
A Ted Cruz pinata brings smiles —and sales — to a Texas party store owner


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  larry-hampton  •  4 years ago  •  26 comments

By:   Cynthia Silva (NBC News)

A Ted Cruz pinata brings smiles —and sales — to a Texas party store owner
The viral photos of Sen. Ted Cruz coming back from Cancun inspired Dallas, Texas Latino business owner Carlos De La Fuente to create a unique pinata of Cruz which has boosted store sales.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Feb. 24, 2021, 4:03 PM UTC By Cynthia Silva

One store owner decided to take a controversy on the news and make it into a party item.

Carlos De La Fuente, the owner of ABC Party HQ in Dallas, created a pinata inspired by the viral photos of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, walking through the Cancun International Airport. The image circulated widely following the backlash over the senator's recent trip to Mexico amid the state's historic winter storm.

In the photo, Cruz sported a mask with the Texas flag as he rolled his suitcase.

The store created the unique design as the storm forced it to close for six days starting Feb. 13.

"That's the reason that I've gotten creative and made some pinatas, so that people can come and support," De La Fuente told NBC News. "I'm always looking for something positive out of negative things so that we can all get a laugh out of it."

Carlos De La Fuente created a pinata of Sen. Ted Cruz after he was spotted heading to Cancun while Texas struggled with extreme temperatures.Courtesy Carlos De La Fuente

Cruz's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The 3 1/2 foot pinata sells for $100 and though they are only sold at the store, it has already led to around $2,000 in sales as of Tuesday.

As for the papier-mache creations they make themselves, this isn't the first time the store has highlighted a politician.

The store made pinatas of Sen. Bernie Sanders' inauguration meme that went viral across social media and of former President Donald Trump.

"I'm always keeping up with news trends and what's going on in the world, both positive and negative," he said.

De La Fuente, who is from the northern Mexican state of Tamaulipas, says it's been a spot of good news amid the weather emergency's setbacks. The store had counted on the sale of fresh roses for Valentine's Day, and they couldn't sell a single one as residents wrestled with the disastrous cold snap.

The pandemic has also set back ABC Party HQ sales; it closed down starting last March for 10 weeks and it has seen business drop amid increased social distancing rules for the state.

Texas has recorded over 2.6 million Covid-19 cases, according to NBC News' count.

Yet, De La Fuente says he's received a positive reaction on the pinatas from his community, who he says is especially supportive of local businesses.

"We're now getting back to opening up," said De La Fuente, "because the temperatures are there and are ready to get back to work."


jrDiscussion - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Larry Hampton    4 years ago


Wack away!

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Larry Hampton @1    4 years ago

hopefully all the candy is in the head.

Professor Participates
1.1.1  FLYNAVY1  replied to  devangelical @1.1    4 years ago

Nah.... I would expect the head to be void of anything.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  Larry Hampton @1    4 years ago


Professor Participates
1.3  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Larry Hampton @1    4 years ago

Brilliant!  Bet the damned thing will be flying off the shelves!

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

Too funny, the pendejo pinata. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3  Raven Wing     4 years ago

The new Whack-a-Fool! And a better fool could not be found. He's right up there with his mentor Trump with his lies he thinks people are stupid enough to believe. And then thinks up more lies when the truth is found out.

Whack! Whack! Whack-a- Fool! Hit him high, hit him low! C'mon folks, let's go!!

(hope you don't expect any candy inside, there's nothing but hot air)

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4  Trout Giggles    4 years ago

Let me go hunt up my Louisville Slugger.

I think he should put tamales in that pinata

Professor Participates
5  bugsy    4 years ago

Everyone with half a brain cell knows that if this pinata were a version of a democrat Hispanic, especially a woman Hispanic, we would immediately see howling outrage by the left, accusing the store owner of sexism, misogyny, racism, demand the store be shut down the owner be cancelled, and dutifully, members of BLM and ANTIFA would come in, steal everything in the store, then burn it down...

The liberal/democratic response.

Professor Principal
5.1  devangelical  replied to  bugsy @5    4 years ago

gee, I thought the rightwing hated anchor babies that shade....

Professor Participates
5.1.1  bugsy  replied to  devangelical @5.1    4 years ago

Not sure where you got that from my post, but, hey...you be [youremoved]

Professor Principal
5.1.3  devangelical  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.2    4 years ago
Ted Cruz' mother was an American citizen. Which made Ted one also.

sorry, not from 1/20/09 to 1/20/17.

Professor Principal
5.2  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5    4 years ago

Actually, Mr. De La Fuente did one of a liberal democratic Jewish politician, Bernie Sanders, and no one was outraged, in fact, most of us with half a brain cell thought it was funny including Bernie. 

Tener sentido del humor, bugsy.

Professor Participates
5.2.1  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.2    4 years ago
Actually, Mr. De La Fuente

My guess...and I'm usually correct, is that white liberals did not become upset at this because something a liberal Hispanic does of a white person is construed as perfectly acceptable. If a white liberal showed any concern over it, they would be labeled a racist, cancelled and kicked out of the loon left club.

It was ignored out of safety of identity.

Professor Principal
5.2.2  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5.2.1    4 years ago
My guess...and I'm usually correct, is that white liberals did not become upset at this because to be upset at something a Hispanic does of a white person is construed as perfectly acceptable. If a white liberal showed any concern over it, they would be labeled a racist, cancelled and kicked out of the loon left club.

Actually, you think that you're usually correct, it's all a matter of opinion as is the rest of your comment. You know what they say about opinions. 

BTW, you're aware that Bernie is a white ultra liberal right? 

Aun no has encontrado tu sentido del humor.

Professor Participates
5.2.4  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.2.2    4 years ago
BTW, you're aware that Bernie is a white ultra liberal right? 

That;s right...I do. That's why I posted this...

"white liberals did not become upset at this because something a liberal Hispanic does of a white person is construed as perfectly acceptable".

He, also, cannot become upset, at least not publicly, over this, because he too will be cancelled.

Liberals are known to eat their own.

Professor Principal
5.2.5  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5.2.4    4 years ago

Wow bugsy, you're sounding like you have a lot of grievances and cannot even get a laugh out of something that is funny. De La Fuente made a pinada of Cruz, Sanders, and others. Cruz screwed up, lied about his vacation to Mexico and that made it worse, he really screwed the pooch. Sanders took the meme of him and turned it into a product that profits go to charity. Perhaps Cruz should try that, it might help him restore some of his credibility.

It's amazing that one Hispanic making fun of another that deserved it has you upset.  

Liberals are known to eat their own.

That is hilarious after what is going on in the republican party...The real version of cancel culture..

Professor Participates
5.2.6  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.2.5    4 years ago
It's amazing that one Hispanic making fun of another that deserved it has you upset.

Upset? You have me confused with someone else. What I find is hilarious, and that is the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to making fun of their own figures versus their outward hatred of those they simply do not agree with.

Liberals are a funny (sad) crowd.

Professor Principal
5.2.7  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5.2.6    4 years ago

I don't have you confused with anyone else, bugsy. It's your opinion and sadly you can't see that Cruz was a total asshole and got caught and he paying the price, simple as that. 

He should be careful Bernie may zap him with the Jewish space laser. 

Professor Participates
5.2.8  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.2.7    4 years ago
Cruz was a total asshole and got caught and he paying the price, simple as that. 

Yes he probably was, however, on the flip side, like I have said before, if it were a democrat doing ANYTHING Cruz did, there would be no worries because that democrat would automatically get a pass.

You know...the almighty D Trumps everything else to a liberal.

Professor Principal
5.2.9  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5.2.8    4 years ago
You know...the almighty D Trumps everything else to a liberal.

Come on bugsy, the R is no better in fact with the fiasco with Trump they are a lot worse. 

Have a good evening.

Professor Guide
5.3  Tacos!  replied to  bugsy @5    4 years ago

Very true.


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