"Fellow Traveler" The most important endorsement Trump received in 2016 was not from . . .
Important Related Seeds:
1. Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease
2. For The First Time In American History A President's Senior Staff Is Warning The Country Not To Re-Elect Him

The most important endorsement Donald Trump received in 2016 was not from your Senate leader Mitch McConnell . . . and not from any of your Republican Senators, representatives or governors. No, Donald trump received the most important endorsement in 2016 from our great leader . . . Vladimir Putin!
Our Special Services worked overtime to elect Comrade Trump.
We waged a war against the so-called "truth", and convinced you decadent Americans to believe in our Comrade. We manipulated your voters, and spread our glorious propaganda and you, American dogs, were set against each other . . .
The Lincoln Project doesn't like Trump?
Possibly-- for some folks it will be hard to tell if they keep making their videos in Russian!
I thought that all Republicans were fluent in Russian.
I have noticed that recently more and more republicans are starting to oppose Trump-- some evenly openly stating they are supporting Biden!
Perhaps it is those that aren't fluent in Russian///???
Or...those who Trump had insulted by not inviting them to parties at trump's Dacha @ Mar a Lago?
Or...those who Trump had insulted by not inviting them to parties at Trump's Dacha @ Mar a Lago?
Or...even some of the other exclusive parties Trump has attended with his "Special Friends"?
We know who/what Trump is. We've known since the 2016 campaign.
Some Americans consider that Trump's behavior makes him unfit to hold any office, much less the Presidency.
Other Americans don't give a shit.