President, worst campaign.
We already know.
Oh to be a fly on the wall should Trump actually win...
You will have the next best thing ... just sign in to NT and watch the microcosm. Also, if Trump were to win there will be some major activity covered by the MSM and lots of hypotheticals bantered about.
To me, if Trump were to win, that will tell me that there are a lot of people who are embarrassed to tell people they were voting for Trump. Getting elected is always a function of turn-out in the right places. I do not think polls do a great job of predicting actual turn-out and especially with such an unappealing person as the candidate.
That said, if Trump wins I will (as of today) be more shocked by that result than in any other election in my history. The reason is that Trump has lost all of his major reelection assets other than incumbency. On top of that, he just provided his own October surprise by showing that he cannot even protect himself and his local personnel from COVID-19 and thus those who trust Trump to do a good job against the resurgence of COVID-19 are probably waning. This is on top of a miserable debate performance where Trump accomplished nothing other than to remind everyone that he is a narcissistic, arrogant asshole who is the least presidential of any PotUS in my lifetime (IMO).
Even with a weak opponent like Biden, Trump does not seem to have anything going for him other than his policies match those desired by the R base. I do not think that will be enough to carry even his full base, and if we add in his other negatives, I do not see him getting as many independent votes as he did last time.
But ... predicting the future is a tough gig so all we can do is wait for Nov 3rd and try to make sense of whatever happened.
Because of a recent SCOTUS decision it could be November 6. Of course Trump COULD win if his supporters succeed in burning ALL the ballot collection bins.
A federal Appellate court just ruled against the GOP
and gave North Carolina state 9 days total to deal with the unexpected volume of mail in ballots and get them all counted
if valid.
Not only did the court confirm state's rights by a 12-3 margin, all 3 nays were judges appointed by GOP Presidents
but three of the yes votes were actually appointed by Trump.
A fat, juicy fly that gets swatted against the wall, leaving a splatter pattern of Trump's face, as a biblical sign!
Saying Frank Luntz is a pollster is a terrible misdirection. He is a guru. He is the man who taught the Republican Party how to "debate": repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, ... Don't bother with facts or truth or any of that. Just repeat endlessly.
I'd bet that most of the fascist-fellow-travelers here on NT have never heard of Frank Luntz... but they follow his rules.
He had a serious health issue not long ago. Apparently, it made him think about his heritage, and he doesn't like it.
Sounds like he studied Saul Alinsky.
Dunno... but Alinski was kinda leftish. Luntz, until recently, has always been to the right of Atilla.
The methods are very similar and can be applied in any situation. Ideology does not matter.
From a Fox variant of this:
That is a mild but seemingly accurate statement of the most fundamental difference.
But it does not stop GOP ads from being total lies
or people from believing total lies like Biden being in favor of
"post birth abortion" laws like NY & VA ( which have no such law ).
I had to walk away from a neighbor recently over that one.
It strikes me that people who can vote for a man who lies like its eating a scrumptious meal are to be noted, discounted, and summarily dismissed. I don't even care what else they could consider good about such a compulsive liar.
Donald Trump lives his lies outloud, and I am taking stock of those who think lying as a character trait is the norm for our country. This presidential "contest" is unworthy for a multiplicity of reasons. Lying being one; after-all, if anybody individually lied to any of us the way Donald Trump does (as a confidence man/con-man) we would cast them aside in that instance of 'discovery.' That people can stand with this liar; or remain unclear on who and what he is is astounding insulting and disrespectful to people who live for truth!
If anybody wants to support a liar, a cheat, a duplicitous murderer, like Donald Trump, you are complicit in f-ing up our system of law and worse, you make a mockery of how this country has gotten this far successfully! It is a lie to imply that being a 'cut-throat' nation has won the respect of the world nations. For many nation-states practice selfish, egregious, and dangerously unfair policies on their own people-who are very much like themselves, and there citizens tune out, turn off , and run away to foreign lands.