Mexico says Biden asylum policies boost illegals, cartels
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 4 years ago • 35 commentsBy: nypost (New York Post)

The Mexican government is concerned that President Biden’s asylum policies are encouraging illegal immigration and providing revenue to drug cartels through human trafficking across the US border.
Mexico has asked the Biden administration for help to provide developmental aid to Central America since many of the migrants come from countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala seeking asylum in the US.
“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said of Biden after their virtual meeting on March 1, according to Reuters .
“We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next,” Lopez Obrador added.
Some of Biden’s policies that worry the Mexican government include a fast track to citizenship for migrants living in the US and support for gang violence victims.
Internal assessments reviewed by Reuters — based on testimony and intelligence gathering — state that Mexican gangs have been growing their clientele and keeping tabs on US measures that would encourage migration. Additionally they have developed a new tracking system to move migrants across the US-Mexico border.
One Mexican official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters the cartels have been using sophisticated smuggling methods “from the day Biden took office,”
Those strategies include keeping migrants up to date on the latest immigration rules, using technology to thwart authorities, and disguising smuggling operations as travel agencies, according to the assessments.
Reuters also reported that plastic wristbands, some labeled “arrivals” or “entries” in Spanish, were seen discarded near Penitas, Texas after illegal immigrants crossed the border.
“Migrants have become a commodity,” the official told the outlet. “But if a packet of drugs is lost in the sea, it’s gone. If migrants are lost, it’s human beings we’re talking about.”


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador:
“ They see him as the migrant president...
In this particular instance Mexico is 100% correct. Biden lit up the Vacancy sign at the border and the cartels, coyotes, and illegals are ecstatic about it.
Yes Sir!
Shut up mexico, dems needs votes and slave wage workers.
Really, really have issues with this.
Trump, in his reconciliation budget for 2021, included $1.402B in aid to the Central American countries.
Why can those countries not utilize that funding as it is intended - improving the quality of life for their people? The U.S. has been funding aid to Central America that has reached $94B. Where did it go and why was it not used as intended?
That is a valid question. Most who advocate for such aid will decline to answer.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that the crisis will overshadow anything the radical Biden administration does.
Was there a 'crisis' in mid-2019 Vic?
Not a self inflicted one. Who was invited to come?
Without an invitation the numbers were higher in 2019.
Get it yet Vic?
Higher than what? 2021 is FAAAAAARR from over.
Guess you didn't read the links in the seed.
Guess all three of you didn't read the links in the seed.
Get it yet Vic?
Maybe you can? Here is what Axios gave us:
Already have, have you?
Now you're deflecting away from your own original seed Vic. There's someone else that does that here.
You certainly proved that, haven't you?
Anyone who reads the posts can prove that you deflected from you seed for themselves.
I say invade every Central American country and every Southern state that doesn't agree with me!
If you offer Free Beer you'll have plenty of takers.
Works every time, Obama, trump, Biden.
I used to play pool at a bar that promised to give free beer away tomorrow for years.
Stopped falling for that sign when I was 10.
And at ten I could win on both the pool and snooker tables against most folk.
Where is Wimpy when you need him?
I believe he is currently sitting in the big chair in the Oval Office!
Sadly for Geriatric Joe, the fact checkers are coming to take him away.
I guess Tim Young should not be quoted or taken as factual.
"even though the numbers have never been higher"
We have seen this before, eh?
Yeah, I don't see the crisis this year, yet.
He got that part correct.
NEVER BY INVITATION. This one is all Biden's doing.
They were invited in 1942.
They were granted amnesty by Reagan & Bush when there were only 3.5 million supposedly.
Amnesty encourages immigration by all means and the migrants see that as an invitation to at least test the system.
Just make sure when you twist the facts that some of those fingers are pointed in many different directions.