
Joe Biden Concerned About New Trump Investigations


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  8 comments

By:   Ken Meyer (Mediaite)

Joe Biden Concerned About New Trump Investigations
A new report on Joe Biden and his team says that the president-elect would rather move the country forward in office instead of prosecuting President Trump.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Ken MeyerNov 17th, 2020, 7:48 am


President-elect Joe Biden and his team would rather move the country forward once he assumes office, rather than prosecute President Donald Trump , according to a new report.

NBC spoke to multiple sources close to the Biden team who say he's "wary" of launching federal investigations into his opponent, fearful it'll undermine his attempts to reunite the country. Instead, Biden reportedly wants to reset the relationship between the White House and the Justice Department, and move away from directing federal law enforcement in terms of what to focus on.

"His overarching view is that we need to move the country forward," an adviser told NBC. "But the most important thing on this is that he will not interfere with his Justice Department and not politicize his Justice Department."

Other advisers to Biden have said that any investigations into Trump would be "very situational," plus they would run on a separate track from the state level investigations like the one into his taxes. A great number of Democrats have demanded a new round of Trump investigations once he's out of office, and as the internal party pressure for that persists, Biden's team is also reportedly "reluctant to send any signal to Trump administration officials that the Justice Department wouldn't look into their actions."

"While they're not looking for broad criminal indictments, they do want to make sure that people don't think there are no ramifications for any of their actions between now and the new presidency," a source said.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    5 years ago

It's not a surprise that Biden is not leaning toward federal investigations of Trump. He wants to try and move the country past constant attention on Trump. 

There is also Trump's age to consider. Many people would disapprove of putting a 75 year old ex president of the United States behind bars. 

Unfortunately Biden will not get his wish. No one on either side will "thank" him for not investigating Trump's crimes. 

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ozzwald  replied to  JohnRussell @1    5 years ago
It's not a surprise that Biden is not leaning toward federal investigations of Trump. He wants to try and move the country past constant attention on Trump. 

I can understand that, BUT certain people like Bill Barr, Mnuchin, Ajit Pai, and others NEED to be investigated.  They used their positions to make personal profits, or in Barr's case, flout the Constitution and impartiality of the DOJ.

Some examples need to be made.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2  Hal A. Lujah    5 years ago

Please do reset the relationship between the POTUS and the Dept. of Justice.  Don’t direct the prosecution of Trump from the top, let it happen the way it is supposed to happen.  Biden can focus on the important things the country needs to achieve, and the independent Dept. of Justice can focus on serving justice where justice is due.  To ignore Trump’s crimes serves neither entity.

Professor Guide
2.1  Tacos!  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2    5 years ago
Please do reset the relationship between the POTUS and the Dept. of Justice.  Don’t direct the prosecution of Trump from the top, let it happen the way it is supposed to happen.

I don't think that would be much of a change from the way things have been going.

Notwithstanding claims of Attorneys General being Trump puppets, he has not had much success in getting them to do what he wants. It started right away with Jeff Sessions recusing himself against the president's wishes. And with the appointment of Barr, the president still tweets and complains about prosecutions of his political enemies that aren't happening. If he could just pick up the phone and order the AG to do his bidding, Trump wouldn't have anything to complain about on Twitter.

Professor Participates
3  FLYNAVY1    5 years ago

Once the Justice Department gains it's independence from the WH on 20JAN21, let the chips fall where they may.  Personally I think Trump has more to worry about at the state level in New York.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  FLYNAVY1 @3    5 years ago

I think the 10 instances of obstruction of justice that Mueller noted in his report is the one that is going to stick in people's craw. That and the attempted bribery of the president of Ukraine. 

I think Trump is going to be let off the hook on those. Whether or not that is the right approach only time will tell. 

Professor Principal
4  Ender    5 years ago

Getting rid of Barr should be one of the first things that happens. I agree with Biden about the department having its independence and impartiality. It should never be used as a tool.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ender @4    5 years ago
It should never be used as a tool.

It's always been used as a tool. That's why President's appoint people like Harry Daugherty, Robert Kennedy, Alberto Gonzales and Eric Holder as AG. 


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