
Some hard truths for everybody


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  13 comments

By:   djrothkopf

Some hard truths for everybody
-The GOP voters supported a corrupt, unfit president who repeatedly has betrayed the country  --Racism & greed are still the driving motivations beyond the GOP --Our electoral system is broken, red states have a huge advantage in the Senate & electoral college, & it is not going away anytime soon --Pro-inequality forces continue to have the edge over pro-equality forces 

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

David Rothkopf

author of  "Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump."


Some hard truths for everybody here:
--Joe Biden won the election
--He won by a substantial popular margin
--However his six million vote margin does not make it into the top 15 in US presidential elections
--His electoral margin was solid 

--But the votes by which he won the electoral college were close in key states
--The more than 79 million who voted for Biden were the most ever for a presidential candidate
--The more than 73 million who voted for Trump were the second most ever for a presidential candidate 

--The GOP did well in the Senate, in the House, and in state races
--We are a deeply divided country and those divisions show no sign of healing
--The GOP voters supported a corrupt, unfit president who repeatedly has betrayed the country 

--Racism & greed are still the driving motivations beyond the GOP
--Our electoral system is broken, red states have a huge advantage in the Senate & electoral college, & it is not going away anytime soon
--Pro-inequality forces continue to have the edge over pro-equality forces 

--The leadership of both parties is still largely a gerontocracy unwilling to make way for new younger voices
--Biden will be able to undo much damage done by Trump
--He can make a big difference in re-normalizing US foreign policy where president has much latitude 

--He can make a big difference with executive orders
--He can restore decency and important norms and guardrails to our government
--But he will likely be stymied on his legislative agenda
--2022 and the battle for majorities in the Congress will be key as to Dem fortunes in 2024 

--If we enter another period of pro-longed gridlock, fail to initiate vital reforms that restore equity and functionality to our electoral, campaign finance and legislative systems, fail to address growing inequality, competitiveness & other issues, we will falter 

--It is hard not to look at America's broken system and deep divisions and not despair for the fortunes of the country
--It is also difficult to write off Americans' resilience and ability to innovate and change in a crisis...once we embrace new thinking and the right leadership 

--This election did nothing to answer the question of which of these forces--entropy or innovation--will ultimately prevail. It gave both sides hope and advantages. The work & struggle to determine where the balance of power lies is ahead of us...and will likely take decades. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    5 years ago
Imagine if 250,000 people had died in a war over the past 7 months & there were predictions another 200,000 would die in the next four months. And the Commander-in-Chief had abandoned his post, just walked away. (After greatly contributing to the losses we'd already incurred.)  
Hard to fathom, right? In part that's because we have never lost that many people in a war. (We've already lost more people than the 218K total combat deaths in the Civil War, we'll pass the 291K lost in four years of World War II in a month or two.)  
In part, it's hard to fathom because we have never had a leader so craven, so incompetent, so uncaring about the America people, so irresponsible in his dereliction of duty, as Donald Trump.  
Note: If we hit the U. of Wash. projection of 511K dead by Feb 28, that will amount to more than 1300 people dead every day or, roughly, more than one 9/11 every 3 days...for a year. Remember the sharp stabbing pain of 9/11? And the president wants us to imagine this is nothing.  
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1    5 years ago
Imagine if 250,000 people had died in a war over the past 7 months & there were predictions another 200,000 would die in the next four months.

I would imagine that we would hit back with everything we had. Unfortunately China & Wall Street have their man waiting in the wings, unfortunately for them the radical left wants to call the shots.

"The pandemic was God's gift to the left"....Jane Fonda

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2  Bob Nelson    5 years ago

We - all Americans - still cannot assimilate a simple but monstrous fact:

Trump does not care how many Americans die.

He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. He does not care. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Bob Nelson @2    5 years ago

According to y'all, Trump is corrupt, incompetent, uncaring, and unfit to be president. So how in world do you expect him to make over half the country pay an attention to him?. As is usual, nothing you say is true

Two things have happened on his watch...vaccines and antibodies have been produced by the Trump team, and will be distributed before long. The Democrats have contributed confusion and stymied efforts to bring financial aid to citizens and small business by continuing to push Progressive Pork List Two as a bloated relief bill.

Biden and the Dem Dummies will receive no credit about ending the pandemic when their only goal has been to resist and blame. Good luck in the midterms.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2.1.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1    5 years ago

Ummmmm.......... Greg...

Do you understand that you are arguing that Trump cannot be blamed for doing nothing because... he is... incompetent...? 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.1.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Greg Jones @2.1    5 years ago
According to y'all, Trump is corrupt, incompetent, uncaring, and unfit to be president. So how in world do you expect him to make over half the country pay an attention to him?.

He got over 70 million Americans to vote for him despite his incompetence, he has a willing albeit demonstrably stupid base of millions who would have listened if he had just chosen to set the example and tell the American people the truth about the virus. Instead he chose to try and hide and run out the clock telling his base that the virus was a hoax while behind their backs he was admitting how dangerous the virus was to a journalist and a small group of Wall Street investors.

Two things have happened on his watch...vaccines and antibodies have been produced by the Trump lead team, and will be distributed before long.

I see you left out the quarter of a million Americans who have died on his watch after Donald downplayed the threat and told people the virus would just disappear like a miracle.

It's sad to watch some just wallow in lie after lie but apparently that doesn't bother the average Trump sycophant, apparently their heads are stuffed so far up Trumps ass they can only regurgitate his completely bogus talking points that have zero foundation in reality.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.3  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.1.2    5 years ago

One very simple question for you. When people were told how dangerous this potentially was, why didn't they stay the hell at home??

And of the 250K that have perished, how many of them did? Except for the massive amounts of deaths in extended care facilities, how did they get it? They or someone in their family/close circle of friends went out somewhere and decided to share it.

Why oh why do/did you and millions of others wait for GovCo to tell you what to do? Common sense and true concern would rule the day if you truly were concerned about other's health and especially your own. 

I know how I reacted. I stayed home as much as possible with only needed trips to the pharmacy and or to pick up groceries and buy gas. Other than that, only to and from work. 20 out of 26 of the people in my office opted to work from home back in April.......under management request, for 8 weeks. No one I knew or know going forward contracted the disease........until my wife got back after flying to Indiana for her last visit with my FIL while he was still alive three weeks ago. (He, a week later passed away by his own choice. Cited quality of life. He was fed up doing home dialysis for one thing and he was 84 years old). And I got it from her luckily with no symptoms. She suffered only loss of smell and taste and was tired all the time.

So take care of yourself and hopefully the rest will fall in line. I guess in other words, it's one's own choice to venture into harms way with even the slightest inkling that there is danger out there.

Again, if you don't want it,  stay the hell at home as best you can.

Next week or so will tell a tale with Thanksgiving travel that millions will still participate in. As well as the dinner itself.

MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)
Junior Participates
2.1.4  MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.3    5 years ago

Well said. The only people I know that caught it was my aunt, uncle, and cousin [all in the same household]. My aunt works in a hospital and she caught it and brought it home. That was early on... in March / April.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Bob Nelson @2    5 years ago

It’s almost as if it goes beyond not caring if people die, all the way to hoping that people die.  Especially those who have nothing to offer him personally.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2.2.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2.2    5 years ago

From a "utilitarian" point of view, most Covid victims are dispensable. The economy might be better if all retired people died. 

That would be good for the DOW. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2.2.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Bob Nelson @2.2.1    5 years ago

It did carelessly get nicknamed the “boomer remover” early on.

Professor Quiet
3  Ronin2    5 years ago

Another hit piece- what a surprise.

The left had better buckle up; and Biden had better find a good spot in the White House basement to hide. We have learned a lot watching the lefts' bullshit over the last 5 years; time to put that into practice.

But by all means keep up the hate- it will make things that much easier for the rest of us.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ronin2 @3    5 years ago

And another "fact" that brings back not so fond memories. Once again the left coast of California, the liberal bastion of Illinois, and New York showed Biden with a 5,066,276 more votes than Trump in California. New York, 1million, Illinois, ditto. And he lost overall by 5.94 million. do the math and we will see a repeat, popular vote wise, of 2016

This time he got the EC by all accounts but...............................


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