Last Chance For Trump Supporters To Handle The Truth

After Wednesday there are no more checkpoints in the election and transition process where people can get off the Trump Train of their own accord. After that point the whole thing will be on its last leg , pulling into the final decrepit station and everyone will have to get off, at least in terms of a Trump presidency.
One of the most famous lines in movie history is "You can't handle the truth". Now that is the lasting theme that can be applied to diehard Trump supporters. Do they really want to go down in history, (even if it is only their own personal history) as having refused to acknowledge that Donald Trump was unfit to hold the office of the President of the United States?
There is a new call to impeach Trump, although it seems unlikely. Most Democrats want to continue to try and appeal to Trump supporters to come back into the fold of reasonable discourse. They want to put the whole sordid Trump realm behind us, but can't explain how that will happen when so many Trump supporters believe he walks on water.
There is a good argument for impeaching Trump over the Georgia phone call two days ago. If he is impeached and removed from office he would not be able to run again and perpetrate more deceit and criminality four years from now.
The Democrats could call emergency meetings of the relevant committees and have articles of impeachment through the House by the weekend. The trial in the Senate could be held in a single day next week, and he could be removed from office by Jan 15.
Trump is on audio saying that he wants Georgia election officials to "find" exactly the number of votes needed to make him the winner there. That is a clear attempt to rig an election result. Numerous legal experts are saying that it is an obvious crime. Impeach him and remove him from office and we'll even let Pence pardon him before Biden takes the oath on Jan 20.
Can Trumpsters, at long last, handle the truth ?
In case you forgot who were dealing with ...
Geez those guys are dumb.
Not any dumber than some of the NT clowns we currently reside with.
trmp committed a crime by trying to persuade the Georgia Sec of State to find more votes. That's at least an abuse of power and an attempt at election rigging.
Agreed. It's sedition.
I am right now trying to listen to the whole thing. Hard for me as I can't stand listening to him speak.
So far all he has is a million different theories about how he was 'robbed'. Throwing everything out there including the sinks from polling place bathrooms.
Predictably there are people out there defending what he has done.
I heard the SOS came out and said that they recorded this because of the same thing from Graham. I wish they would have recorded Graham as well. That piece of shit needs to be taken down a couple of notches.
Klepper gold right there. One of my favorites.
Oh, let it go John...he'll be gone and soon forgotten in a few days...tossed on the dust heap of history.
Don't worry, be happy.
Is that your version of handling the truth ?
There might not be time for an impeachment, but a nice long prison stretch for all his crimes way past 2024 would work.
They haven't been able to handle the truth for a long, long time. They totally ignore that Republicans lose the popular vote over and over again because the true majority in America do not like harsh authoritarian policies. Every time a Republican is caught lying, whether it is some sex scandal, lying about WMD, lying about Iran-Contra, lying about everything under the sun they perpetually play dumb like it never happened or make outrageous excuses for bad policies based on lies or bad behavior or lack of moral courage. They love to pretend to take the moral high ground on anything when challenged to confront the lies which they excuse. Republicans have lied to their base for the last 50 years knowing they can play the evangelical card or exploit an issue as a point of division. The majority of America wants more and Republicans only serve themselves expecting their own base to swallow lies denying any aid to Americans. They are more about messaging than policy or actual results.
The New York Times reported :
After the suitcase-of-fraud claims were dismissed by election officials, social media users started sharing a “confession” that Freeman supposedly posted to her Instagram account. This Instagram account, however, does not actually belong to Freeman. Shortly after this “confession” went viral, the @ RubyFreeman_Georgia Instagram account (which was created on the same day this message was posted), started sharing content that mocked those who fell for its ruse.
In addition to falsely accusing this woman of confessing to election fraud, many social media users also passed around a mug shot of an entirely different “Ruby Freeman” in an apparent attempt to further smear her character or resuscitate this rumor.
The accusations against Freeman were without merit, as were a plethora of claims holding that the 2020 presidential election was marred by widespread voter fraud . Claims of voter fraud have been dismissed by election officials and lawsuits alleging fraud have been dismissed by judges across the country.
As for Ruby Freeman, she was not arrested by the FBI and she is not suspected (outside of conspiracy-minded circles) of any wrongdoing related to the 2020 election.
In his phone call with the Georgia secretary of state Trump repeatedly used Ruby Freeman's name in connection to voter fraud.
I hope there is a way for her to sue him.
Slander or defamation of character might apply.
These people are desparate
The secretary of states office in Georgia is pounding on Trump as we speak. As they say, they have receipts.
Didn't Georgia's AG just resign?