Joe, Jill Biden Bringing a Cat to the White House |
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 98 commentsBy: Eric Todisco (PEOPLE. com)

The Bidens are set to bring a feline companion with them to the White House in January 2021.
President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, confirmed to CBS Sunday Morning that they will be getting a cat when they move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C., along with their two German shepherds, Major and Champ.
"President-elect @JoeBiden and his wife @DrBiden won't just be bringing their German shepherds, Major and Champ to the White House. The Bidens tell us exclusively that soon they'll be joined by a cat," the show tweeted on Friday.
The former second lady, 69, teased in September that the soon-to-be first family would welcome a cat into their home after the former vice president, 78, is inaugurated next year.
"Well, I'd love to get a cat. I love having animals around the house," she told Fox 5's Angie Goff.
The last feline to live in the White House was a black cat named India, who belonged to George W. Bush's family. Bill Clinton and his family also had a cat, named Socks.
For the first time in four years, dogs are also heading back to the White House thanks to the Bidens, who are proud owners of German shepherds Champ and Major.
Major — who was adopted from the Delaware Humane Association in November 2018, 10 years after the couple welcomed Champ — will also make history as the first shelter dog to live at the White House, according to NBC News.
Champ and Major are frequently featured on the Bidens' social media pages and even made some special appearances leading up to the presidential election.
During his campaign, Biden also made it a point that he wanted to "bring dogs back to the White House."
Champ and Major will be the first dogs at the White House since the Obama family's Portuguese water dogs, Bo and Sunny.

Will there be fighting like cats and dogs?
Nah. Not true. I had cats and dogs and they all got along!
Nice to see a cat return to the White House.
We used to have a dog who would protect our cat from other dogs. She slept in his doghouse, and he always made sure he was closest to the door, to keep her warm.
There hasn't been one since Clinton, right?
Right - Socks. The other first families since then, except for the Trumps, have had dogs, but not cats.
That's right.
Every home should have a kitty.
Agreed. No house I've ever lived in has felt like a home until it had a cat (or two) in it.
Need at least 2. Sometimes, cats want to be with each other rather than their humans.
And if they're busy entertaining each other, they don't tend to destroy the house as much. Or, currently, the Christmas tree.
An Xmas tree is one big cat toy, isn't it? If you get a dug up tree with roots intact, then it doubles as a litter box.
Mine is artificial, and pre-lit. One cat has destroyed 2 bulbs already.
One, when he gets caught, immediately goes into cute mode. He starts trilling and rubbing against my legs. Cheeky little brat.
my little sister used her 2 new kittens, huey and louie, as an excuse not to put up a tree this year. a smart move on her part as they are very ... active.
The story says George W Bush had a black cat named India . I don't remember that particularly, but thats what the article says.
I stand corrected. I missed India.
How can you be mad at such a cute little kitty? Lol
My kittehs just like to lay on the tree skirt and look up at the lights or just sleep. I think they look forward to Christmas
Mine still can't figure out why we bring a tree into the house once a year
LOL! Mine love it!!!! Honestly, I don't think either one of them have destroyed our tree. When Toby was a puppeh, he knocked it over a few times LOL
A few years ago we had 2 kittens, George and Gracie. Both went up the tree at the same time and down came the tree. Mr Giggles was pissed but I was laughing so hard.
That was the year we had 4 cats, the kittens and 2 older cats (about 3 years old). Anyway we each bet on a cat on who would be the first up the tree. My son won the grand prize of 4 bucks. He picked Gracie and she didn't disappoint.
that's a good one
I would really like to know how people put clothes on their cats...
The cat is to clean up any rats left from the previous administration.
I'm not into cats but good for them, the more four legged creatures the better!
That kitteh looks like my late Miller. Glad to see they have pets! Pets are awesome!!! Even though I like to see children in the WH as well. I've seen only a handfull of presidents who had children in the WH, Clinton(I was in HS during his admin), Bush(were his girls grown or in College?), Obama, and Trump had Barron. I think It's been awhile since small children were there, unless you include Chelsea and the Obama girls(but one of them was older, right?)
LOL on kitteh. My girls call them that, too. They both have two of them.
I have two and our Golden Retriever. The oldest orange one is now 14, only 2 years older than my dog is, he isn't a fan. The youngest cat is 8 and we have had him since he was 6 weeks old. He and Toby are besties.
I love Goldens. Matt won't let me get a dog though. I am trying to talk him into getting another bunny and he might go for it.
I want a dog. I miss having one. But it can wait until I retire so I can spend quality time with it
I was sneaky and set up a "trial" adoption with my Rocky through the rescue organization... my husband had no idea. Yeah, he was mad for a while, but he got over it and I knew he would never give him back to the rescue.
Goldens are the BEST! Our girls were young when we got Toby and because we had a 3rd girl, I promised him he could get a dog and keep know. Hubs now calls him his "ball toting buddy", not only because he loves his tennis balls LOL! They are loyal and very easy!
I was home with the girls so Toby had me while they were in school. I'm back to work now, but my oldest is home; or at least in and out, with college and work, and my other two just went back to school face to face, so it seems like someone is always around and he's not alone too long. He's my old guy, 13 yrs, but he's still pretty spry
My Tasha and Stubby are both 17 years old now. I don't expect them to last very much longer. I won't retire for another 5 years at least and so I would like to get 2 kittens (name them Finn and Munch) and a dog. I have to think about a dog name
Two of my favorite characters from Law and Order.
As for a dog's name best to decide if you're getting a male or female doggie.
Those are my favs, too.
I prefer a female dog, but I plan to go to the shelter or finding a rescue and whoever makes eye contact first or runs up and gives me a hug gets to go home with me
I've never met an unfriendly golden. I do not believe such a creature exists. They love everybody.
I never watched Criminal Intent all that much but I do like the original and SVU. I probably watch L&O every night...I need a life....
Have you tried "Persons of Interest" or "Blacklist" yet?
No, I really do like courtroom dramas. I was a big fan of LA Law back in the day
I think the cat in the photo is Socks, the Clinton's cat.
If the Bidens get 2 kittens, there will be children in the WH again.
I hope they get a Moggy from the shelter
Hey Manny, there going to have cats in the White House. I think we should move it and get rid of little pissy things that call themselves cats.
Besides we're indigenous.
Meet Manny, Moe, and Jack the new White House Cats.
That would make state visits a whole lot more interesting....
I love my shelter / rescue pets.
Princess Palooza Fuzzy Butt whom still has all her claws. Never has done damage to anything... she has her scratch post, two scratch pads, and her cat-tree. Somehow, she prefers her Chewy box more than anything else.
Only time she ever peed anywhere other than her litterbox was after getting stressed out at the vet. We now know that going to the vet is traumatic for her and she'll likely pee outside her litterbox following an appointment. It's manageable.
And Prince Rocky the Blockhead - he has destroyed a couple pairs of shoes, but now that I give him plenty of toys to chew on and destroy, he leaves our shoes alone. He has had a few accidents in the house, but that was before we understood his signs of needing to go outside. We can have the gates and the garage wide open and he won't leave the property without me, his "mama." He's never more than a few feet from his "mama." When I have to leave the house, he lays right by the back door awaiting my arrival.
Both of my rescues are fantastic pets. I will only go through rescues or a shelter from now on.
Good on you for saving some really nice friends.
btw... Wally actually poops on the vet's table when he's there, so I think the vet makes all animals scared Chitless.
Rocky doesn't mind it too much. Our vet has been to our house though too... she's my daughter's "step" aunt.
OH MY!!!!! I looooooove them!!!!!! Roscoe is my younger cat, but we call him Poops, I don't know why, but it stuck since he was a few weeks old. Perrie, all my kittehs poop on the table LOL!
I have cats. Rescues every one. They are part of the family. Cagy, loyal and aloof. And they do like 'the snacks'.
They are a bit old to be getting a new cat. One of my cats just died a few weeks ago, at 22 years old. I’ve got two more that are 16 years old and showing no signs of old age. I don’t get it - my mom gets cats and they die before they’re ten, even though she takes them to the vet regularly. Mine have been to the vet once in their life, to get fixed and shots. I never took the one that died to the vet ever.
This expression about cats and dogs is so true: the difference between dogs and cats - dogs have masters, cats have staff.
A dog steals the family roast and gets busted. A dog will slink away and apologize for days. A cat steals the family roast and gets busted. The cat will go full on exorcist and claim..."It's mine now! Back off or feel my wrath!"
Or the cat will look at you and ask what evidence you have
22 years is a long time for a cat! Most cats I know have lived anywhere from 12-17 years old. The younger ones were because of kidney issues. It also depends on if the cats are some sort of pure breed, size, family history, etc. Most cats have an average life expectancy of 10-15 years. The American Short Hair is hailed as having a longer average lifespan than the rest with 15-20 years.
In the end she was totally deaf, nearly blind, had balance issues, and I think she lost her sense of smell. Funny thing is that she wasn’t even my cat originally. I agreed to watch her and her brother for a few months while the owner resettled in another state. The owner came back with plane tickets for both of them, but she escaped her crate and hid just before they were leaving for the airport, sealing her fate with me. Fifteen years and four moves later she finally passed on. Like I said, my other two 16 year old cats aren’t showing any signs of aging either. Maybe the trick to getting your cats to live a long life is feeding them canned cat food and never taking them to the vet.
That helps prevent kidney issues, according to my vet. So, that is most definitely part of it. I feed my cat a combo of wet and dry. I will occasionally put a little bit of chicken stock on her dry food too.
Yes, my pets are spoiled.
See... I never had a dog before Rocky. He's my first puppers. Palooza is my third cat; the first two were Maine Coon mixes (sisters, Trouble [I named her] and Mizjwea [my ex named her]) and were abandoned by their cat mom. I wish I knew then what I know now about cats. They didn't have the life they deserved.
I hope they disinfect the WH before Biden moves in. God knows what disease that kitty could pick up considering it is one big petri dish right now.
But on the positive side, a kitty will make sure all the rats have left the house.
There have been reports of rodent infestation in the WH. That would explain some of Trump's Big Macs turning up missing. Mice gotta eat too.
The WH now reeks of fast food. Trump has turned it into a trash can. He thinks that painting things gold makes him doesn't. The entire WH will now have to be deep cleaned to get the stench out.