
Dow Jones Jumps 600 Points In Election Day Rally As Biden Leads Trump


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  5 years ago  •  10 comments


Dow Jones Jumps 600 Points In Election Day Rally As Biden Leads Trump
Key market indexes extended their gains midday Tuesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average roaring 600 points higher on Election Day.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


 Dow Jones Jumps 600 Points In Election Day Rally As Biden Leads Trump 

The final  IBD/TIPP Trump vs. Biden poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden leading the national popular vote on Election Day. 

Read  The Big Picture  for detailed daily market analysis.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

Dow Jones Jumps 600 Points In Election Day Rally As Biden Leads Trump.

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

For some time, my best (most objective) guess was that Trump would win the election. But fairly recently things have changed and it seems to me that Biden will beat Trump.

Professor Expert
3  seeder  Krishna    5 years ago

While Trump lost the popular vote last time he did win the Electoral College.

My guess as to the winner has recently changed. My best estimates are that this time around, Biden will not only win the popular vote, but will also win the Electoral College,

And the stock market seems to agree... :-)

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @3    5 years ago
"Biden will not only win the popular vote, but will also win the Electoral College,"

And hopefully the Senate will follow suit. 

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    5 years ago

Voted you up Krishna---but---I believe the 'so called Stock Markets' are over priced and over leveraged.

This too, when Trump stated at Helsinki that he believed the Russian autocrat over his own INTEL the markets didn't even blip.  Why?  Or, are they assuming something we do not know? 

Professor Expert
4.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  bbl-1 @4    5 years ago
Voted you up Krishna---but---I believe the 'so called Stock Markets' are over priced and over leveraged. This too, when Trump stated at Helsinki that he believed the Russian autocrat over his own INTEL the markets didn't even blip.  Why?  Or, are they assuming something we do not know?

Well, first of all, the markets are not always rational. After all, the prices are determined by people-- what people are willing to pay (or take in) on any given stocks.And the majority of people are not rational.

Well, except of course on Social Media sites like NT, where everyone is always totally rational!


Professor Expert
4.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1    5 years ago

Actually most of the time most traders do not necessarily base their trades on what they think is best for humanity, or for our country, etc. 

Actual in the situation you described (Trump kow-towing to his Russian Puppet-Masters) the first question is-- will it effect he market-- and/or individual stocks? If it has any effect, its probably less than most people think. 

And secondly-- if it will effect stocks, which one? And will it make them go up or down?

Professor Expert
4.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.1    5 years ago

Finally, many informed people already knew that the Russians had something on Trump-- something that if revealed would be deeply damaging to him, What happened at Helsinki was just more confirmation re: something they already knew.

The Lincoln Project - True Believer

And further__ why would someone refuse to release their tax returns?

Really there can only be one release-- they have something to hide!

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5  Paula Bartholomew    5 years ago

This just in on my am news....Biden is leading in MI.

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @5    5 years ago

There has been a shift back towards Biden in some of the traditionally Democratic  "Rust Belt" states that Trump won the last time. (Many union members have "come back home to roost").

Still not a certainty yet  that Biden will be elected-- but the odds strongly favour that!

Yesterday it looked like Republicans would maintain a solid lock on the Senate-- the recent count puts it closer. In fact, it may be that whichever party ends up having the majority inthe Senate-- it may be by only one vote!


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