
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Brutally Mocks Ted Cruz for Searingly Dumb Paris Climate Agreement Tweet


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  4 years ago  •  19 comments

By:   Jamie Ross (The Daily Beast)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Brutally Mocks Ted Cruz for Searingly Dumb Paris Climate Agreement Tweet
The Texas senator launched a clueless attack on President Joe Biden's decision to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement on his first day in office.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Jamie Ross


Updated Jan. 21, 2021 8:02AM ET / Published Jan. 21, 2021 6:37AM ET 2021-01-02T171939Z_138042732_RC2TZK97454G_RTRMADP_3_USA-ELECTION-GEORGIA_nsdxkw

Reuters/Elijah Nouvelage

After months of vomiting up falsehoods about election fraud to please Donald Trump, it might have been a good idea for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to just quieten down for a little while. But, true to form, he's bumbled into the Biden era with some fresh nonsense. In a clueless attack on President Joe Biden's decision to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement—the flagship international treaty to tackle the climate crisis—Cruz failed to wrap his head around why Biden backs a deal signed in France. Paraphrasing an old Trump line, he wrote: "By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he's more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh." His misunderstanding, whether it was wilful or not, has been treated with the derision it deserves. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote: "Nice tweet Sen. Cruz! Quick question: do you also believe the Geneva Convention was about the views of the citizens of Geneva?"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Nice tweet Sen. Cruz! Quick question: do you also believe the Geneva Convention was about the views of the citizens of Geneva?

Asking for everyone who believes US Senators should be competent and not undermine our elections to incite insurrection against the United States

Senator Ted Cruz
By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh. This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.
11:37 PM · Jan 20, 2021
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jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Maybe Ted Cruz is thrown off his game by so many people telling him to resign for his seditious behavior a couple weeks ago. 

Professor Principal
2  TᵢG    4 years ago

Think of how miserable the ending candidates of the 2016 R primary were.   The top two were Trump and Cruz.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    4 years ago

I keep seeing people try to say that AOC is . uh, unintelligent. I have seen AOC in a number of interviews and she hasnt looked unintelligent in any of them.  I see AOC as someone who wants to promote a "big picture". I dont see her as someone immersed in facts and figures and always the details. She is an advocate more than a proceduralist. But that doesn't make her unintelligent. She wants better lives and more government assistance for working class people, and the poor,  in America. She advocates. I dont see her ever being the one in the committee meeting with a stack of statistics in front of her, but she has an important role in Congress nonetheless. 

I have seen a good number of Republican congresspeople who appear to be less intelligent than her, and there are probably some Democrats too. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
3.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  JohnRussell @3    4 years ago

The right is particularly harsh with AOC because she represents what they do not: smart and female. She must not succeed, lest other women take note!

Professor Principal
4  Kavika     4 years ago

Canada has refused to take him back anti immigration laws of Canada prohibit dumb asses from being allowed into the country.  

Cuba on the other hand will welcome him back with open arms, they said that they have a score that they want to settle. 


Professor Principal
4.1  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @4    4 years ago

obviously a reflex action, since trump's nuts have been attached to ted's chin for so long ...

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

Cruz is still kissing Trump's ass.

Professor Silent
5.1  SteevieGee  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @5    4 years ago

He wants to BE trump when he grows up.

Professor Principal
5.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @5    4 years ago

Ever since, in 2016,  he called Trump a psychopathic liar the likes of which America had never seen and then a couple days later endorsed him for president , it's been pretty much downhill for Cruz. As Texas becomes more purple, he'll have a rough time even getting re-elected to the Senate next time. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5.2.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @5.2    4 years ago

His wife should kick his ass to the curb, but if she is as kool aid intoxicated as he is, fuck her.

Professor Expert
6  Nerm_L    4 years ago

I'm sure Democrats have informed their liberal base that COP21 (and any other such international agreements) do not apply to only white people.

While Ted Cruz is playing politics directed toward the information challenged (something Democrats are adept at doing), the basis of Cruz' statement is correct.  President Biden is displaying more concern for other countries than for the United States. 

The United States doesn't need international agreements to address climate change.  And, as Europe has demonstrated, an international agreement isn't needed for other countries to address climate change.  COP21 doesn't contribute anything toward addressing climate change.

Professor Participates
6.1  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Nerm_L @6    4 years ago

Beyond triple-bullshit Nerm.

Biden is rightly focusing on getting control of the Covid infection here in the US first and foremost.  Correcting the lack of direction and effort regarding the Corona virus by the previous administration will revive our economy, and reduce unemployment.  The fact that you willfully ignore this focus to take issue with things this new administration is able to do in parallel speaks volumes to your political blindness.

[removed]    and please take your lies back to Breitbart whey they are cherished. 

Professor Expert
6.1.3  Nerm_L  replied to  FLYNAVY1 @6.1    4 years ago
Beyond triple-bullshit Nerm.

Biden is rightly focusing on getting control of the Covid infection here in the US first and foremost.  Correcting the lack of direction and effort regarding the Corona virus by the previous administration will revive our economy, and reduce unemployment.  The fact that you willfully ignore this focus to take issue with things this new administration is able to do in parallel speaks volumes to your political blindness.

Be gone troll, and please take your lies back to Breitbart whey they are cherished. 

So, Joe Biden can only do one thing at a time?

Unfortunately for these type of dissembling rants, the liberal press is reporting otherwise.  The pandemic is only one of Joe Biden's many priorities.

Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail - New York Times

And the fact Joe Biden is focusing attention of getting control of Covid (which isn't really factual at all) doesn't address that rejoining the COP21 accomplishes nothing toward addressing climate change.  Europe hasn't needed international accords to address climate change.  The United States hasn't needed international accords to address climate change.

As with most political solutions, COP21 does nothing.  Which explains why a Democratically controlled government wants to be a part of COP21.

Professor Principal
7  seeder  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Kevin Doran
Since Ted Cruz is already this deep into the bag of weird Trump lies, how long before he accuses himself of cheating in the 2016 Iowa primary?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
7.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @7    4 years ago

Cruz has it exactly right on this stupid giveaway to other countries.

Not a single benefit for the American people is contained within this con game

.By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh. This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.

Professor Participates
7.1.1  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Greg Jones @7.1    4 years ago

It's called leadership.... on the world stage...... Two things the US has always done until your false idol Trump decided that the US shouldn't be the leader of the free world.

Junior Quiet
8  Freewill    4 years ago

Honestly the US is already moving faster than most countries to reduce its carbon footprint without being part of the Paris Accord.  Although whether we rejoin the accord or not, the fight to stop climate change will require a global effort, not just an effort on our part or Europe's part.  Rather tough to see that happening given the facts in THIS article .

Coal mining and coal-fired electricity generation in the U.S. and Europe continues to decline, but in Asia, coal-fired demand is projected to increase through 2030 thanks to national policies and Chinese financing. In the U.S., coal mine production capacity fell in 2019 to 590 million short tons – a 28 percent decline from the peak production in 2009, according to the federal Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Meanwhile in other parts of the world....

While coal is on the decline in the U.S. and Europe, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects rapid growth in coal use in India and Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asian coal demand is forecast by the IEA to more than triple its growth to 68 million tons between 2024 and 2030 and Indian demand to rise eightfold to 122 million tons.

The reasons for the sustained growth of coal-fired plants in Asia is due to a number of factors including cheap technology and financing from China, and national policies and monopoly utilities that promote coal, according to a Tufts University study.

The Tufts researchers looked at four countries, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh and found that they all had energy needs served by “China’s willingness to finance and export equipment and services to build new coal-fired power plants overseas.”

“Most multilateral development banks have restricted investments into coal-fired power due to concerns about their environmental impacts,” the report said.

The World Bank ceased investments in coal except in rare circumstances in 2010, and the Asian Development Bank has not funded any coal-fired power plants since 2013.

From 2000 to 2019, China’s policy banks invested $52 billion in coal projects globally.

Indonesia received $9.3 billion in Chinese financing for coal-fired plant between 2000 and 2019, India $7.7 billion, Vietnam $7 billion and Bangladesh $2.1 billion, according to the study.

If we don't address what the two largest populations in the world are doing, then the Paris Accord isn't worth the parchment it is written upon.


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