
Waiting in line to vote in a solidly blue state.


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  27 comments

Waiting in line to vote in a solidly blue state.

How bad do people want Trump gone?  There is an  early voting location in my neighborhood, in an art center.   

For about 10 days they have had early voting , and when I have gone by there a few times in those 10 days the parking lot has been pretty full. 

I took this picture about an hour ago, as people wait in line to vote three days now before the election. 


The art center is the red building at the back left of the photo, so you can how long the line was ( maybe 50 people or so outside the building. )

My point is this.  Chicago and Illinois are safe for Biden, he will probably win the state by 15 points. And there are no hot races locally either, Sen. Durbin is up for re-election but he is more of a lock here than Biden is. 

And yet all these people voting early.  This neighborhood , by the way is also Biden territory. My precinct voted about 80% for Hillary Clinton in '16. 

And yet, people are so anxious to get rid of Trump they come out and stand in line, on a chilly day (upper 30's) in order to vote in a city and a state where the result is not in doubt. 

Good sign for Biden nationally, I would think. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

Dump Trump Tuesday. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2  Bob Nelson    5 years ago

Kudos to these people. 

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4  Trotsky's Spectre    5 years ago

Unless all the polls are completely wrong, Trump faces a humiliating defeat. But then was 'winning' ever Trump's objective?

Trump isn't running for president but for führur. He has stated repeatedly that he will accept no election outcome that goes against him. Were we not completely disoriented, this would be connected directly to 1860 when 11 Southern states refused to accept the election of Abraham Lincoln. After the exposure of a nation-wide plot to kidnap and assassinate Governors, after police refuse to enforce bans against open carry weaponry in polling stations, the media and nominal opposition continue to bury this and pretend that it's 'business as usual.'

Ya'll 've been warned.

Professor Guide
4.2  Tacos!  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @4    5 years ago
Were we not completely disoriented, this would be connected directly to 1860 when 11 Southern states refused to accept the election of Abraham Lincoln.

That's sounds a little dramatic. I don't think there is a state in the country that would secede because Trump loses the election.

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4.2.1  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  Tacos! @4.2    5 years ago

The point is not that states or regions will withdraw from the union; the point is that a Biden victory will not be recognized.

The threat is that Trump's refusal to step down will provoke huge demonstrations which will be brutally repressed by a massive police/National Guard/militia response and possible arrests/executions of political opponents. This effectively overthrows the constitution and implements a personalist, presidential dictatorship. Trump is an anarchist. So are many of his opponents.

Professor Participates
4.2.2  bugsy  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @4.2.1    5 years ago
the point is that a Biden victory will not be recognized.

The only ones that will not recognize a Biden presidency are the far left loons that want to install marxist Warren as soon as possible.

Why do you think Pelosi formed her 25th amendment "commission"?

It wasn't for Trump.

Professor Participates
4.2.3  bugsy  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @4.2.1    5 years ago
The threat is that Trump's refusal to step down will provoke huge demonstrations which will be brutally repressed by a massive police/National Guard/militia response and possible arrests/executions of political opponents. This effectively overthrows the constitution and implements a personalist, presidential dictatorship. Trump is an anarchist. So are many of his opponents.

You sure do have some wild hopes.

Too bad they will never come to fruition.

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4.2.4  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  bugsy @4.2.2    5 years ago

What I think is that you just described a totally non-serious ploy feigning principled opposition in the final weeks of an election campaign.

Who would have imagined that such a thing could happen! I'll return to gnawing rocks now.

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4.2.5  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  bugsy @4.2.3    5 years ago

'You sure do have some wild hopes.'

Don't recall thinking or saying that this was my hope. That was your own invention. Ditto for the following remark.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
4.2.6  Bob Nelson  replied to  bugsy @4.2.2    5 years ago
marxist Warren


Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4.2.7  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  bugsy @4.2.2    5 years ago
'install marxist Warren'

What an absurd proposition! You pretend that whatever you think is thereby constituted as ontologically correct. That assertion has no objective basis whatsoever. And people wonder why Marx, Engels, Lenin. et. al. so vigorously opposed subjective idealism!

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
4.2.8  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  Bob Nelson @4.2.6    5 years ago

Think of it as an admission of political illiteracy.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
4.2.9  Bob Nelson  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @4.2.8    5 years ago

Could be....     jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif


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