Jen Psaki baselessly and disgracefully racialized the killing in Columbus
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 4 years ago • 80 commentsBy: John Podhoretz (New York Post)

"Believe your own eyes" — that was the prosecutor's final admonition to the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial. And indeed, the evidence of their own eyes was likely the reason the jury members didn't accept the defense's case that there was "reasonable doubt" about Chauvin's guilt. Instead, they convicted him on all charges.
The same admonition should be governing the public response to the horrible event in Columbus, Ohio, that transpired just as the Chauvin verdict was being announced. But it isn't.
No less than the press secretary of the president of the United States went before the public Wednesday and all but explicitly suggested what had happened in Ohio was an illegitimate, racist police killing.
Believe your own eyes, Jen Psaki . Watch the body-cam footage that shows 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant charging first one fellow teenager, then a second. The second girl was slammed against a car, at which point Bryant began to swing her right arm — with a knife in her hand.
The police officer whose camera recorded the event had told her to "get down," and she hadn't done so. He had only a split second to react as she aimed the knife and readied to swing. He fired.
Believe your own eyes. She had a knife. Had she not been stopped, that knife would have gone into the body of the girl on the car. The police officer was witness to a violent act in real time and interceded the only way he could.
At the five-second mark in the video, the officer has gotten out of his car and is asking someone on the street, "What's going on?" Two seconds — two seconds — later, the first girl being chased by Bryant falls to the ground.
"Hey! Hey!" the cop says at the nine-second mark, as he spots Bryant turning toward the second girl. At 10-second mark, he says with great urgency, "Get down! Get down! Get down!"
It's now the 12-second mark. The cop has removed his gun from his holster. At 13 seconds, Bryant's arm is drawn. At 14, we see Bryant fall to the ground.
What this means is that the officer found himself in the middle of a violent confrontation and had to act . . . within nine seconds.
Count off nine seconds. Out of a car. Asks for information. Suddenly a girl falls in front of him, chased by Bryant and her knife. He tells her to get down before removing his weapon and has it in his hand in time to stop her from stabbing the girl against the car.
I've watched the body-cam footage 25 times. I can't imagine what else the police officer could possibly have done given the urgency of the moment — except allow Bryant to stab the other girl.
My own eyes suggested to me, and to the world, that Chauvin was guilty of something — though it was certainly beyond my knowledge then or now, as I wasn't on the jury, to know precisely what. Likewise, my eyes say this was a horrible, tragic, terrible event in which a police officer may have saved a life in imminent peril.
And yet this is what Psaki, the spokeswoman for the world's greatest power and leading democracy, said: "She was a child. We're thinking of her friends and family in the communities that are hurting and grieving her loss. We know that police violence disproportionately impacts black and Latino people in communities and that black women and girls, like black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence."
Then teen is seen allegedly holding a knife in the bodycam video. Columbus Police Department via W
I don't think my eyes have been blinded by the cop's whiteness. The girl he saved was black, just like Ma'Khia Bryant. She was a teenager, it seems, just like Ma'Khia Bryant. She has a family, just like Ma'Khia Bryant. And she wasn't swinging a knife at Ma'Khia Bryant. She was defenseless — until the law-enforcement officer defended her.
Who speaks for her and the countless Americans whose lives are saved every day by the intervention of law enforcement? Who will speak out for those who have saved them?

Here we have a police officer saving the live of a black teenage girl.
What is Jen Psaki and the msm focused on? The knife wielding maniac that was shot and killed.
For those who voted for Biden - Is this what you wanted?
Trump and his supporters are off topic
I am off topic
You are so right! What about the teen African American girl whose life was saved by the police?
Progressives don't care about her. To them all these incidents & people are just cannon fodder.
And there is no outrage about the 7 year old Black girl shot multiple times at a McDonalds drive thru in Chicago.
Seems like the progressive mindset is that the police officers should willingly allow themselves to be severely injured or killed rather have to use deadly force to defend themselves and others when lives are in danger. Pathetic!
The officer was completely justified in using deadly force.
Curious as to whether he was carrying a TASER. That would have been a better choice.
From the angle, if his bullet was through and through both girls could have been hit.
A through and through would have to have been a full metal jacketed round; I don't know anyone that carries full metal jacketed rounds. Hollow points are recommended for any pistol carrier. Hollow points go in to intended target and come apart or mushroom; they're designed not to go through.
Bullets do not always do what they're designed to do.
I have been shooting and reloading most of my life.
Hollow points can and do over penetrate on occasion.
Especially at +P 9mm speeds.
I think it's a pretty rare instance that a hollow point doesn't do as intended, but that's just my opinion; take it for what it's worth.
I can’t either. I guess he was supposed to just let her stab the other girl? Then get back in his car and go get lunch? That appears to be what even the people on the scene wanted. Immediately, they started yelling at the cop for shooting the person about to commit murder. Amazing.
These people are so full of crap. After the shooting, the guy in the gray hoodie is sanctimoniously protesting the shooting, saying, “she’s a f-ing kid, man!” but he had just been kicking some other girl on the grass next to the sidewalk.
The problem is not with the cops, but the criminal element of those whom they have sworn to protect and serve
Its like the chicken and the egg.
and neither wants to be first.
As long as the cops are afraid of the young black men who are afraid of the cops who are afraid of them. ..... ... ..
Both sides need to change to really expect lasting results.
Everyone obeying the laws we have would be a huge step in that direction.
Poverty plays a big part in the solution as well. Where there is poverty there is violence and crime.
Have known a few cops in my day. Just as with all other fields of endeavor, some cops just do and some do not have the aptitude.
She should be banned from social media.
She's as bad as Lebron James
He should have been banned for what the did. Conservatives have been for far less. Typical big tech social media double standard.
A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability.
-Valerie Jarrett
The takes keep getting worse.
IF the cop had not shot the aggressor and let her murder another black teenage girl in front of him, he'd still be the criminal to these loons
John Podhoretz should concentrate on buying sweaters that actually fit rather than spewing tightwad umbrage at anything that rubs his butt the wrong way as in Captain America:
but then, there was another take:
"Don Lemon handled the Columbus shooting more responsibly than the Biden White House "
How low has the White House sunk when Don Lemon is the voice of reason.
Not sure what all you conservatives have your panties in a bunch about here, Jen Psaki did not say the shooting was somehow unjustified.
"She was a child." True.
"We're thinking of her friends and family in the communities that are hurting and grieving her loss." True, even though this girl was apparently at fault, it's still sad that a 16 year old girl had to die and some are asking why a taser wasn't employed instead, but few if any are saying the shooting was unjustified.
"We know that police violence disproportionately impacts black and Latino people in communities and that black women and girls, like black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence." This is also true.
Nothing she said was false or indicted that she felt the shooting was unjustified. The faux outrage from conservatives is just a bunch of hot air simply because they don't like admitting that there is systemic racism in our justice system regardless of whether this case was an example of it or not.
I guess this is why she does what she does. Biden groupies can't even tell/don't mind that she's blatantly manipulating them.
know that police violence disproportionately impacts black and Latino people in communities and that black women and girls, like black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence
Imagine not understanding why she threw that in there to address a case where a cop just saved a young black girl from being murdered. Shockingly, her insinuations aren't heavy handed enough for her cheerleaders to notice.
Yea, as 45 supporters accuse others of "willful ignorance" their/they're uninformed, as usual, and project the complete kettle smoking pot black and forth width times the heights of hypocrisy as easy as square pie to see what they can't, won't, or chose not to sea the depths of their ignorant hypocrisy they promote and project on the mexican paid for Wall around their terminally ill Critical Thinking Skills they've never thought of as they're/their conditioned to be Flakes Head and Shoulders blow their torn convictions 'right' out of left behind field and streams of racial disharmony denial as they sing in concert about SOLO's they consistently lower, like the rest of the Barrs in their upside down inverted perverted prison brain cell, sold as a for sale sign on their Sold out concerted F forts to encore their first song and dance sung by the well hung out to dry on a close line consisting of closed minds open to only their miss perceptions that know not of, as they are missing, while pissing into the face of reason being they needed to wash their faces of the dis graces said as they are about to eat their tongues, cause they can lick up lipp service swollen down to below ground air heads who scuba dive under the bowling leagues just to get their favorite shoes, as they wood be the wons who lose, watt they're not brite enuff to sea , as the depths of those without soles, like the brittle old leather of their necks laced with pearls the size of necklaces, worn around their white collared green N V, because they are of the Greener Grasss now smoked while peddling unicycles stating they are the Kettle 1 of Black Pans searing reality with pseudo neutrality over driven to Reverse the reality of reality, and for many, that is the way it will be, for their eternity of straight a weigh lies the embankments thrown by curves to gain the shortest distance between they, and their followers who prove everyday, ignorance ruling is not just a trend, but alifestyle hear to say and stay that way, below, and it does, so marry your cousin, just Cuz, it's unrelated, as too many these daze, prove their thinking should be carbon dated , and too ignorant to realize they're leaving footprints , in the green grass of the lawns oof others too envious to be Green withe envy, , as they incessantly prove who wants to be a D, in a world, where they are the V and yes, it is apparently a social Diseased and spread from feats not from the head,
enough said, but ,,,,,,talkin to too many brain dead
Ok, now breathe !!
That is one long train of thought.... WOW
I'm high and still barely made it thru.
Its definitely a different kind of writing. Wither one agrees with the ideas or not.
I've read a few of his posts, they are kind of hard to follow but I do get kinda a kick out of the long winded style. When I'm up for the challenge.
Most of the time I don't bother though because his writings do take a lot of concentration and tend to rattle on.
He always has a point of view to offer though. Whether I agree or not.
Many times part way in I end up just shakin my head and chuckling.
To each their own.
it's hard to stop a trane, Tex. or so the commercial two story residential ten ton unit does claim, as again and again, you see through me like an open door mat wiped clearly with lucid liquids smeared till clear as that train wrecking your derailed car pets, that shit on your drapes, now fire up the match, or whatever strikes you, cause again, you've put me Inn my place like an object of your imagined mirror that makes me appear closer than you don't think about reflecting up on down off ten enough to comprehend my simple stuff in my fowl gutter irrigation system with a product of produce, or whatever you might deduce from a tightened loose....
It still bogles the mind though.
Earthling or ?
This is not true. It seems like a lot of lefties don't care if Blacks kill other Blacks, but become outraged when cops try to prevent them from killing each other, or other innocent citizens.