CFT ("Critical Feline Theory") Pop Quiz: What Sex is the Cat on this billboard?
Category: Pets & Animals
Via: krishna • 4 years ago • 43 commentsBy: 新宿東口の猫 @cross_s_vision

For cat lovers (& scientific types) only - a 2 question NT pop quiz:
1. What sex is the cat?
2. How do you know that?
(Since its only a 3-D moving image and not an actual movie, Buzz's box rules of various colours are only partially applicable. So its OK to post the answer to #1, you can say what sex you think the cat is..
BUT: Please do not post the answer to Q #2 as that would spoil it for other people.... do not say why you choose that answer... yet.
P.S: If you're wondering about what sexual identities are allowed for Q#1, here are a few suggestions.

What sex is this Japanese cat?
Could that really be a 20-foot tall cat just hanging out in the vacant space of a Japanese retail center? Don’t believe your lying eyes. It’s actually a 4K billboard screen that only looks 3D. And while video of the cat billboard has gone viral, it’s slightly less impressive when you look at the image from across the street.
The new billboard is a curved display measuring 1,665 square feet and appears in the Shibuya subway area of Japan, according to a report from Sora News 24. The new glasses-free 3D billboard actually made its debut in China last year with some very cool spaceship demonstrations.
It may not be perfected yet, but there’s a nugget of coolness in there. And if you’re thinking it all looks familiar, you’re not alone. Does it feel like we’re getting a little bit closer to our Blade Runner future? No, not the 1982 version, though that certainly has its place. The 2017 sequel Blade Runner 2049 brought the billboards of the original into the mid-21st century.
Granted, a kitty cat isn’t quite the same thing as the hyper-sexualized hologram robot Joi played by Ana de Armas. But the technology has similar ends. Rather than watch the brightly colored video sales job that’s become passé in the first two decades of this century, advertisers are trying to push the medium even further into the realm of the real.
(Note: I don't know how to embed this, so you have to click on the above link if you want to see it...)
Could that really be a 20-foot tall cat just hanging out in the vacant space of a Japanese retail center? Don’t believe your lying eyes. It’s actually a 4K billboard screen that only looks 3D. And while video of the cat billboard has gone viral, it’s slightly less impressive when you look at the image from across the street.
The new billboard is a curved display measuring 1,665 square feet and appears in the Shibuya subway area of Japan, according to a report from Sora News 24 . The new glasses-free 3D billboard actually made its debut in China last year with some very cool spaceship demonstrations .
While it’s just a cat for now, the billboard company promises more 3D content starting on July 12 , according to a press release. Though it’s almost a certainty that you still need to see the ad from the right angle to make it appear 3D.
“This giant calico cat wakes up in the morning with the start of the vision and falls asleep at night with the end of the broadcast. During the day, it appears between regular broadcasts and you can even talk to passers-by!” the company said in a statement
No, we’re not in the world of Blade Runner 2049 yet, given the fact that our 3D billboards have plenty of limitations. But you can bet that it’s just around the corner. Because while large chunks of humanity can’t seem to figure out things like providing housing or affordable health care for everyone, you can be damn sure advertisers will find new ways to sell us shit we don’t need.
Female - and it's not a breed - it's a color pattern.
I'll give you my reason for the choice later - as you "requested"
You are well informed, Professor Expert!
BTW, do you have a pet cat?
Yeah (blush) - got 10 and am getting ready to get # 11 - a smoky Maine Coon
That cat is beautiful.
am getting ready to get # 11 - a smoky Maine Coon
Wow-- what a cute cat!
You must really love cats!
(In your Astrology chart are you by any chance a Leo" Or Moon or Rising in Leo, planets in 5th Hse?)
Nah - Gemini on Taurus cusp
Thanks Ender.
Female. I know why. However, they are not always female, but males are rare
I think I know why too. Maybe having something to do with a rear view...
It's a girl, my Lord on a flat shelf, staring down to take a looking at me
Thanks for the ear worm... Haha
By the look of its eyes, it's either spayed or neutered.
You can't tell by a cat's eyes if it's been spayed/neutered.unless you have a special power
I was on a site a couple of nights ago that listed 60+ sexual identities ... I've been powerless to figure out my own ever since ... @!@
Why don't you get Hal and Lux to have a discussion? Work it out between the two of you
I think they're both multi-positional Presbyterians which would make them 61+ers. Do you have any idea of the pronoun wars that would start?
Good point-- I imagine Lux should be able to throw some light on the situation!
(Only, of course, if he can get Hal to open those Pod Bay Doors!
I was on a site a couple of nights ago that listed 60+ sexual identities ... I've been powerless to figure out my own ever since ... @!@
Life was so much simpler in the Good 'Ole Daze-- remember when you were simply either Male or Female.?
Then a little later there was a third option "Gay".
I was on a site a couple of nights ago that listed 60+ sexual identities
This one?
Here's a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users
What Would Occam Do?
Most likely female. Color is carried on the X chromosome in kitties, and females get 2 copies, allowing for calicoes and torties. There is the occasional male calico or tortie, but I've never seen one.
99% of calicos are female. Male calicos are quite rare
The more you know (insert rainbow here)
My last two, one was a tuxedo. My big fat dude. The other was all black.
My last two pairs of cats have been brothers. The ones we adopted years ago (now over the Rainbow Bridge) were a Bugs Bunny and a tuxedo. The tuxedo cat was huge, but was a gentle giant. The ones we have now are Siamese mixes - not purebreds, but they have blue eyes and brown noses, ears, tails, and paws. I found out that Siamese cats are actually selective albinos - the parts of them that stay cooler don't express the albino gene and are therefore darker, which is what gives them their "points".
My tuxedo was huge too. Several times I would wake up and he would be lying on my chest staring at my face. He had a lot of character.
The other was the opposite in almost every way. Was really small even for cat standards. Only ever really cared for us, wasn't really a people person.
I miss having a cat.
I always thought the Siamese were so pretty.
Morning kitty is snuggled up next to me at the moment in bed.
She is a ragdoll but looks like a long haired Siamese. She has no intentions of moving. It is 4oC here at the moment and the morning sun is just breaking through the gumtrees.
Can't you have/get another kitty?
One of my Siamese mixes is really small and skinny. They're about 16 months old, but he still looks like a kitten. They're rescues, and I think that if he'd been left in the wild, he'd probably not have made it.
His brother is a chonk. Got all the placenta, I guess.
Have dogs at the moment.
For some reason I have never gone looking for a pet yet I somehow end up with them. My one dog my Nephew found abandoned on a deserted road next to the interstate.
Apparently there are a lot of Siamese mixes.
IIRC, Perrie's cat is part Siamese and part American Short Hair. Its called a "Snowshoe". At first glance they look a bit like a Siamese, but they have White feet, so they are called "Snoeshoes".
These two were just barn kittens, as far as I know. They're Siamese-ish in appearance, but not of any particular breed. They do have the Siamese cat tendency to talk a lot.
My coloured box rules???????
I wouldn't have a clue from looking at the image of the cat, even moving as seen from clicking the link. I had no idea you could tell by colour patterns.
As for the gender list - add this one (number 29) WTFK (i.e. Who the F**K Knows)
My apologies-- it was a kind of "trick question".
Most people would have no idea what its about... except for a few people who know a lot about cats. (Or possibly some folks with an in depth knowledge of Science-- or at least Genetics).
I was wondering if anyone here knew about this-- a few people did. I was thinking it might be secret, but Sandy "let the cat out of the bag" (to coin a phrase) in comment # 8, above.
Sometimes a gene or genes that control a particular trait will also control another trait-- one that seems totally unrelated. In this case the genes responsible for the sex of the cat also control-- its colouration! So that cats that have this particular type of "multi-coloured colouration" ("Calico") are almost always Female.
There are 2 chromosomes that control sex, X and Y.
So if that's the case, and Calicos are almost all Female-- one would expect every single on of them to be Female.
So how come some Calicos (a very small #) are Male? One would think they would all be Female based on how it operates.
Well, normally there are only 2 sex Chromosomes. But there is a rare aberration--- some cats have 3! An extra X (male).
Because its an aberration, apparently those with 3 sex chromosomes have physical problems and are not as healthy IIRC.
Anoon Krishna...far as I know most ginger cats are male..
I remember having to do that in biology about tortoiseshell (calico) cats...and them being nearly all female..
I had 3 of them over the years..My last one lived to 16 years old...
Then I ended up with a blue blood, a ragdoll...but that is a story for another time.
Sorry-- a bad pun. Or something).
On your movie quizzes you ask that people don't immediately make their answers public so that other people have a chance to guess. Red Box Rules etc.
In this case I went half-way-- originally stating it was OK to post whether they thought it was Male or Female-- but to not say how they knew. So it was only sort of a "Half Box Rule".
But I'm not good at enforcing rules.
And in any event, cats seem to be more into paper bags-- although on occasion they get into boxes as well:
4,150,769 views - Feb 1, 2012
[C'est en Français mais avec sous-titres en anglais]
Not on bilibili.
Its an old video (2012). I originally seeded this one on NT several years ago.
Back then he called his YouTube channel "Fairset". IIRC he only posted humorous cat videos. (He spoke in various voices-- in French-- which were supposed to be the voices of the cats).
Now he calls his channel "Parole De Chat" Still does humorous cat videos, but also practices his profession on YouTube (He is a stage magician). I believe he lives in Paris.
Maybe try some Chinese site other than BiliBili?
I remember reading that just recently the Chinese government cracked down on Bili-- I believe it was accused of having some sort of "indecent" content (?). They also limited access to it on some platforms, but apparently there are still ways to see it.
I currently don't follow any Chinese stocks, so I don't know much about the company, I only know it was a hot stock for a while on U.S. exchanges, then it it moved down).
(The only Chinese stock I've owned in recent times was Ali Baba, but I sold it some time ago).
Oh... I did own one very speculative small cap during the "tech Bubble"...that was way back in 2000 or so IIRC!
I haven't seen anything indecent on bilibili, but then I've never sought anything that would normally be considered indecent. However, who knows from day to day what the CCP would consider indecent?
By the way, xxJefferson was lamenting recently that he had nobody to talk to about stocks and investments, so I told him that you had lots of knowledge about them.
Funny you should mention that! Just a few minutes ago I was reading comments in a seed about how the market went down:
Stocks Skid On Economic Worries - WSJ
Of course his comment was purely political:
It’s all based on fears of democrat policies. Spending, taxes, inflation, Wokeism, interest rates, instability. The only thing going up right now is crude oil.
I am trying to decide whether I want to engage him, and the seeder, about the Market.
It took me many years but one of the most important things I learned about the market is: to succeed (and make money) , when trading put away your own political biases! Be objective. (Some inexperienced traders who are Democrats assume that under a Democratic administration the market will go up, and will go down under a Republican administration. And inexperienced Republicans who trade will assume the same thing-- with the labels reversed!)
P.S; The market is complex, there are many forces at play.
And if you're trading off'll loose money.
(BTW: if Biden and the Dems are so bad for the market, how come oil stocks are going up? Also-- gov't spending bad? If the government spends money,gets that money-- some of which will be spent and make prices rise-- good for the market!)
I haven't had any investments except real estate (and I don't have that now) for forty years.