Pay No Attention to That Cat Inside a Box Seriously, stop it
Category: Pets & Animals
Via: hallux • 4 years ago • 68 commentsBy: KATHERINE J. WU - THE ATLANTIC
Cats are absolute suckers for boxes. And sinks, and vases, and grocery bags, and shoes, and Pringles cans, and the nooks and crannies between furniture and walls, and just about any other space they deem cozy, confining, and swaddly . (Cats, in case you were wondering, are a non-Newtonian liquid.) It’s the one thing about which our pointy-eared companions are not terribly picky: If it fits, they sits . And when they do, we humans can’t help but obsess over them.
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Starting off ... off topic ...
My dog, Jack, a 150lb Landseer couldn’t fit into the box the dishwasher came in. He was a wide open spaces guy.
Jack loved cats, horses, topless ladies getting a suntan at Carmel Beach ... basically anything with its back to the sun.
What's he gonna be when he grows up?
Jack died from bone cancer, he now resides beyond the glass doors in the photo.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful dog
Jack prefered to be called magnificent.
He was a magnificent, handsome dog
Animal porn is just wrong!
People porn .....on the other hand..................
Me too! Sure, they're hard to prepare and difficult to cook, but done right, nothing better!!!
WOOF! Taunting [Jack]
Totally untauntable!
Is he a little floofier these days?
He's got the face I want to nibble
You get'm Wally
Why do his(?) paws look so small?
Same photographer that took the photo of the Bidens visiting the Carters?
Trump impersonation?
Marco and Polo, obsessed with watching an April snow shower.
An excellent illustration of why there's nothing fragile on my windowsills.
Albus giving us the eye!
how many cats you got lady?
I only have 1. The other one is my daughter's. My girls both have 2 and I have had all 5 in my house for a weekend. Now that was interesting!
There is a feral black cat that hangs out on my ranch and hisses at me anytime I get close, no matter how much I feed her.
LMAO been awhile since I heard that one
I remember how our old cat loved XMas, not because she got any presents but because BOXES and WRAPPING PAPER!!
Once had a cat that completely destroyed a Christmas tree bulb by bulb.
We came home to find the tree laying on its side and the cat covered in tinsel.
LMAO. Cats ya gotta love em
That's Meeper a few years back.
First picture Ghost and Onyx - Second picture Ghost and Darkness
Well, this ain't right. Not going to be able to get all of them in, but, here's a preview.
Blackie protecting Hurrem.
Sky Guy on his favorite pillow.
Shadow napping with Ghostie and Hurrem.
Whitey protecting Hurrem.
Whitey, defiantly yours.
Sky Guy, Blackie and Shadow protecting the book case.
Harley, the traveling man.
Our newest addition - Wessy - com'n home.
Can't get pics of Zyna (Tuxedo), Griselda (rag doll).
Never a frigg'n dull moment - nor an eight hour night of sleep
Wessy is beautiful, Maine Coon ?
Yes'm - and, like any person/family addicted to "cats", got another precious Maine Coon coming in the end of July - her name be Stormy after my favorite wolf.
Two weeks old - can't wait to cuddle with her
Morning first. Can relate to lack of sleep..just this morning at 3am 6 hours ago Mishka a ragdoll....hacked up a furball on the carpet... just what you want to be doing at that hour. Walking around with paper towelling and stain remover...
You were lucky Shona - usually I find the hair balls at 3:00 as I'm trying to go to the bathroom - YUCK
Slippers my friend, slippers.
I have flip flops on the moment I step out of bed.
My feet would stink up some crocs really quickly. I bought a brand of flip flops, Okabashi [made in the US] that boast that they never stink... I've owned several pair and it's true. At $10 a pair, I can't beat them; the last pair I had to throw away because my dog ripped them in half [that was when we first got him]. They generally last several years.
Amen to that. Kitkat sleeps in bed with me and it never fails, he wakes me up at 3am to go out of the room. He has his own litter box, food and water in my room.. I feel the paw on my face and his "yelling" at me to get up anyway.
I've got one of those. I think the girls goad Stubby into waking me up so they can all have morning snackos
Yup - that's Harley - 4:45 - paw on nose, in mouth, "talking" in my ear. If I don't respond immediately, the nose biting starts - that's when I move.
I never figured you for a cat person
Kitkat is part Siamese so he never shuts up.. Got him trained to not talk through a movie though..
I think my Palooza has some "ragdoll" in her DNA somewhere (believed to be a mix between a Himalayan and Siamese), because not only is she a big girl, but she is always yelling at us.
This is my Yoda Girl kitty. She loves boxes of any size, the smaller the better. And is my print job Supervisor....
.....and Supervises making the morning coffee... well as other important jobs ....uh that is....after her break time
A curious kitty, lol.
If she gets a print out that she does not like she will smack it non-stop as it comes out. If she thinks the coffee maker is growling at her she will smack it until the sound stops. She gives no quarter to any bad behavior from those in her charge. (grin) his natural environment..
And my departed....Squeaker... This was taken the day before he died..(cancer)
What a sweetie !
He was a good cat.. 14 years.. Not many days go by that I don't think about my buddy.
Yep, in his stomach and intestines.
I posted this article, or one similar to it, in the Cat Adorers group some time ago...
Why Do Cats Sit in a Taped Square or Circle?
My big fat cat Palooza loves her some boxes.
Palooza is not fat, she's fluffy!
Wally tells me that all the time.
She's 18.5 lbs. I don't think it's all fluff, but we say that all the time.
If Wally is your husband, I fear for his future.
Ouch Hallux.