The week in whoppers: CNN's outrageous omission, Biden's crime falsehood and more
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 4 years ago • 9 commentsBy: Post Editorial Board (New York Post)

CNN's headline about Georgia's voter rolls was misleading.
We say: Every word in this headline is true, but it's a whopper because of what it leaves out: namely, that every state routinely purges ineligible voters from the rolls, generally to comply with federal law. Left-leaning outlets like CNN want viewers to think Georgia is stopping eligible votes from casting their ballots.
Spot the difference:
"This is simply a redux of a failed system that is designed to both scare people out of voting and … make it harder for them to vote."
- Democratic voting-rights activist Stacey Abrams on voter-ID requirements, Oct. 14, 201 8
"No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote."
Democratic voting-rights activist Stacey Abrams on voter-ID requirements, June 17, 2021
Stacey Abrams has changed her tune about voter-ID requirements.
We say: Now that the Democrats' sweeping voting-rights bill has failed in the Senate, and a slightly less sweeping version includes voter-ID requirements, Abrams and other Dems have suddenly discovered a fondness for them.
This quote:
"I'm releasing [a strategy] today to combat the epidemic of gun violence and other violent crime . . . that has spiked since the start of the pandemic."
— President Joe Biden, June 23
We say: Huh? Crime didn't spike at the start of the pandemic, around February 2020, but after the George Floyd riots began in June, as crime stats clearly show. The prez and fellow Democrats now want Americans to forget the "Defund the Police" movement and the anti-police, pro-crime measures they supported and blame the "pandemic" for the crime spike instead. Don't fall for it.
This headline:
The Washington Post took a look at the demographics of car wrecks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We say: The demographic breakdown of road deaths is obviously part of the story. But by elevating it into the headline, WaPo is clearly suggesting these tragedies simply come down to racism. In fact, road safety is a result of a multitude of factors and cannot be seen solely through one lens.
This quote:
"All that I have done through my years of service has always been towards defending human rights."
— Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi, June 21
Ebrahim Raisi said he is a defender of rights, which appears to be the opposite of his actions.
We say: Iran's incoming prez is making Baghdad Bob look like Honest Abe. Raisi is infamous for his role in executing thousands of political dissidents and other human-rights violations. Rights groups are demanding probes. Treasury has slapped sanctions on him. Yet he claims he "always" defends human rights? Wow.
— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

And they were whoppers!
And wait, there's more!
The mainstream media is very adept at using misleading headlines, and, if they bother, setting the story correct at about the third or fourth paragraph of the story, They are aware that many don't bother to read past the headline so they are able to promote their own bias and mislead the public in that manner. The example I used long ago to illustrate this was a headline "Israel IDF Kills Protesting Gazans" and when you got down to the third or fourth paragraph they explained that the Gazans were shot when they broke through the border fence and were throwing grenades and molotov cocktails at the Israeli soldiers guarding the border. During this latest conflict, the headlines said "Israel Fires Rockets Into Gaza, Breaking the Truce" and down in the article it says it was in retaliation for the incendiary balloons that Hamas sent setting fires in Israel. The media are whores.
This article put me to sleep.
Kinda stupid really. Complaining about a headline that includes Black people in it when the article is about exactly that.
Distraction! Deflection! Denial!
Yes, yes , never judge a newspaper by its cover ... is the Post's cover a tad too racy for NT?