
Thanks To Trumpism, America Is A Ridiculous Country


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  4 years ago  •  4 comments

Thanks To Trumpism, America Is A Ridiculous Country

It's sad to say, but we have a rough third of our country that wants to cling to Trumpism like an infant sucking on its blankie. 

We can joke about it, mock it, minimize it, belittle it, it still comes out the same - conservatives and Republicans continue to support someone who just a month and a half ago tried to instigate a violent takeover of the national legislature. 

I have been watching the national news and the morning shows today , as Trump prepares to give a speech before the largest annual meeting of conservatives, the CPAC, and what we are seeing is Republican after Republican , conservative after conservative, minimizing what happened on Jan 6th, lying about it, and saying Trump has the right to speak about his accomplishments and most importantly, he has the right to continue on as the leader of the GOP. 

We are going to see a lot of conservatives now call for the removal of Andrew Cuomo as allegations have come out that he had inappropriate conversations with a female staff member. These same people who will now berate Gov Cuomo out of one side of their mouth will also look the other way towards Trump, who has done things considerably worse than what Cuomo is accused of. Cuomo allegedly asked a young assistant about her sex life, Trump has been accused of being sexually inappropriate if not physically sexually assaulting, something like 30 women. And of course that is just the beginning of bad behavior by Trump. He is a pathological liar, a crook, a bigot, a moron, and a cheat. He tried to stay in office by cheating, asking state officials to change vote totals to benefit him (find votes).

The country cannot "move forward" as long as so many people continue to support Trump. He is a rotten pig carcass in a barrel of apples and will infect everything if allowed to stay on the top level of American politics. 

It is incredible that we even have to keep mentioning these things. On Jan 7th Republicans were lining up to say Trump had gone too far. Later many Republican senators said they only voted against impeachment the second time because Trump was already out of office.  Now one of those who said they would not for impeachment because it was time to "move past" what happened, Sen Rob Portman , was on tv this morning saying Trump should talk to CPAC about everything he accomplished during his term. 

It is absurd, and it verifies that America is a ridiculous, diminished country that the rest of the world laughs at. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    4 years ago

www.politico.com   /news/2021/02/28/trump-gop-cpac-voter-integrity-restrictions-471831

Trump’s baseless election claims march GOP into ‘policy wasteland’

David Siders
7-9 minutes

Conference attendees pose for a photo next to a statue of former President Donald Trump at the merchandise show at the Conservative Political Action Conference. | John Raoux/AP Photo

Ronald Reagan, the president who reinvigorated the Republican Party, promoted the GOP as the “ party of new ideas ” on his way to a landslide reelection in 1984.

In the post-Donald Trump era, judging by the fare inside the Orlando ballroom where the Conservative Political Action Conference unfolded, the GOP has evolved into the party of precisely two ideas: re-litigating Trump’s defeat and seething over the de-platforming of the former president and his supporters.

At the first major gathering of Republicans since Trump left office, conservatives spent the weekend clinging to the false claim that Trump’s presidency was stolen from him and raging over the perceived “cancel culture” of Big Tech and the left.

Nearly four months after the election and one month into Joe Biden’s presidency, the politics of grievance has become the near-singular organizing principle of the post-Trump GOP.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
2  Thrawn 31    4 years ago

Is that thing happening again? Why exactly do people have to have a circle jerk to reaffirm their political beliefs? I have never understood it.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
3  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     4 years ago

It is kinda hard to believe that America has not had it with this megalomaniac. 

WTF does this man have to do to disqualify himself from trying to take over our country ? 

I'll bet that trump learned much from his last unsuccessful coup on the American government. I believe trumperica 2.0 has the potential to be more successful.

WTF are the American people thinking, do we really want a dictator style president..... evidently many do.

That is very very SAD. 

Biden better tread carefully as he isn't lookin to democratic himself right now. 

America really does need unity, so far I don't see Biden delivering on it. 

And trump never will, would or even can push unity, trump depends on unrest off balanceness, disinformation and threats to get his way even to govern America.  

sad no unity only more division. 

May GOD help America !

We sure as Hell need it. 

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    4 years ago

America a ridiculous country?  No, I don't believe so. 

However, like the COVID-19, America has been infected with another type of virus which concentrates on truth, common sense and uses fear, division to propagate.  Interestingly, those spreading this virus in the 'so called mainstream media markets' are very well paid, while those in foreign lands doing their bit to spread the virus are doing so at the behest of their nations, a patriotic duty I assume.

This does not help either.   When six states possess 12 senators and one city with a population exceeding the populations of those six states is forced to share 2 senators with the remaining population of their state in all honesty does not seem like equal representation to me.  This is just my opinion. 


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