It's official: 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded
Global warming is still with us. 2014 was Earth's hottest year since records began in 1880, according to new analyses from both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration :
NASA and NOAA: 2014 was a record hot year
Global temperature anomalies compared to the 19511980 base period ( NASA/NOAA )
The global average temperature for 2014 was 1.24F (or 0.69C) warmer than the average during the twentieth century, NOAA said .The year featured record heat in the western United States, Europe, Australia, and much of the Pacific Ocean.
The previous hottest year on record had been 2010, followed by 2005 and 1998. NASA and NOAA both said the 10 hottest years have all come since 1998 , a sign that the Earth is steadily getting warmer. (Both agencies use a network of satellites, thermometers, buoys, radar, and other tools to track trends.)
"If you are younger than 29 years old, you haven't lived in a month that was cooler than the 20th-century average," said Marshall Shepherd, a meteorologist at the University of Georgia.
More broadly, average temperatures have now risen 1.4F (0.8C) since the 19th century. Climate scientists expect the Earth to keep getting hotter over time so long as humans keep adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. There are short-term variations from year to year for instance, El Nio years like 1998 tend to be a bit hotter , while La Nia years are a bit cooler so not every year will necessarily set heat records. But the overall trend is up, as this NASA video illustrates:
(It's also worth clarifying that 2014 wasn't the hottest year in the planet's entire history. The Earth has been even hotter in the distant past , before human civilization arose a result of natural processes and orbital shifts. But the Earth's climate had roughly stabilized over the last 10,000 years until humans began clearing forests, burning fossil fuels, and emitting greenhouse gases. Scientists say the sharp rise in temperatures in the 20th century is a sign of man-made warming.)
There is much, much more at:
It's official: 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded , by Brad Plumer , Vox
I understand that the denialists will continue to deny...I know that this will not convince someone who refuses to be change a foolish position...
But it's kinda like watching a dog chasing its tale -- a denialist denying can be really, really funny!!
Since this IS "settled science" and nothing says settled science then repeatedly declaring it to be "settled," I have a simple question.
We know the planet warms and cools without any humanactivity. So without the existence of humans what would temperatures be doing right now? Exactly how much would it be getting warmer or cooler ? Since the factors that influence climate are understood so perfectly, that should be easy to answer.
Do you have any idea how pathetically predictable you are?
Emoticons and deflection are the only tools you have in your starter tool box.
What part of
do you not understand?
Warmer temperatures over the oceans help to generate worsening storms. Growing seasons of crops are affected. Bugs that couldn't survive the normal cold winters will be able to thrive in the warmer winters. Thank God it doesn't seem to be warm enough yet for pythons to come to KY...
I think climate change is more of a "wilder, warmer" thing globally, not just in your own backyard. More extremes of temperature, with a generalized warming trend... Meaning, KY will still have cold snaps, but they will be shorter, with more extremes of temperature.
Today, the low was 25o, high of 35o, but next week, it is supposed to be in the high 50s and 40s. Even though we usually have a warmer week in January, it usually doesn't last more than 3-4 days, and it rarely gets up to the high 50s.
Thanks to evolution I'm not worried about global warming. Life will adapt.
Do you have any idea how pathetically predictable you are?
Thank you, Robert, for yet another demonstration of your intelligence and ethics.
You are truly a wonder to behold.
And you are insightful, too!
True. But I kinda like my grandchildren. Sentiment does indeed affect objectivity.
You know, bf... I have reached the point where the comic content of denialism is ascendant. Watching you twist yourselves into absurdist pretzels is kinda like watching a dog chase its tail.
Such an absurd, nonsensical waste of energy.
Chaplinesque. Sad and funny at the same time.
The planet tells you stuff, does it?
Sad and funny at the same time...
If our objective is to get it all over with, as quickly as possible... then yes.
Sad and funny at the same time...
Ah... bf... Did you take even three minutes to fact-check your "1934"?
I mean, the headline "Hottest year ever" is kinda sorta clear. Did you look at the graph, to see where 1934 stands? Did you maybe, just maybe say to yourself, "Umm... better check this out before I insist to high heavens, and then look ridiculous when it all falls apart..."
From Mediamatters :
That "research" took me less than three minutes, bf...
Like I say,
So... you posted several times to get me to waste three and a half minutes...
Like I say,
Little games for little minds...
Sad and funny at the same time...