Top Trump Appointee: "We wanted them Infected"
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 35 commentsBy: #ChrisHayes #TrumpCovidPlan #MSNBC

Two Important background seeds with NT Discussions:
"Nature’s got this one, folks. We’ve been coping with new viruses for untold generations. The best way is to allow the young and healthy — those for whom the virus is rarely fatal — to develop antibodies and herd immunity to protect the frail and sick.
As time passes, it will become clearer that social-isolation measures like those in Switzerland and Norway accomplish very little in terms of reducing fatalities or disease, though they crater local and national economies — increasing misery, pain, death, and disease from other causes as people’s lives are upended and futures are destroyed." (LINK)
2. Corona Virus _ Pandumic Two ( LINK)

"We want them infected": Trump appointee demanded "Herd Immunity" strategy, emails revealed.
When colleges closed '"We essentially took off the battlefield the most potent weapon we had. Younger people, healthy people, children, teens, young people we needed to fastly (sic) infect themselves, spread it around . . .
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Among those interfering in the Agency were Kellyanne Conway and ivanka Trump....just sending their ideas about once in a century pandemic management.
So this wan't just a bunch of political hacks mouthing off in emails. No this was a concerted coordinated strategy from the president Donald Trump on down...
The simple truth of the past 9 months sounds extreme. It sounds almost hysterical when you say it. But it is what it is.
Following the news re: the T-+rump Presidency-- and especially his handling of the virus, I thought I had a fairly good understanding of what went down... but there seemed to be a missing piece to the puzzle. And I couldn't guess why events unfolded the way they did.
But this explains it I know!
(Sadly, most people on this site will probably never know all the facts
, given the widespread aversion to watching important videos...and this is one of the most important one I've seen in months....)
I hope that Biden seats a commission to review the collapse of our federal health institutions.
Not that most of the 74 million who voted for Trump will care.
It's telling that Republicans were all about the 'blame game' when it came to responsibility for 4 deaths in Benghazi. They insisted that it was imperative to get every minute fact and make sure that 'those in charge' were exposed. YEARS of hearings and investigations, much outrage and pearl clutching. Demands for justice for the families of the fallen.
But I've already seen here on NT that the demand will now be for PROOF that Trump's inaction and policy choices caused even one person to succumb to the virus.
Trump's defenders will claim that any investigation into the events of the last year in connection with the government's reaction to the pandemic is purely 'political' and 'vindictive'.
The justifications have already started.
Trump did 'the best he could', 'he listened to the experts', 'other leaders suck too'.
Here is the content of just ONE of the emails:
These emails illustrate that at the least, Trump and the Task Force were lying about their policies and actions.
Whereas we know dumbass blue state governors put people that tested positive for Covid 19 in old age and nursing homes- killing off the weakest and most susceptible.
Like Democrats ever take responsibility for anything. Deflect, ignore, and deny, deny, deny; and above all else "But Trruuummmmpppppp!!!!!!!!"
Please explain how that compares with the whole of government policy based on lies?
Actually "many people are saying" as soon as Trump leaves office and no longer has immunity bestowed upon him as president, there will be numerous Wrongful death lawsuits filed against him by relatives of victims whose deaths he caused by his policies (i.e. his role is making sure the Virus was widespread-- thereby killing their relatives).
Perhaps even a Class Action lawsuit against him for the role he played in ensuring the wide spread of the Virus and the deaths he was therefore responsible for!
And isn't it interesting that the totally false and misleading sleazy propaganda methods used by Trump and his ass-kissing groupies-- are the exact same methods mimicked by many of Trump's sleaziest ass-kissing posters on Social media sites?
And that's why this is so important-- we now have absolute proof about what most informed people only suspected before.
Trump was willing to sacrifice 15 000,000 Americans.
So, What? Three hundred thousand was not enough?
If the CV takes most of his base, I won't shed a tear.
Actually one thing I realized earlier-- and found a bit puzzling. By minimizing the seriousness of the vrius-- and even by the way he "set an example" by his actions (such as not wearing a mask, holding large indoor rallies, etc)-- Trump groupies would follow his example.While many other would not...which would lead to a much higher number of his groupies getting CV than other people.
So it seemed strange to me that he would say and do things that would lead to many more of his followers getting CV than other, more intelligent people.
Strange, eh?
I saw this last night on tv, and my reaction was yeah, no shit. This really is not news. Trump knew that the virus was an airborne contagion long ago, but he intentionally kept that information private and enabled the deaths of countless Americans by doing so. Considering that and every other irresponsible, reprehensible, loathsome act he has engaged in regarding COVID, why would anyone be shocked or even feel an elevated sense of outrage over this? This is just par for the course - the POTUS is a murderer, and the sooner that Americans accept that the sooner we can get through this.
Many people knew how irresponsible he was, but I think that the reason some people think this is so important that its proof that he wasn't mere "careless"...or even "ignorant". But rather, that he was deliberately trying to have the Virus spread!
More clickbait news reported by a left leaning hack that isn't a new revelation. Reporting showed that Dr. Scott Atlas was pushing the Swedish model of natural herd immunity last August. That's when Sweden became the focus of attention in the news cycle. Old news.
The facts are that Trump couldn't do anything to either spread the virus or control spread of the virus. Donald Trump couldn't impose national mandates any more than Joe Biden can when he becomes President. The onus has always been on the states.
The latest excuse run up the flag pole by those promoting mandates is Thanksgiving caused the recent surge. California has been on the mandate bandwagon but isn't faring any better than Florida. Newsom is blaming Thanksgiving and the residents of California; he's not blaming the virus.
The left screwed the pooch by making masks a panacea. But masks, by themselves, wont' accomplish much. It really is necessary to follow all the guidelines that were issued last March. That's the real news. But the clickbait left seems to only be interested in excuses.
Another servile Trumpian excuse for a worthless and dangerous leader* whose sole focus throughout all of this was (and still is) to dig his venomous talons into the presidency and hang on for dear life. Trump actively downplayed a deadly virus, unlike real leaders throughout the world who recognized it for what it is and didn’t sugar coat what was to come. If that’s your idea of a leader, then I understand why you all are such horrifically sore losers.
Look, the idea of natural herd immunity was being promoted by members of the scientific community as well as some in the Trump administration. Sweden really did support the idea of natural herd immunity.
What did Trump do to establish a policy of natural herd immunity? What steps did the Trump administration take to pursue natural herd immunity?
The Federal government cannot impose national mandates; no matter who is President. And the Federal government cannot prevent states from imposing mandates; no matter who is President. So, Trump couldn't do anything one way or the other. Joe Biden will be in the same position.
The facts are that the Federal government disseminated guidelines last March by mailing postcards to every household. The facts are that about half of the labor force does essential jobs and cannot work from home. The facts are that medical staff have also been infected in higher numbers than the general population (not too surprising). The facts are that the fall surge was caused by young people; college students in particular.
What has been revealed is that the public (left, right, and in between) doesn't listen to experts, politicians, or news reporters. Affluence and educational attainment doesn't seem to alter how the public has conducted itself during the pandemic. The cheap political trick of imposing mandates has caused as many problems as have been solved and mandates haven't controlled the pandemic.
An infantile clickbait shyster like Chris Hayes isn't doing one damned thing to aid in controlling the pandemic. Chris Hayes is profiteering from death. Chris Hayes doesn't even have the grace to thank you for your sacrifice. Hayes just takes the money and runs.
I’ve told this anecdote before, so forgive me if you’ve read it already. A while back my dad was telling me about his brother in Indiana, who like the rest of that side of the family (except my dad) are serious Trump supporters. While dad was visiting his brother back around 2015, my uncle said Obama was born in Kenya. Surprised at this ignorance, dad asked why on earth he would believe such nonsense. In his thick country drawl, his brother said “it’s right there on the internet”, with smug indignation.
That uncle died of COVID last week, and while I didn’t know him well enough to say what his feelings were on the virus, it is clear that he was gullible enough to believe the kind of complete horse shit that comes out of Trump’s mouth. Stop making excuses for this disasterous administration. While you may be intelligent enough to weed through Trump’s lies and not let them damage you personally, it appears that the majority of his base is not. History will be very unkind to this administration and those who support it.
He does not even realize that if he simply wore a mask, his lemming snowflakes would have followed suit and thousands might be alive now. His vanity created the anti masker movement. Not all Trumpers are anti maskers, but a too many of them are.
Documentation of official government acts and policy is NOT clickbait. Just stop.
The article and documents are NOT about, from or to Dr. Atlas. Oh and BTFW, Trump and all of the Administration spokesman were DENYING that their policy was herd immunity. Proof of those LIES isn't clickbait either.
That's when the Administrations DENIALS that the US was following the same model was disseminated. These documents prove that was a LIE.
That NEVER happened.
So Nerml: I see that once again you are posting what is just more right-leaning Click-Bait!
Shame on you!!!
Like, for example, not wearing to wear a mask?
(People seeing that would assume that the President has access to information ordinary citizens don't-- so if he doesn't feel the need to wear a mask-- well, obviously he knows something they don't.)
Like, for example, having all those in person campaign rallies inside?
And, to cite another example, deliberately setting up those inside rallies where people are sitting so close to each other that they are physically touching?
Yesterday, the King of Sweden made a rare public statement: that the country's approach was an error.
The World Socialist Web Site articulated this position for many months,. It pointed out that funds otherwise allocated for care of the sick and elderly would be diverted further to enrich CEOs and inflate our much-bloated military. Appropriate here is Frederick Engels' description of social murder. Our homicidal 'back-to-school/work' drive is supported by Republican AND Democratic sections of the ruling class. In fact, there ARE no 'safe' re-openings.
In contrast, as recent as this morning the WSWS published a New York City Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee call to organize a strike to close all schools and non-essential workplaces . Committee also calls for educators to 'assess the role of the UFT [United Federation of Teachers] and the Democrats, including their backers in the Democratic Socialists of America.' The working class must distinguish ally and adversary in its own response to pandemic.
I just saw on the news that Pence is getting vaccinated Friday. Screw that. He does not deserve to go to the head of the line, not after his dismal failure as the head of the task force and in on Trump's plan to infect everyone.
Seems unnecessary.
He doesn't need a vaccine to protest him-- he has Jesus!
That mofo needs to go to the end of the line.
The best that can be said about this administration is that it's a cluster fuck on steroids.