
Mike Pence heckled as 'traitor' at Faith & Freedom conference


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  tig  •  4 years ago  •  57 comments

By:   Rick Rouan (USA TODAY)

Mike Pence heckled as 'traitor' at Faith & Freedom conference
Trump's former Vice President Mike Pence was booed at what should've been a friendly crowd at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Orlando.

Pence Counting of Votes

Voting has Ended

Did Pence do anything wrong when he presided over the counting of the state's votes on January 6th?

Yes, Pence should have done what Trump asked and not count votes for Biden.
No, Pence properly did his duty.
I do not know.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Former Vice President Mike Pence was met with boos and shouts of "traitor" on Friday as he spoke at a conservative conference about Republicans reclaiming the majority in Washington, D.C.

"I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order," Pence said as the crowd cheered him on at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Orlando.

But during Pence's speech, attendees could be heard in video of the event yelling "traitor" and booing the former vice president, even as others continued to cheer.

Reporters at the event posted on Twitter that those who tried to interrupt Pence's speech either were removed or left the event.

'No regrets':Evangelicals still support Trump after Capitol insurrection

After four years serving under former President Donald Trump, Pence has faced backlash from Trump supporters angry that he didn't do more to prevent President Joe Biden's victory, though the vice president does not have power to overturn election results.

Pence was among the officials evacuated from the Capitol building as a pro-Trump mob stormed the building on Jan. 6 to stop the Electoral College certification. Some chanted "hang Mike Pence" as the mob swept over the Capitol grounds following a nearby rally where Trump spoke.

Acting as president of the Senate, Pence refused to reject electoral votes from states that voted for Biden. Trump has criticized his former vice president since that day.

Earlier this month, Pence said during a public appearance in New Hampshire that he and Trump had spoken several times since Jan. 6 but the two likely would never "see eye to eye on that day."

Still, Pence has continued to praise the Trump Administration in public appearances.

Pence might have expected to find a friendly audience at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference. The political advocacy nonprofit says on its website that one of its missions is to "mobilize and train people of faith to be effective citizens" and to speak out "on behalf of Christian values."

The former vice president has described himself as an evangelical Christian and has championed causes that appeal to the religious right, including opposition to abortion.

Trump and Pence found durable support among white evangelical voters. Edison Research exit polls showed their ticket winning 76% of support among white evangelicals in the 2020 election, and the Associated Press VoteCast survey found about 81% of support among that group went for Trump.

Evangelical voters are a bedrock bloc within the GOP. A Quinnipiac University poll released in May found nearly three-quarters of Republican voters believe too much had been made of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and it was time to move on.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  TᵢG    4 years ago

I am curious.   Who thinks that Pence did anything wrong when he presided over the vote count on January 6th?

Professor Guide
1.1  MrFrost  replied to  TᵢG @1    4 years ago

He did exactly what he was supposed to do. I dislike Pence as much as I dislike trump, but Pence did what he was supposed to do. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  TᵢG @1    4 years ago

I am curious too.  How did you get the poll onto a Home Page article?

Professor Principal
1.2.1  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2    4 years ago

I created the poll and then Embedded it as Poll Local Media into the article.

Professor Principal
2  Hallux    4 years ago

Overheard in the WH powder room

Melania: "Donald will fuck anything that moves."

Karen: "Mike won't fuck anything that moves."

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

It wasn't Pence, it was "The Fly" that did it.


Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    4 years ago

I have a question   -   how many people who think Pence is a traitor also think Critical Race Theory should be banned from American soil ? 

Sounds like a Daily Double. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

Pence is a fly landing POS.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
6  Perrie Halpern R.A.    4 years ago

He did what he was supposed to do and for that, he had his life verbally threatened. Now, this. 

Professor Principal
6.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @6    4 years ago

I'm not going to get carried away giving Mike Pence credit. He did the right thing but its not like he had any real choice. He still fears the judgement of history more than he fears Donald Trump. 

Professor Principal
6.2  devangelical  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @6    4 years ago

he failed the ultimate trump loyalty test. maybe in that moment he finally realized that in 3 years he would never be better than 5th choice as the next RNC candidate for 2024, even if he had sacrificed his duty to the constitution.

Professor Expert
7  sandy-2021492    4 years ago

Well, it has become more and more clear that quite a few people who claimed to be for "law and order" are lying traitors to democracy.  I don't like Pence at all (nor is he much for law and order himself, when it comes to campaign finances and their proper use), but it does suck that he's being attacked for doing the right thing.  It's not a bit surprising, though.

Professor Expert
7.1  CB  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7    4 years ago

I can not support a man who speaks well of a man who told him to go sacrifice himself on an altar of human-making! Pence did not do it - good for him, us, and recorded history. But,  that Pence must have privately known what Donald directed of him to do publicly, and he still tries to respect Donald for what he can get from Donald-well, that is an old game Donald seems to have been playing since childhood. Donald will not allow Pence to take history (a clean record) and position himself for a future in the GOP both! Pence is politically dead in the water- he just has not 'crumbled' under the glaring lights yet.

Professor Expert
7.1.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  CB @7.1    4 years ago

Agreed.  Pence is craven.  I think he saw the vice presidency as an eventual path to the White House - thought if he could just get through Trump's term, he'd have Trump's endorsement and would be a shoe-in as an almost-incumbent, maybe appealing to those who disliked Trump's personality but liked his policies.  That bit him in the ass.

Professor Principal
7.1.2  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.1.1    4 years ago

blind loyalty/fealty is the only value trump seeks in others

Professor Expert
7.1.3  CB  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.1.1    4 years ago

So now he is playing for a miracle: Maybe just it may be that. . . Pence's idea of God will compel Donald Trump (the evil 'boss') to give his 'blessing' to Pence and let him back in the 'club house.'  In the meantime, Pence makes his 'rounds' and keeps up appearances like a good 'boy' hanging around in the sewer.

PhD Quiet
7.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7    4 years ago
quite a few people who claimed to be for "law and order" are lying traitors to democracy

as well as their selves

Professor Principal
8  seeder  TᵢG    4 years ago

No conservative comments on this.

Do some actually believe that Pence would have been right to not count certified SoS results from states Biden won??   And do these folks think that Pence even had the power to do that?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1  Raven Wing   replied to  TᵢG @8    4 years ago
And do these folks think that Pence even had the power to do that?

In my thinking, even if Pence had gone along and refused to do the right thing, do they really think that Trump would still have been the President? They didn't think very well in their desperation.

Professor Principal
8.1.1  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Raven Wing @8.1    4 years ago

Thing is, it seems quite a few Trump supporters are still not thinking very well.  

How could any adult actually think that Pence had a choice?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1.2  Raven Wing   replied to  TᵢG @8.1.1    4 years ago
How could any adult actually think that Pence had a choice?

While true that Pence had no choice in the matter, Trump and his supporters thought that Pence should sacrifice  himself for Trump and refuse to do the right thing. My question is, if the shoe was on Trump's foot at the time would he himself refuse to do what was right and suffer the legal repercussions? If he would not do it himself, and there is no reason at all to think he would put himself in jeopardy, then why should he think he has the right to ridicule Pence, or for any of Trump's supporter to do so?

Like all other things in Trump's fantasy world, they expect everyone else to step up and put themselves in jeopardy, but, too afraid to do it themselves. Just like Trump uses his supporters hands to do his dirty work for him.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Raven Wing @8.1.2    4 years ago

And yes....I find it laughable that so far there are no Trump supporters commenting in this article.

Professor Principal
8.1.4  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Raven Wing @8.1.2    4 years ago

Bizarre, is it not?   How is it that there are so many people willing to place their bodies in the path of Trump's bus?

Professor Expert
8.1.5  CB  replied to  TᵢG @8.1.1    4 years ago

Because these are politically pampered and delusional people (and they like being so). Trump and his team of "thinkers" are deliberately condensing down the numbers of so-called, "Trump believers" into a cadre of hardened "fighters" literally and politically. He is preparing these people for something foolhardy, because it can not work, but clearly he is willing to see how far along it can go.

Professor Expert
8.1.6  CB  replied to  TᵢG @8.1.4    4 years ago

Because "Trump R Us." Emphatically. We have the man Donald who is has clearly drawn the line of demarcation and evidenced the throngs of the citizenry willing to step over to the Trump side in plain view of the world. (We even loss some members from here, because they are in custody, under surveillance, or on bad social media sites.)

They expose themselves, because they never were truly about diversity or other people rights!

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1.7  Raven Wing   replied to  TᵢG @8.1.4    4 years ago
Bizarre, is it not?  

Indeed. They seem to think that he will be grateful to them and reward them in some way for putting themselves in harms way for him. They need to take a good look at what Trump is doing to Pence...throwing him under the bus now that he no longer needs him, and will likely not pick him as his VP in his next run for the WH. I truly hope Pence will not be disappointed, as a lot more dead heads will be thrown under the bus by Trump and his henchmen. So Pence should go home and live a peaceful life out of harms way.

Professor Expert
8.1.8  sandy-2021492  replied to  TᵢG @8.1.4    4 years ago
How is it that there are so many people willing to place their bodies in the path of Trump's bus?

And convince themselves that they're "owning the libs" in the process.

Professor Expert
8.1.9  CB  replied to  sandy-2021492 @8.1.8    4 years ago

I am going to light a fire-bundle here and now. Sandy, diversity in politics needs attending to now ahead of the mid-terms. So-called, conservative evangelicals are literally "recruiting" their members to run for state local offices across the board-across the country. This danger is upon us:

Check out this evidence of their intent:

Liberals, Independents, and "thinkers" have to come together and put these 'rabid' fake conservatives 'down' politically permanently . (They are working to politically decapitate us.)

pat wilson
Professor Participates
8.2  pat wilson  replied to  TᵢG @8    4 years ago

It reveals the level of stupidity of the population at large and to some degree NT. Sad.

Professor Expert
8.3  CB  replied to  TᵢG @8    4 years ago

Apparently so the deluded think Pence should have supported his president and theirs in any way he could. Power or not! Pence was supposed to go forth and 'fall on his sword' and let the states and congress deal with the fall-out. Trump supporters believe Pence was supposed to "fight like hell" to not hold that vote count on January 6th.  (Donald Trump planned to take the next step on January 7th!)

Professor Expert
8.4  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @8    4 years ago

And another relevant question: How many of the Trump supporters here on NT actually believe the big lie: that "The Election Was Stolen" (that Trump actually won)?

Professor Principal
9  Ender    4 years ago

Voted. Easy choice really.

Professor Principal
9.1  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Ender @9    4 years ago

Who could possibly think Pence would be doing the right thing to deny SoS certified votes??

Not a single conservative has commented that Pence did the right thing.

Professor Expert
9.1.1  CB  replied to  TᵢG @9.1    4 years ago

I can't prove it, but from their behavior on this site, we have some political operatives of the conservative persuasion that routinely post here. They are careful of what they write or agree to while on "company" computers.

PhD Quiet
9.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  CB @9.1.1    4 years ago

Who wishes to be caught Lying, besides Trump, well, how about Trump supporters and backers that to this day believe a fabricated LIE, pushed on our Country, it's 'right' leaning pols, and its' Constituents in general, could be perpetuated without evidence, against only one of two, of our ruling political parties? Cause it IS CONCERNING !

Professor Expert
9.1.3  CB  replied to  igknorantzrulz @9.1.2    4 years ago

Liberals, Independents, and Secularists have got to band together for diversity-sake and win the campaign for the 2022 mid-terms. The so-called, "conservative" house-side, senate-side and states house and senates are under the control of red-state delusional politicians. We can not abide or thrive as citizens under more oppression and suppression!

BTW Ig,' and all assembled: How are Trump supporters conservative if these people are pushing conservatives OUT of the GOP and censoring other conservatives?

(I guess Reagan's 11th commandment went out the window when: "But, Trump.")

PhD Quiet
9.1.4  igknorantzrulz  replied to  CB @9.1.3    4 years ago

as i stated , it   IS CONCERNING


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9.1.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @9.1    4 years ago

They can't justify why they would believe Pence should not have certified the election results. They know that the VP certifying the results was more of a ceremony than any actual political work. It would be real hard for these so-called strict constitutionalists to explain themselves

Professor Expert
9.1.6  CB  replied to  Trout Giggles @9.1.5    4 years ago

No friend, Trout! They did and continue to ask be done their wishes and desires over and beyond Rule of Law, policy, and belief! These people, these "supporters" of a cult of personality, wish to be and so have persuaded themselves (or are in the process of doing so) that they are the law, policy, and belief makers unto themselves.

It is a dangerous thing to project forward. But it is what they intended and intend to do going forward.  My phone just flashed that McConnell's GOP senate just filibustered discussion per se about the Voting Rights Bill. Why do that? Because the red-states GOP are signifying in those states they are the power-brokers unto themselves: reasoning with 'others' be damned. That is, they wield control over (their) state offices, and they will decide what is right and wrong for the people within them. National and general agreement between the states be damned.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
10  Greg Jones    4 years ago

Pence did the right thing. It was his only legal choice.

Trump lost convincingly, and will never be elected again

It's puzzling that the lefties can't accept this and move on.

Professor Expert
10.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Greg Jones @10    4 years ago

So, it was the lefties who were booing Pence?  Or was it righties who can't move on, and you're just trolling to deflect?

Professor Principal
10.1.1  devangelical  replied to  sandy-2021492 @10.1    4 years ago

teabag logic.

Professor Principal
10.2  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @10    4 years ago
It's puzzling that the lefties can't accept this and move on.

You really need to pay attention to what is going on.   The 'lefties' would not be making any comments if the Trump supporters were not out there pushing this 'Stop the Steal' crap and supporting another run at the presidency by Trump.

Surely you have noticed this.  So there is nothing puzzling about it:  cause and effect.   No Trump support would result in no challenges to said support.

Professor Expert
10.3  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @10    4 years ago

I think you may be a bit confused . . . ?

It's not the lefties who refuse to accept that, rather, it's the diehard Trump supporters who refuse to accept it!

Professor Guide
11  Tacos!    4 years ago
But during Pence's speech, attendees could be heard in video of the event yelling “traitor” and booing the former vice president even as others continued to cheer.

Reporters at the event posted on Twitter that those who tried to interrupt Pence’s speech either were removed or left the event.

It doesn’t say how many people were booing him. My sense of it, reading the article and the language here, is that it was some small fringe element of the room. Otherwise, removing them wouldn’t have been a viable option. I think if it was a majority of the room, that would be the story.

You’re never going to have a group of people that isn’t infected to some degree with irrational morons. I have to believe that most people who consider the matter for more than a couple seconds have to accept that Pence has acted as he must.

Professor Principal
11.1  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  Tacos! @11    4 years ago
I have to believe that most people who consider the matter for more than a couple seconds have to accept that Pence has acted as he must.

One would think that, with a rational electorate, this would not even be up for discussion. 

My expectation is that a poll of Trump supporters would be heavily against Pence.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
11.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  TᵢG @11.1    4 years ago
My expectation is that a poll of Trump supporters would be heavily against Pence.

That would be my thoughts as well. I'm sure that Trump has already picked his next VP, and it ain't Pence. So being as Trump is highly PO'd at Pence, he and his henchmen are going to do all they can to discredit Pence for his failure to do Trump's dirty work as commanded and put himself at odds with the Constitution. IMO...Pence was the smarter one of the two in the long run.

Professor Expert
11.2  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @11    4 years ago

Never say Never!

FACT: I have a group of close friends who are not infected to any degree by "a group of morons"

In fact, quite the contrary! :-)

Professor Guide
12  evilone    4 years ago

Wait, wait wait... Now some want to elect Trump as Speaker of the House in 2023 (provided the Republicans take the house majority in 2022) so he can call congressional House investigations into the election AND Joe Biden? WTF!!!

Professor Expert
12.1  CB  replied to  evilone @12    4 years ago

If not Donald Trump himself, one of his "lieutenants" will take the job. Now, can you see why wannabe speaker Kevin McCarthy is 'bowing down' before Donald? Just imagine, a populist firebrand like, I don't know, Rep. Jim Jordan, as Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2023?  Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! (Infinitum.)

Democrats! Independents! GOP (in Exile) we need your help to right this nation yet again! Band together in spirit and in truth now! Defeat fascism yet again!


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