Does anyone else find beach volleyball boring?
what Olympic sports do you find impossible to watch?
Its the summer Olympics, so once again unsuspecting viewers will be subjected to hours and hours of beach volleyball. This is the version of volleyball played on sand (although not necessarily outdoors) with two players on each side. I feel like this snooze inducing game is being presented by the flagship NBC channel simply because Americans have always done well in this sport. Now there is a potential visual attraction in watching the female beach volleyballers bouncing around, twisting , jumping and diving in skimpy swimsuit bottoms, but that appeal only goes so far in a match that can last over an hour.
Most often, there is no such thing as an extended "volley" in this sport, which would be where the two teams bat the ball back and forth over the net multiple times before it hits the sand for a point . There are few volleys because there are only two people on each side and inevitably one or the other side will find open space to hit the ball into within the first five seconds after a serve. There is no flow to these games.
Other olympic sports that annoy me with their boredom are archery, shooting, synchronized swimming, and skateboarding. They had the men's skateboarding on tv last night and the main thing we saw was competitor after competitor falling to the ground. I think the gold medal winner was the guy who literally had fallen the least number of times. Plus, most of the "tricks" they do look very similar to each other.
What olympic sports put you to sleep?
Let me throw weightlifting on to my list.
Definitely synchronized swimming for me.
I did synchronized swimming in high school when I was a senior. If you had attended our big show, you would have not been bored.
I had a reaction from the waterproof face paint so one eye was completely swollen shut. The girl who was supposed to do the high dive for one number didn't show up so I had to do it even though I had never high dived. When I resurfaced, I didn't know that the jump and landing tore my top off. Luckily I saw it floating next to me and did not exit the pool topless. My best friend was there and cracked up so badly seeing what happened that she fell off the top of the bleachers and broke her leg. Our final number was to the long version of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. We had to submerge for two minutes. Some of the girls were so exhausted that they almost drowned. I quit the team the next day.
Okay, the moment I posted my emoji, I got a LOCKED. This has happened before, but using edit freed it up. Anyone else having this problem?
I have seen it a couple of times. I think it is some kind of glitch.
Yes, it's happened to me 4 or 5 times.
It happening right now, every comment from Paula down to mine shows locked.
and now all the ''locked'' are gone.
I'm sure that it's the ''little people''.
Something new i noticed when i came back.
Fix is easy, simply refresh your screen and the "locks" go away.
Don't get paranoid, it's not only happening to you.
If it happens to you, just hit edit and resubmit (no changes needed) and hit Update. The LOCKED disappears.
That almost sounds like a comedy routine. One disaster leads to another
It worked
All you really have to do is hit "refresh" on your browser.
That is because I got mine unlocked.
I love watching nearly naked healthy fit women running around on the 'beach'.
If someone is so easily annoyed, perhaps they shouldn't watch
Enjoy !
I don't watch any of it, so can't really say.
haven't watched 1 event so far.
Don't watch any, but don't watch sports anyway, neither does my husband, at least we are compatible in that aspect
The sport reporters dabble in - interviews.
I lived in Huntington Beach CA, also known as ''Surf City'' besides surfing beach volleyball was a religion and it was played for big bucks. There were always 6 or more games going and you had some really good players there.
since there's no spectators due to the pandemic, I think they should have gone traditional with nude athletes, summer games only of course. some track and field events may have been a bit problematic though.
Ha. Viewership would skyrocket.
I read that a woman's beach volleyball team was disqualified because they wore shorts instead of bikini bottoms. So i wonder what the purpose of including that sport is - is it just to titillate frustrated old men?
Have you ever been to a junior high Greco Roman wrestling event? You can practically smell paedos.
There is a sexual tinge to lots of sporting events...
Watching just about any sport is boring to me and if you add in jabbering commentators it become irritating. The only sport I've ever enjoyed watching is Boxing but I wouldn't call myself a fan.
I haven't watched any of the Olympics this year. I quit really following it when they were in London, and NBC decided that we needed segments about villages bombed during WWII. Now, I like history, but I was trying to watch the Olympics, and due to the time difference, some events that I wanted to see were airing really late. Why in the world add "fillers" as if you have dead air time to fill when you don't, and recording of all events for that day was completed hours earlier?
Love the Olympics, always have but if you want boring watch Skateboarding.
The same tricks in the same place by more or less all of them.
Not sure what's not to like about women's volleyball ... hot chicks in bikini's making moves on the sand.
Pretty hard to get bored IMO if you're a dude, have a pulse and aren't gay.
I think riding a few feet down a handrail on a skateboard you have flipped in the air with your feet is a skill and an example of being a daredevil, but it should not be an Olympic sport. The competitors fall off the board at least half the time, and at one point last night the women started doing simpler tricks just so that they wouldnt fall (again) and be eliminated.
Another extremely weird thing is they have this elaborate set up of multiple steps and railings and ramps, but every one of the competitors was using the same two railings to try and do their tricks.
You dont have to be gay or female to find beach volleyball boring . I am neither and get tired of it after about 5 minutes. VOLLEYball implies volleys and beach volleyball has almost none.
I watched it for a bit and one interesting thing i noted was the age difference of the skateboarders. From like 13 to 34. Few other Olympics sports have that wide of a age range so that's pretty cool.
One other question for you John. Does Ping Pong imply "Pings" "Pongs" or both?
Although I agree the women should be able to wear more "modest" suits if they want, truthfully there is some low level hypocrisy all the way around here. The whole idea of "beach" handball or "beach" volleyball is that these sports will be played with some summertime style skin showing. Or am I missing something?
Yeah, you're missing that they're sports, not skin exhibitions. Men play the same sports, and I can't see their ass cheeks because they're wearing clothes that cover them. Because when men play sports, the focus is on the athleticism, not the ass cheeks. The athleticism of women's sports is not enhanced by having their bikini bottoms in a perpetual wedgie. It's actually hindered.
If we're looking to avoid hypocrisy, put the men in Speedos "cut at an upward angle toward the hip" - IOW, designed to creep right up the cracks of their butts.
I read about the gymnastics too. Something about them wearing a unitard instead of something else.
I agree with the women, but they also agreed to play "beach" whatever. "Beach" is going to mean swimsuits as attire. Not fair, but hardly a surprise to anyone.
There are so many sports in the Olympics nowadays its good they have 5 or 6 different channels to show it on, even if no one is watching.
Why is "beach" handball even a professional sport?
Why is dancing around and twirling a ribbon a sport...
Then the men should be in Speedos.
No, it doesn't mean swimsuit as attire. It means it's played on sand. The attire is obviously sexualized when it comes to female athletes.
The same could be asked of any sport.
There is no reason to have "beach " sports other than to show off the contestants bodies.
It may not be fair but it is true.
Of course there is, John. If there weren't, there either wouldn't be men's teams, or the men's teams would play in something as revealing as the bikinis the women wear.
It's like bowling in the sand John. The sand actually changes the game when you reduce it to two players.
I agree, and I don't think they would've considered beach volleyball as an olympic sport without women in bikini's. a lot of the womens winter attire is sexualized too, from the ski slopes to the skating rinks. women's snow boarding events possibly being an exception...