Trump Takes Over Wedding Reception to Rag on Joe Biden
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 29 commentsBy: Ken Meyer (Mediaite)

By Ken MeyerMar 29th, 2021, 8:03 am
When Donald Trump was still the president, he had a knack of dropping in at wedding parties held on his various properties. Evidently, that's not about to change.
TMZ obtained footage of Trump surprising Jon and Megan Arrigo during their wedding reception at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday night. TMZ's report says Trump got on the mic at one point in order to give some remarks for the newlyweds, but instead, the 2-minute clip shows him mostly ripping President Joe Biden over China, the border situation, and everything in between.
"I get all these flash reports, and they're telling me about the border, they're telling me about China, they're telling me about Iran. How're we doing with Iran?" Trump said. "We were ready to make a deal, they were ready to do anything, they would have done anything. And this guy goes and drops the sanctions and then he says we'd like to negotiate now."
Trump went on to comment on how detained migrant children on the U.S. southern border are "living in squalor," conveniently ignoring his own policies of separating children from their parents. The former president continued to rag about the migrant situation before asking the room "Do you miss me yet?"
Trump did eventually turn back to the Arrigos, telling them they were a "great and beautiful couple."

Malignant narcissists do what malignant narcissists gotta do.
I think he felt safe crashing this wedding though, it was being held at Mar-a-Lago after all.
The unhealthy obsession continues
then stop
Whose, Donald's unhealthy obsession in being one?
Then take a Xanex and get over it.
Trump told the guests at a wedding reception that he got 75 million votes, "the most ever". Yes he actually did that at someone's wedding.
They should have expected Trump to do something childish, if they didn't like it why have your wedding at Mar a Largo?
I'd bet he didn't even bring a gift.
he would say his presence was the gift.
he had a tiny one for the bride in his left front pocket.
Donald only ever brings the grift...
So, it is called free speech. If the left and Biden can't handle it they should trying fixing the crisis they are creating.
Funny how Biden, Democrats, media, and the left can't go 3 seconds without a "but Trump" as an excuse for Biden's stupid actions. But then gets their undies in a twist when Trump calls them out.
No one is disputing that Trump has free speech rights to be a total asshole.
The bride and groom may well be in his cult for all I know, they did hold their wedding at Trump's palace.
Face it, he is a forever embarrassment.
That's just ridicules and so like trump. No respect for for others. No couth. No restraint and no class trump !
What does any of that have to do with some fat guy hijacking this couple's wedding? Besides, Trump charges between $50,000 and $100,000 to make a brief appearance and make a toast to any couple who has spent at least $1,000,000 to have their wedding at Mar A Lago. They didn't pay him to rant about his disappointments. They paid him to give a toast, and go away. Frankly, I'd rather pay Kimberly Guilfoyle $50,000 to do her schtick:
She would make ANY bride look desirable by comparison.
Her eyes are so black it makes her head look empty. Oh wait...
That is so funny ! The squirrel pics I put on A Mac's Photo/Arts article were of one that screamed just like that, I swear. I think he was telling his brethren to back TF away from the peanuts.
She used to be smart and pretty and at least somewhat capable of maintaining herself within an acceptable range of behavior. But now, it's like she's just strange. And plastic. And loud. And silly.
I bet she can describe from memory the carpet and ceiling in every one of the executive offices at FOX.
No thanks. I sure don't miss that shit !
How can we miss you when you won't go away?
It is highly likely we will see more Trump in the coming months, not less. He has no intention of 'disappearing'.
He has gone on two Fox News shows in the past week. This is only the beginning.