McConnell denounces Marjorie Taylor Greene, defends Liz Cheney

McConnell is publicly denouncing GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying such "loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party."
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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is publicly denouncing GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying such "loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party."
He also issued a statement backing Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who is under attack from the right.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is publicly denouncing GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying such "loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party."
Undoubtedly her wacky conspiracy theories will a few of the nuttier MAGA crowd-- but her nutty ideas will alienate more voters then they will attract....(and McConnell knows this).
He also issued a statement backing Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who is under attack from the right.
In the current split within the Republican party, those on the far right have been attacking Cheney...further damaging the Party and alienating sensible voters.
People are saying that its long overdue that she be disciplined.
People? What people?'re not supposed to ask that question!
For what?
Maybe today, but who knows what Mitch "Pendulum" McConnell will say tomorrow? He's known for changing his story, like for example that SCOTUS judges can't be confirmed near the end of a POTUS' term (Garland) but that doesn't mean Amy Barrett couldn't be confirmed, or saying Trump was responsible for encouraging the insurrection to now disagreeing with the impeachement.
Yeah well Mr. Krishna, Mr. McConnell sort of and very deftly backtracked a bit although his 'deftly' move was very 'deftly'. In other words, McConnell is surely a Well Greased GOPER.
Check it out.
Well Mr. bbl-1....if you had to guess-- what would you guess McConnell's was for doing this?
Well Mr. bbl-1....if you had to guess-- what would you guess McConnell's motive was for doing this?
Two points.
1. The Minority Leader does not care on one hand and on the other is not sure if there will be a short or long term benefit------or complete detriment for future GOP Georgia loyalty.
2. Does not know the correct action to take in order to mitigate the circumstances which apparently caused over 300,000 GOP voters to not vote in the Georgia runoff senate elections.
a. My own summery: Am simply stunned that McGrath lost to McConnell. Does not compute. Voter fraud in KY? With MMitch in retirement things would be soooooo different.
I think he's on autopilot. He's doing a bit of everything. Obeisance to Lord Donald, criticism (modest!) of Lord Donald, rejection of the Dems, cooperation with the Dems, ...
Fox barely mentioned McConnell's statement.
I'm not surprised...
Fox is in a difficult position now (one that they themselves created of course).
If they act too "moderate" (i.e. sensible) they will further alienate their most extreme viewers. In fact, apparently their many of their viewers have abandoned them because they aren't...well ... crazy enough!
OTOH, if they go along with the craziest nut-cases in the Party like Marjorie Taylor Greene, (doing it enough to keep all their looniest extremists from leaving) they'd have to start strongly pushing the lie that the election was rigged, that there really are those "Jewish Space Lasers", that all those mass shooting were faked-- and other nutty stuff.
What ever. Did FOX acknowledge Sicknick's cremated remains on the Rotunda?
It amuses me to watch Fox imitate a pretzel.
Fox barely mentioned McConnell's statement.
Interesting that you should mention that tonight. Because I witnessed an even stranger omission. Tonight the body of police officer Sicknick (murdered by the terrorists on Jan. 6) was lying in state in the Capitol. This evening only police paid their respects-- Congress members and others were to arrive in the morning.
But then the Biden's made a surprise appearance.
After watching it for a while , I switched channels to see if it was just one shared newsfeed or if they all had different coverage.
MSNBC and CNN had full coverage.
But I switched to Hannity-- he's didn't even mention it. Switched back and forth-- finally Hannity mentioned it but only breifly.Then Laura Ingraham came on, also didn't.
Flipped to the other Fox channel-- Lou Dobbs didn't mention it either!
Strange...especially in the past I've often heard Fox news say how much they cared about "Law and Order"!
Flipped to the other Fox channel-- Lou Dobbs didn't mention it either!
A note to our Fox viewers (those who only watch Fox)-- you aren't getting all the news. (I bet you probably think you are-- but if you rely on Fox you are not!)
See? Both parties have their crazy people.
Name them.