Tucker Carlson Mocks Dr. Jill Biden, Compares Her Degree to Dr. Pepper
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 5 years ago • 178 commentsBy: Emma Nolan (Newsweek)

CultureTucker CarlsonJill BidenJoe BidenTv
Tucker Carlson has mocked Dr. Jill Biden's title, likening the incoming first lady's title to Dr. Pepper and accused her of using 'Dr.' because she has "status anxiety."
The reactionary Fox News host has waded into the discourse surrounding Joe Biden's wife's honorific which has been heavily debated in recent days.
"Jill Biden is not a doctor, no. Maybe in the same sense Dr. Pepper is," Carlson said on Monday night's installment of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
"In 2007, at the age of 55, she got a doctorate in education, so she's got the same degree as Dr. Bill Cosby."
The Republican and staunch Donald Trump supporter then went on to accuse Dr. Biden of having what he called "status anxiety," saying she "decided to cure that, as so many do in our country, with another pointless title."
Fox News host Tucker Carlson speaks during the National Review Institute's Ideas Summit in Washington, D.C. on March 29, 2019.Chip Somodevilla/GettyRead more
Carlson's attack stems from a piece published in the Wall Street Journal by Joseph Epstein who said that Dr. Biden should not use her doctor title because she has a doctorate in education, and not a medical one.
"Jill Biden should think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic," Epstein wrote of the incoming first lady's use of the title. He also referred to her as "kiddo" in the piece.
Dr. Biden earned her title upon receiving a doctoral degree in education leadership from the University of Delaware.
The op-ed has sparked intense backlash and claims of misogyny with vice president-elect Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff pointing to the sexism behind the piece.
Epstein is also being criticized for some of his other op-eds—in 1970, he penned a racist and homophobic essay in Harper's Magazine that used the N-word repeatedly and described non-heterosexual people as "cursed."
Dr. Biden has since hit back at Epstein. The future first lady took to Twitter Sunday night to tweet: "Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished."
Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished. — Dr. Jill Biden (@DrBiden) December 14, 2020
The first lady-elect's spokesperson Michael LaRosa described the op-ed as "pretty gross" while Joe Biden's communications director Kate Bedingfield said: "What patronizing, sexist, elitist drivel. Dr. B earned a doctorate in education, so we call her Doctor. The title Mr. Epstein has earned here is perhaps not fit for mixed company."
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also weighed in on the conversation and stood up for Dr. Biden, tweeting: "Her name is Dr. Jill Biden. Get used to it."

Damn but Tucker is a twerp. Nicest thing I can say...
Like her placeholder husband, Mrs. Biden is a fair target for ridicule and criticism...just like Melania Trump was.
You mean like every Trump was; that is unless they turned on Donald- then they got their 15 minutes of love from the left.
You really have to stop with this nonsense. There is zero evidence of this.
The entire trump family are crooks. The only honest one I can detect is Mary Trump. None of the trio of Don Jr, Ivanka , or Eric has an honest bone in their body.
Last night Tucker read her dissertation. Have you heard it?
Is his suggestion that Jill Biden is embarrassed? I've never heard that before. I think it's more like Tucker Carlson is feigning embarrassment.
This stuff seems so petty, it almost leaves one speechless. I've never spent an instant wondering about Jill Biden's dissertation and , guess what?, I'm not going to start now. That's Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh's job.
I think he is questioning the merits of her getting the degree. Listen to his dissection of that juvenile script.
Have you read it?
Have you? I say it is Liar, Liar Pants on Fire for Tucker.
Tucker Carlson is driving down the thought processes of any person who watches him.
He starts out likening a heat attack patient showing up at the ER and having her be the doctor. But, as any edumacated person can tell you, Dr. Biden has a PhD. otherwise known as a Doctorate of Philosophy, not an MD., which is a medical doctor. You know that, Vic.
Most people know the difference, but Carlson is playing to the lowest common denominator, as he shows later when he builds a class strawman and makes the sweeping generalization that people who have advanced degrees aren't really any smarter or better than his audience but merely have been granted the tokens of honorifics without really earning them so that they can "rule over you," because, "They've got more merit badges." So, he is basically saying that anyone with a PhD. does not deserve the respect that is given them. Which, in addition to demeaning the President elect and his wife, was the point of his lie filled rant.
I disagree. Obviously you don't.
As for her dissertation, here is the paragraph that Tucker makes so much hay out of:
I see no traces of illiteracy in this or any other of the pages in her dissertation. I could not find the pages that Tucker said were like "pig latin or dogs barking" ... As a matter of fact, when Tucker gives his estimation of her as "poor, illiterate Jill Biden" and continues on to put down the, "college that considered this crap scholarship" he exposes himself to anyone who takes the time to look at her dissertation as a fraud and a charlatan. Oh, yeah, and she was not looking at the racial makeup because she was a "Biden", she was giving the rough demographics of a typical class so she could show how diverse the class was.
As for the financial aid question, she did a survey of students and the question was:
So it is entirely possible to get these results:
because those were the responses and lead to this sentence:
The percentages add to 103 and the students add to 162, because obviously someone gets their money from more than one source.
People need to look at the information when they can get it and verify that it is factual. In this case, Tucker is misrepresenting the whole thing so he can gin up his ratings because the uneducated masses are fleeing to another hate site instead of him. It is good that you are still there, giving one for the gipper...
Most people have more than half a brain and avoid Carlson's idiocy and lies like the plague.
As they say, a Tucker's born every minute...
Anyone watching Tucker Carlson and nodding in agreement is missing quite a few brain cells, especially when he's trying to explain how dumb someone else is to his half-wit viewers.
What is wrong with people nowadays?
How petty and pathetic will he go?
Also, are we truly this stupid ... that we do not know the honorific 'Doctor' has been conventionally used in history for those who have earned a doctorate? If one thinks that 'Doctor' necessarily means M.D. then one might have earned the label 'clueless'.
Tucker Carlson, however, is not clueless. He knows better. He is, much to his discredit, engaging in petty partisanship. Pretty disgusting.
The RCC used to use Doctor for highly educated priests who had also earned law degrees. Many of them during the reign of King Henry VIII
He continues to emulate the last clown king of Fox Entertainment, Bill O'Rielly.
Outrageous lies & exaggerations bring viewers and viewers bring advertising $$.
Fox is an entertainment empire.
Real news only occurs on their local affiliates and almost never resembles the crap on Cable entertainment show.
We all know that Vic has a brain and can use it. So your statement isn't entirely correct. That is just the problem. Common thinking folk are swayed to agree because that is what "Everybody who thinks like me" is doing, but they agree without critically analyzing the facts. And, since Donald Trump came along and introduced the concept of "Alternate Facts" (which is just another class of how to lie by telling half-truths or outright falsehoods, but you still get away with it, in short: Propaganda) the people who utilize the same have been conditioned to believe whatever a particular mouthpiece has to say. Hence, we get the breathless promulgation by Vic, who really should know better, of the mouthpiece Tucker without the slightest hint of a check of reality. This is the problem. Period.
It takes time to do your homework. So we oftentimes don't. If we got our information from a reputable source or sources, we can therefore act on that information with minimal fear that someone is going to pull the rug out from under us. Sometimes reputable sources get it wrong, but that is the exception not the norm. With the rise of "alternate-news sites" of all political persuasions, the information needs to be checked and verified because, as in this case, it is often just flat out wrong and character assassination.
I would like to make a correction.
Tucker Carlson, who gives a shit what he thinks or says.
Mrs Carlson? And I think the jury is still out on that one
This is what you call yahoo comedy. It has an unsurprisingly large audience on Fox News.
Well kudos to her for getting a doctorate at age 55. I don't know if I could have. Maybe if I didn't work and had chefs, maids, and chauffers I could have.
But yeah, this is petty of Carlson to put it on his show. He could use his time better.
[Deleted] What is it that you cons are always saying? Pull your self up and don't expect people to help you?
J ill Tracy Jacobs Biden, 57, has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware, two master’s degrees, from West Chester University and Villanova University, and a doctorate in education from the University of Delaware. She has been a teacher for more than two decades, including time teaching history to emotionally disturbed teenagers. She is now a professor of English at Delaware Technical and Community College.
So what? I have been working since I was 12. Put myself through college while working full time and raising two small children. Paid off my student loans myself years ago.
She doesn't impress me and nothing to slobber over. Her family is a bunch of thieves and she lives with it.
Carry on.
Sadly, that isn't something valued by many religious conservatives who ridicule education as they're doing now to Dr. Jill Biden and her level of education they'll never understand or achieve.
That will be the trope, meme, whatever for the next 4 years. They will have to diminish Dr Biden every chance they get
Pointing out her advantages is diminishing? Did she not have all the luxuries of an entitled person?
Yeah...when it comes across petty and mean
When you choose to read it like that I guess it does.
I am sure you can provide realistic links to prove that, right?
No, she can't. Sunshine just pulls shit out of her and flings it at the wall
I wonder how she could be illiterate and be a professor of English..... (Not really)
You Go, Dr. Jill Biden!
I don't understand all the bitter, hateful attacks on Jill Biden. She's gotta be one of the most innocuous people in Washington. SMH
That is rule #1 in the their playbook...personal attacks on the FLOUTUS.
Do you not see the hypocrisy in that comment? How about all the Melania comments?
Obviously you don't get the news about what Mrs. Trump is doing (your "third Mrs. Trump" dig aside) She does a hell of a lot behind the scenes that so many miss out on due to her "guilt by association" to the President.
Melania will never be good enough for the snobs no matter what she strives for.
The orange man bad syndrome takes over.
There has been a hell of a lot more than those misguided tennis courts, although done for the staff, that she has championed. Thanks for affirming you haven't kept up with all of her activities. Of course how could you depending on your daily news feed.
I am assuming, once again, guilt by association. She is her own woman married to Trump or not. As he is his own equal bully opportunity man. Being married doesn't mean you have to agree with the spouse on everything.
Would you be so kind to tell us just what it is she supposedly "championed" the last 4 years?
What about all the bitter, hateful attacks on Melania Trump?
Maybe if she hadn't done nude photos and then had all the evangelical leaders praising her "beauty"....
Face it, she's an easy target
Not to mention the fact that she and her parents have no more right to citizenship in this country than any other person that this administration has fought tooth and nail to keep out. You’d think she would have a little more respect for that undeserved honor than to wear a jacket that lets everyone know that she doesn’t care about those who weren’t extended the same courtesy.
Trump is anti immigrant yet comes from immigrant grandparents and married two.
She really isn't someone who inspires respect and admiration. She got her position by doing nothing more than laying on her back
Why all the conservative defense of the porn star Trump married instead of just paying her off like Stormy Daniels?
Will you tell your daughters as they grow up that you want them to be just like Melania? Is she really a role model for young American girls? Do some porn, then marry an old rich adulterer, oh what an achievement... /s
What about all the bitter, hateful attacks of Michelle Obama done by the same people who are all butt hurt now about attacks on Malenia?
Well she deserved it because she had nakked pics...the prunes can't stand it that a women would pose nakked as a young girl and then someday become First Lady.
So you're saying we should encourage our youth to get into the porn industry when they're young? Should we encourage our young girls to get naked so they might attract fat perverts on their third marriage that are nearly 30 years older than them to "sweep" them off their feet because they're rich? Should we be telling all our girls to emulate Anna Nicole Smith, Stormy Daniels and Melania instead of strong educated women like Eleanor Roosevelt, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, Condi Rice or Laura Bush who was also a school teacher?
Seems like the only reason Melania gets a pass for her speckled past from conservatives is because she happens to be married to their dear leader Donald.
Of an anorexic entitled former porn star who married a low IQ tub of lard nearly 30 years older than her for money? Not a chance.
me too
Prunes or prudes?
I honestly think that if Michele Obama or Jill Biden had nekkid photos of themselves that had been published in men's magazines, you, Greg, and all your other little friends would have a field day with it.
Don't bother denying it. You had plenty of awful things to say about Mrs. Obama. Greg there has certainly had more than his share of insults towards VP-elect Kamala Harris
That's exactly what she's saying. But because I encouraged my daughter to go to college and get an education instead of hopping on the stripper pole or getting nekkid for Playboy...I'm a prune (maybe she meant prude?)
Melania was in the porn industry?
You never have visited Europe have you? Nakked pics everywhere.
I bet you have no problem with Sports Illustrated do you? Or Hollywood?
Get over yourself.
We shouldn't even pretend that there is any rationality among Trump supporters. Of course they would be back on their high horses proclaiming the Democrat President a vile pervert if Biden was on his third marriage to a former porn star who was nearly thirty years younger than himself. And that's not even counting what they'd be saying if Biden had over two dozen accusations of sexual assault against him.
I'm sure the conservatives would just claim the dozens of women were lying just to sink his candidacy and saying anyone critical of his porn star wife is just jealous, yeah, those are the religious conservatives I've known for the past five decades… /s
I think Michelle was beautiful when she smiled. I have had plenty of things to say about her statements so you need to post what you felt I said was awful and we can discuss it.
SI doesn't post nude photos, do they?
And this is how you're going to defend your statements? Rather weak.
As you can see they can't really defend their hypocrisy
I really don't care if there were naked photos of any of those women. I think people should be able to do what they choose to do without ridicule... If it harms none, do as you will. Melania posing nude for Playboy harms no one; therefore, people shouldn't care. When "Slick Willy" was getting scrutinized for having an affair with Monica Lewinski; I thought it was asinine, because the only person / people that should've been concerned with that was Hillary and maybe their daughter, because it affected her.
I don't believe you and if you think I'm going back over 6-7 years of comments you are very much mistaken.
Maybe YOU didn't call her Moochelle or Gorilla Mama, but your buddies did and not one goddamned word of condemnation from you to them. You can't hide under that double standard anymore. You've been exposed
What are you babbling about? They sexualize young women too...no different.
Get over yourself. She is the First Lady and never harmed anyone.
Good grief, the TDS runs deep.
Yep, you where wrong again.
Let's be honest here. If Mrs Obama or Hillary or Dr Biden had posed nude for magazines you know damn good and well those women would be condemned for it. I'm only trying to point out the double standards that conservatives have when it comes to their women. Mock Melania and you get accused of being a misogynist but say one word to somebody who called Mrs. Obama a guerilla or a trans-man you're called a snowflake and that you're triggered.
That's all you've got???? Nothing about your own double standard???
Well... I don't know what label one would put on me with my views, but I personally wouldn't have cared if any of the other First Ladies posed nude for Playboy. Actually, I've always thought Playboy was far more tasteful than Hustler, which was always Hugh Hefner's biggest competition. Now, Hugh's daughter runs the Playboy franchise.
What the hell are YOU babbling about? Who brought up Europe and Sports Illustrated. I certainly didn't. I assumed you brought those subjects up to make a point but FAIL!
Show it...post it.
Well I tried...not my problem you don't understand it.
Supervisors get fired, and companies sued, for this same activity all the time no matter who consented. It's inappropriate and unethical for someone in a position of power to have an affair with a subordinate. Clinton is damned lucky there was taped evidence of consent or he'd be on a sex offender's list right now.
I do believe you are the only one here that wouldn't make a big deal about Michele or Jill or Kamala posing nude
Go pound sand. I already said you probably didn't call Mrs Obama names...or did you forget telling me I was wrong the second time?
see above
and go pound more sand
I remember an article back on NV where Michelle Malkin condemned Mrs. Obama for wearing couture to a state dinner (instead of something off the rack), and quite a few people there sided with Malkin.
Would AOC change your mind?
You made false claims that I said awful things about Michelle Obama and had double standards yet have not provided any proof of either one.
I am not the one who should pound sand here.
What is your point here?
And let's talk about the bare arms controversy! Whoo- whee, you would have thought she bared her breasts the way they carried on about it
Re-read comment number 6.4.14. Then go pound more sand
Woman gotta eat. And while I realize the woman in the articles more than likely will never become FLOTUS, gotta pay the bills. But this moment in HER history is much the same that the people negative of Mrs. Trump on this thread are bitching about. And AOC is in Congress and says all is AOK
How so? She was of legal age.
Yes, but I agree with TG that there are only a few of us that think that way... and that's sad.
If you all hadn't made so much over Mrs Obama's looks I wouldn't have cared that Melania posed nude. But then the righteous sanctimonious asshats got up to their pulpits and praised Melania and never said one word about her past work. And declared trmp such a good Christian man. And we have one such such righteous sanctimonious ass hat right here on NT.
That was all bullshit and it was just too much.
I really don't condemn people making money off their looks are if they have to engage in the sex trade to eat, but I will not put up with double standards and hypocrisy from the so-called church going, pearl clutching, Wednesday prayer meetin' bunch of assholes.
oh and here comes one that has said pretty nasty things about Kamala Harris.
And the left hates women......
Because other people did, I am culpable too.
Wow, that is much better than making false accustions.
Since she was an employee of the WH, it could have been construed as sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct with an employee. I think. Even tho she was of age
give it up. Stop making this all about you
I always thought they were jealous of her biceps. The woman has some great muscle tone.
I know I was jealous
I am addressing comments to you that you made about me personally.
If it bothers you, you shouldn't start stupid shit and don't keep responding,.
Very simple.
I think so too.
She could have easily said it wasn't consensual were their not audio evidence of the contrary.
Of course you have some of my quotes about Mrs. Obama right?
Don't put me in that fucking "you all" bullshit.
Maybe you didn't either, but you certainly didn't condemn any of YOUR buddies, either. Never once accused them of misogyny when they said something nasty about Mrs Obama or Kamala Harris did you?
Do you remember all the memes a certain ocean living NT member used to post here? Never saw any comment from you except LOL and votes up
She not only runs it, but took it out of the red. It almost went under at one time until she turned it all around.
I would think that it's like any other place of business and that it would have to be complained about to be filed as sexual harassment.
This on the other hand, may be true; I don't know the legality of it for the US Government and it's employees.
Right! I only WISH I could have that tone! But I'm a lazy slug.
But she didn't.
She sure did!
Cuz they were funny, most of them impossible. Do you remember the retorts with Melania basically the same type meme? In fact have you EVER dissed anyone posting shit about Melania? Of course you didn't. Tit (hehe) for tat.
Got a link to that audio evidence?
I was leaving Melania alone until her ex friend published that book showing that Melania wore that "ask me if I care" jacket to the border in order to show solidarity with her asshole husband. That was the end.
No, I never did, but I can admit it. I enjoyed hammering Melania so I sure as shit ain't gonna rag on others who did. But that's not the point is it? Some here are clammering that they never did and they never did that and we liberals are all fascitic misogynistic pigs for doing it but then can't look themselves in the mirror and admit that they enjoyed the bashing of liberal women. You just admitted that you thought they were funny. A photo of Michele Obama that makes her looks as if she has a penis? And you laughed and laughed... And then the insults about her really being a man.
Good gawd!
THAT is one steaming pile JR. It was "I really don't care do U" for one thing and it was NOT directed at her trip nor the children at the border.
Which, if you recall, was met with the same with Melania Trump.
FFS all of those things are impossibilities and are to be laughed at if nothing else for, their absurdity.
Really? So you think the old ocean animal was a hilarious kind of guy for posting those photos? You didn't find anything mean spirited about them?
All righty, Jim
And yeah somebody did it to Melania, too. I kept quiet about it, but should have spoken up. I don't think transgender is anything to laugh at, mock, or be mean spirited about
Didn't say that now did I. There have been memes all over that are just shit that someone with too much time on their hands created. They were said/posted to be funny and NOT malicious at all as very VERY few people took them seriously. If they did, well they aren't right in the head.
I'm sorry you were offended.......................
It was "The Battle of the Impossible Memes" as far as I was concerned. That's it.
Oh, and BTFW (lol) I laughed at the Melania ones too FYI
Well there is a difference between just your average citizen and those given such a visible platform that has traditionally been used to set a good example for fellow American citizens. And not recognizing the difference between encouraging young girls to work hard, get an education and contribute to society versus taking their clothes off for money, I believe can do serious harm to a society. Even if you don't ridicule such base brainless behavior that takes zero brain power or skill, we shouldn't be elevating it as something young girls should aspire to. Aspiring to be an educated self reliant educated American citizen, that's the ideal for a First Lady, whoring yourself out for nude photos or other to get ahead isn't something I think we should be teaching our daughters is what they should be trying to achieve in their lives and congratulating the porn star when she ends up on the arm of the President.
I suppose that is until the first lady advocates for children eating their vegetables.
But the First lady is setting an example, is she not? From porn to marrying rich, apparently a supposed success story to many conservatives.
So you're being 100% impartial when you hear criticism of Melania, it doesn't matter at all that she's married to the Republican President? If she were Joe Biden's wife you'd be just as dismissive of her past and complacent about her utter lack of any achievements other than landing a fat rich husband nearly 30 years her senior? Really?
Well that should take the wind out of the sails of anyone thinking to inspire the younger generation to succeed at anything apparently.
"Some encouragement"? Not as much encouragement as a parent can possibly muster? Not taking advantage of every opportunity to better oneself and your offspring? Not giving your child every possible opportunity for success as you can while also teaching them the skills they'll need to get through life? Do we really just give up and tell our daughters "Hey, just flash them titties and you'll bag yourself a billionaire, I mean hell, our First lady did it so that's all you need..."? Really? Is this where we have just abandoned all sense in an effort to defend the indefensible?
You must of hated it when Stormy Daniels was paraded for days all over your left wing media as a hero.
I apologize if that's how you interpreted my comment. I wasn't trying to twist anything you said, I was pointing out that traditionally, the First lady of our nation has set an example for young American girls and women. They have been advocates for certain change like encouraging our populace to be concerned with their children's health.
I agree that parents should be the primary source of encouragement, I am just expressing my opinion that, in the past pre-Melania, First ladies have also set an example for young girls in America. They have been relative icons that many have looked up to. Do you feel Melania should be looked up to? Do you think her method of "catching" Trump should be revered?
Okay, I'm listening, but all I'm hearing is "treat porn stars the way you want to be treated" which is fine, I don't think porn stars should be harassed for their occupations, but I also don't think they should be lauded for making such choices. Do you?
if you wish to get 'Fckd" , no ...?
She took her "Ask me if I care" cue from the orange slug she is married to.
Cuz they were funny,
You didn't say that?
Funny how Tucker's own network disavows him and in court used the excuse that no harm can come from his disinformation because no one would ever take him seriously. So Tucker is not a true journalist by his own employer's standards and is nothing but an opinionated blowhard talking head. No one takes him seriously, not even his own network.
Same could be said of Don Lemon
Tucker is what is called a Pundit, right? I haven't had TV in years so I don't watch these guys. About as close as I get is listening to them on XM radio going back and forth to work. As far as I can tell, these people have one purpose. To take a little truth and turn it into propaganda. Since I don't have TV I probably haven't seen them all but, even on XM or YouTube, I have yet to see one that appears to examine anything honestly. They seem to do their best to present what their audience want to believe rather than actually examining factual aspects of the issue and try to come to honest consensus.
If I understand correctly, Jill Biden has a doctorate in education. End of story, if that is so. She's entitled to Dr. as an honorific. Anything else is just mean spirited, petty and petulant. What the hell has happened to people that they can't abide truth? If Jill Biden has a Doctorate then the only honest and honorable thing to do is accept it and move on.
And whoever this Epstein guy is seems about as honorable as a school yard bully making fun of how another student is dressed.
So what then does Tuckers comments say about his largely Trump supporting conservative audience?
Well, in my experience, pretty much the same thing Chris Hayes and Chris Cuomo's comments says, only to the left. That is, none of them actually try to illuminate truth but, rather, craft a narrative for people who can't be bothered to think for themselves. They all appeal to emotion rather than trying to arrive at something sensible.
The comments from the conservatives here are very transparent in their attitudes. They really can't defend Melania Trmp against Jill Biden so they make up all kinds of excuses that they don't care what people do in their lives even if that means becoming a sex worker.
BUT....would you admit that to your pastor or your priest? I doubt it. Especially the ones who like to portray themselves as such upstanding Christians who condemn liberals as being immoral pieces of shit because we think people should have choices, especially women.
I have moved this article back to the main forum and will lock the problem thread. Anyone continuing will the personal comments will get a ticket. Please carry on with civil discussion.
oh. Got it I think it should stay in HD
Closed, too many bad threads, pending tickets and borderline comments
and no participation by the seeder who still found the time to publish other seeds today.