The One Good Thing the MAGA Mobs Smashed? The Trump Kids’ Futures.

The One Good Thing the MAGA Mobs Smashed? The Trump Kids’ Futures.
On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump made his children the future of the Republican Party . On Jan. 6, 2021 , he took it away. As someone who has suckled at the teat of nepotism, I can attest that you’re only as famous or as popular as the parent who made you relevant in the first place. On Jan. 6, 2021 Trump went from “annoying but useful to the Republican Party” to “the thing that the Republican Party finally realizes is going to kill it .”
Sure, many of us knew Trump would kill the Republican Party like five years ago. But Republicans didn’t seem to realize it until armed Trump supporters overran the Capitol, killed a police officer, and had politicians hiding in their offices. Trump is over. Will he cause an all-out civil war? We honestly don’t know yet. But it’s too early to say we’ve escaped this whole fiasco.
The infamous day started like any other, with the Trump sons shopping civil war to the president’s supporters. Said Junior: “This isn’t their Republican Party anymore. This is Donald Trump’s Republican Party. If you’re gonna be the zero and not the hero, we’re coming for you and we’re going to have a good time doing it!”
The president’s large adult sons have not shied away from civil war talk. In fact, on Jan. 5, the dumbest of the president’s children, Eric, tweeted: “I will personally work to defeat every single Republican Senator/Congressman who doesn't stand up against this fraud—they will be primaried in their next election and they will lose.”
Eric also told Fox News’ Sean Hannity: “I can tell you, Sean, any senator or any congressman that does not—meaning on this side—that does not fight tomorrow, I’m telling you, will not—their political career is over .” The president’s large adult sons consider themselves to be kingmakers, which is sort of ironic since Eric, who has never held any elected office, is supposed to be a businessman running a totally unrelated business. The demand was clear: Overturn the election or else daddy will be real mad. It was peak failson.
The Trump presidency has largely been one four year-long experiment in failsonness . What happens when a child of privilege who has never worked for anything gets everything? What happens when you make a failson president? And then that failson stacks his administration with other failsons? President Failson hired only the best people—like his daughter, who until working at the White House had mostly been designing sweatshop-manufactured plastic shoes, and his son-in-law, who mostly worked for his own father, a felon. One is not born a failson... well actually, maybe one is.
We know the Republican Party is done with Trump and his failsons because of what the biggest opportunist in the Senate said on the day of the coup. Lindsey Graham, Mr. Whatever Way the Wind Is Blowing, who’s practically been Trump’s caddy for the last four years, pronounced he was done pretending to like Trump so that he could get re-elected. “I hate it being this way. Oh my god I hate it... but today all I can say is count me out. Enough is enough. I tried to be helpful,” Graham said Wednesday.
Emily Jane Fox wrote that a longtime friend of Ivanka told her, “It feels like everyone on the Upper East Side is texting me today. Suddenly they all want to join the Resistance .” That same friend told me on the phone, “I think it’s been a very slow process. I think when she came out against abortion that was the moment when people realized that she would do anything to get ahead.” This friend also told me, “In two weeks, MBS is going to be texting Hunter Biden. No one gives a shit about Jared Kushner anymore.”
“Change is in the air, and as we know from the last four years of Republicans losing the House and the Senate, Trumpism isn’t transferable.”
The friend continued that people are sort of panicking. “A lot of Jared and Ivanka friends are either posting political things on their account for the first time or they are frantically hearting other people’s posts.” And she added that in her mind at least, “There’s an unwritten list, from people that went to Camp David [or] were papped with them at the Hess wedding or accepted their invitation to get a private tour of the White House—for those people too little, too late seems like an understatement.”
Trump may still be able to command his millions of white supremacists and Confederate fetishizers. But change is in the air, and as we know from the last four years of Republicans losing the House and the Senate, Trumpism isn’t transferable. Trumpism doesn’t scale. Will Ivanaka be able to win a primary against little Marco? Theoretically. Junior might be able to win Matt Gaetz’s Florida House seat, but he’s not going to be able ride daddy’s racism to the White House now or ever, and I for one am pretty fucking glad of that. /2021/01/08/kimberly-guilfoyle-ripped-for-call-to-fight-and-sexy-dance-in-video-before-capitol-attack/
Kimberly Guilfoyle ripped for call to ‘fight’ and sexy dance in video before Capitol attack
Kimberly Guilfoyle is once again the topic of Twitter discussion for her fiery MAGA rhetoric and her dancing, but this time the chatter is about her appearance in a chilling video taken before President Trump’s Save America rally, which later led to a mob attack on the Capitol.
Guilfoyle is shown breaking into a hip-shaking dance while backstage before the rally started, and is then heard encouraging the crowd to “fight” for Trump.
Guilfoyle’s name came up as one of those in Trump’s family and inner circle who, many said, should be investigated for inciting violence committed by the president’s supporters. The riot left five people dead, including a police officer.
On Thursday, U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin on Thursday said the Justice Department wouldn’t rule out pursuing charges against Trump as investigators look at whether other “actors,” who didn’t actually storm the building, should face justice, Politico reported . But the Justice Department appeared to switch gears Friday, with an official saying that Trump and other speakers at the rally were not expected to be criminally charged for inciting a riot.
“We don’t expect any charges of that nature,” one official told reporters in a conference call, CNBC reported. Another DOJ official told reporters that the federal investigation is focused solely on criminal acts at the Capitol building. The investigation continues as House Democrats moved closer to introducing an impeachment resolution next week, possibly for “incitement of insurrection,” CNN reported.
On Thursday, a furious Joe Scarborough, a MSNBC host, called for Donald Trump Jr. and Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to be arrested for their calls to “fight” while speaking at the rally.
Meanwhile, people across social media said the “others” also should include two of Trump’s other adult children, Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump, as well as Guilfoyle, the former Fox News host, one-time San Francisco prosecutor, ex-wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom and now the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr.
Tiffany Trump shows loyalty by pushing dad’s banned messages, lamenting his ban from social media
Legal experts also said the First Amendment could make it difficult for Trump and others to be prosecuted for impassioned speeches. But even if Guilfoyle can’t be prosecuted, she was nonetheless being scrutinized on social media for her starring role in the video, apparently filmed by Trump Jr., before the start of the rally.
As Laura Branigan’s “Gloria” played in the background, the video showed Trump, Ivanka Trump, Guilfoyle and other Trump family members in a white tent. They stood around stacked monitors, streaming footage of Trump supporters outside, near the White House as before both houses of Congress were about to meet at the Capitol to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.
A few seconds into the video, Trump Jr. called to Guilfoyle: “Kimberly!”
Guilfoyle, in a black cape, turns to the camera and briefly breaks into the hip-shaking dance she’s been showcasing at other recent pro-Trump rallies.
A little while later, as Trump Jr. pulls Guilfoyle in close to him, she tells Trump fans: “Have the courage to do the right thing! Fight!”
Some on Twitter wrongly said the video was filmed while pro-Trump rioters burst into the Capitol, but the video was filmed before the rally. Not long after she danced for the camera, Guilfoyle took to the stage as one of the speakers.
During her speech, Guilfoyle, who was a top fundraiser for Trump’s campaign, repeated his baseless claims of widespread voter fraud. After calling Trump the most “impactful, transformative” president America has ever seen, Guilfoyle said, “We will continue to hold the line across the incredible country, because we finally had a president in the White House who knows what it means to put America first … who stands for veterans and law enforcement and the American family.”
Guilfoyle’s voice also rose to a yell, which has become her signature speaking style since the Republican National Convention. She exclaimed: “We will not allow the liberals and the Democrats steal our dream or steal our elections.”
Guilfoyle then introduced Trump Jr., who greeted the crowd: “Hello patriots!” Trump Jr. excoriated Republicans who said they would not object to certifying the electoral votes that declared Biden the winner on Nov. 3. Calling the Republican Party the “Trump Republican Party,” Trump Jr. said those who didn’t fight for his father are “rolling over” instead of fighting in the face of “glaring irregularity.”
“Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!” the crowd chants.
Trump Jr. ended his speech by saying, “Stand up and fight! Stand up and hold your representatives accountable and when you do, we can keep America great. Keep fighting!”
During his speech, Trump also told the crowd to “fight like hell” before dispatching them to march to the Capitol.
Legal experts told Politico that it could be difficult or unwise to prosecute Trump or others in his circle for their speeches at the rally While impassioned speeches can rile up individuals who later break the law, the First Amendment gives broad protection to such speech — unless it can be shown that the speaker knew criminal activity was imminent or underway, Politico said.
“The law of incitement deliberately makes it very hard to prove,” Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, told Politico. “I think this is not, in fact, likely to be considered incitement under existing law, and it would be a mistake to try to stretch existing law to cover it because it’s something that could be used against ordinary citizens engaged in political movements in the future.”
Trump clan parties it up moments before giving speeches calling for insurrection.
It is now time for Twitter to permanently suspend his kid's Twitter accounts also so dear ole dad can't use them.