
The Racist ‘Theory’ That Inspired Murderers Is Now GOP Dogma


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  dig  •  4 years ago  •  57 comments

By:   Wajahat Ali

The Racist ‘Theory’ That Inspired Murderers Is Now GOP Dogma

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The hoods are off, and Republicans are embracing the white supremacist   “replacement theory.”

If you’re dismissing this as fear-mongering or click-bait, you probably missed Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House and renowned adulterer,   espousing replacement theory rhetoric   on Fox News earlier this week while talking to host   Maria Baritromo , who always has time to offer a platform to dangerous conspiracy peddling. Speaking about Mexican immigrants coming to America during the pandemic, Gingrich said the “radical left” wants to “get rid of the rest of us” and would “love to drown traditional, classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law.”

He wasn’t talking about Donald Trump,  notorious for being historically ignorant and profoundly incurious , but about those of us with darker skin, who are never seen as “traditional” or “classic” or “real Americans.” Gingrich, a craven political opportunist, parroted the talking points associated with “the great replacement” theory,  also known as “white genocide,”  which stipulates the white race and “Western civilization” are in dire threat of being weakened and ultimately usurped by immigrants of color, Muslims, feminists, and gays.

This nefarious international scheme is allegedly masterminded by a cabal of secretive and powerful Jews, who are perpetual supervillains in conspiratorial narratives. One of the main leaders of this alleged “deep state” is George Soros, the Hungarian-born, Jewish American billionaire and Holocaust survivor, whom Fox host Tucker Carlson accused of trying to hijack and remake American democracy and the Washington Times alleged was on a   “quest to destroy America.”   Before the 2018 midterm elections, President Trump said “a lot of people say” that Soros was funding the “caravan” of undocumented immigrants and Middle Easterners that he warned was about to invade America.

Terrorist Robert Bowers shared Trump’s fear. He proceeded to kill 11 Jewish people in a synagogue, whom he believed were helping the “invaders.” The replacement theory inspired terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who killed more than 50 Muslim “invaders” in New Zealand. Tarrant’s violent act in turn inspired terrorist Patrick Crusius, who killed 21 people in El Paso, Texas, seeking vengeance against “Hispanic” invaders.

Despite or because of the international bloodshed caused by this hateful conspiracy, conservatives including Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene have embraced it as a political opportunity.

Gingrich was something of a pioneer here, jumping on the anti-sharia bandwagon in the summer of 2010, right before the midterm elections, as he geared up for his failed 2012 presidential bid. That manufactured threat,   which became the template for the right’s anti-critical race theory crusade today , imported conspiracy theories and talking points created by white nationalists in Europe who warned about a Muslim “demographic explosion” that threatened to transform white, Christian Europe into “Eurabia.”

Hate has now become intersectional and global, with the Europeans’ American counterparts raving about how CRT or Sharia Law or Marxism will replace the Constitution, destroy American values and teach children to hate white people.

Although the phrase   “the great replacement” was coined in 2010 by French author Renaud Camus , who refers to immigrants of color as “colonizers” and “Occupiers,” it’s not an original concept. In 1995,   US neo-nazi David Lane   warned about governments making white people into an “extinct species” in his subtly titled   three-page   White Genocide Manifesto . He also created the “14 word” white supremacist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller’s white nationalist ideas were in part inspired by Jean Raspail’s 1973 French novel   The Camp of the Saints , beloved by white nationalists around the world, that depicts how savage Indian refugees ultimately swarm and overwhelm France. Bannon has recommended the book as a dystopian warning, and   Miller promoted the book and other white nationalist talking points   to a Breitbart reporter when he was a Senior Advisor in the White House.

Bannon has also recommended conservatives learn from another fan of the replacement theory: Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who praised Trump in 2017 for   “thinking precisely as we do when he says ‘America First,’”   and who Bannon has praised for being “Trump before Trump.”

What did Orban do that makes him a model worth emulating for conservatives in the United States? He transformed Hungary’s once promising democracy into a one-party state where he filled the government and judiciary with political apparathicks, attacked the press and political opponents, abused his power to enrich himself and his cronies, promoted anti-semitic conspiracy theories against George Soros, and constructed a 109-mile high-tech, razor-wire border fence with Serbia.

Orban mobilized his base into giving up their freedoms by promising he will protect them and their Hungarian heritage from Muslims, refugees, and immigrants of color, and protect them from what he says are “political forces in Europe who want a replacement of population for ideological or other reasons.” Instead, he says, “We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children.   Migration for us is surrender.

No wonder Tucker Carlson, who has   openly promoted the replacement theory   on his show and is beloved by white nationalists for mainstreaming their talking points,   applauded Orban’s policies . It shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention that Carlson, an American journalist, decided to host his top-rated cable news show from Hungary’s capital, Budapest, where he spent a week acting like a paid lobbyist, propagandist, and hype man for Orban and his Fidesz party.

Carlson told his viewers, “if you care about Western civilization and democracy and families and the ferocious assault on all three of those things by the leaders of our global institutions, you should know what is happening here right now.”

Carlson aired a   fawning interview with Orban , giving him a platform to promote his ethno-nationalist policies, which Orban rationalized as   defending Hungary’s national identity , “culture,” “tradition,” “language,” and “original inhabitants” from Muslims, liberals and other invaders allegedly opposed to freedom and Western civilization.

“Who’s freer?” Carlson asked. “If you’re an American, the answer is painful to admit.”

What’s actually happening in Hungary is a   blueprint for autocracy , and that’s the end game for America’s Republican party, which is now a counter-majoritarian and counterfactual force. Trump administration senior advisor and anti-immgration zealot Stephen Miller made that crystal clear while addressing the Young America Foundation’s 43rd National Conservative Student Conference in Texas earlier this week.

In a 40-minute speech you can watch   here   if you’re a glutton for punishment, Miller echoed Orban and Carlson’s paranoid victimhood, manufactured grievances and racial anxiety of a white demographic terrified of losing power as he cited “stopping illegal immigration” as conservatives’ “highest priority.” There was no mention of the pandemic, income inequality, or climate change. Instead, Miller bragged about stopping refugees from making it to America and suspending the H1-B program that allowed skilled workers, like my father, to legally come to this country and achieve the “American Dream.”

Miller told the young students that liberals have forced them into a “battle none of us wanted,” because “they” want power “to dictate your lives and to change our country into something most of us wouldn’t recognize.” He wants liberals to “just leave the country alone and let America be America,” which to him means a Muslim Ban, undocumented kids separated from their parents in cages, a crowd chanting “send her back” when referring to a US Congresswoman, and ignoring the existence and rights of LGBTQ people.

Pointing to a bleak future, Miller created an absolutist framework and exhorted young conservatives to “fight back” and defend their “heritage: "The stakes in this game are the survival of the country. Those are the stakes. It’s that stark. That black and white. It’s that fundamental. The country survives or it does not.”

The young students gave him a rousing standing ovation at the end of his speech.

This is the Republican Party’s end game, a fight to the death that they hope will lead to an authoritarian regime like Orban’s Hungary. They have not been deterred or moderated by electoral defeat. Instead, they are growing ever more radical, weaponizing and embracing racist ideas, like the replacement theory, and planning future insurrections building on their failed first attempt on Jan. 6.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Participates
1  seeder  Dig    4 years ago
Miller told the young students that liberals have forced them into a “battle none of us wanted,” because “they” want power “to dictate your lives and to change our country into something most of us wouldn’t recognize.”

Projection at it's finest, and straight out of the authoritarian playbook — accuse others of doing nefarious shit that you're actually doing yourself.

This is the Republican Party’s end game, a fight to the death that they hope will lead to an authoritarian regime like Orban’s Hungary. They have not been deterred or moderated by electoral defeat. Instead, they are growing ever more radical, weaponizing and embracing racist ideas, like the replacement theory, and planning future insurrections building on their failed first attempt on Jan. 6.

Everyone needs to realize that the Republicans no longer want a republic. They want to rule.

Let me say that again...

The "Republicans" don't want a republic. They want to rule.

That's not something we should just roll our eyes at and dismiss. It literally goes against every fiber of America's being. At every turn you see them positioning themselves as enemies of republicanism itself, and proponents of the installation of minority, authoritarian rule under a pathological liar and egomaniacal tyrant — Donald Trump.

This is the kind of stuff that would make the Founders roll over in their graves. People need to stop acting like this is business as usual. It's not.

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

''A lot of people say'' that Trump is a dumbass. 

PhD Quiet
2.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Kavika @2    4 years ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    4 years ago

Trump's is essentially gone, to be replaced by Haley, or DeSantis, or Abbott, or...?

The American people are beginning to fear something worse than Trump....

an out of control radical left power hungry bunch of idiots seeking to transform our democracy into a socialist state.

The outcome of the midterms shall be a sign unto you

Professor Principal
3.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @3    4 years ago
Trump's is essentially gone, to be replaced by Haley, or DeSantis, or Abbott, or...?

You repeating nonsense doesnt make it not nonsense.  IF he wants to Trump will stomp on any of those or all of those like bugs, because he knows that without a doubt he has a majority of the Republican base behind him. 

If you think Greg Abbott, Nikki Haley , or Ron De Santis can out trumpism Trump you are hallucinating. 

Professor Participates
3.2  seeder  Dig  replied to  Greg Jones @3    4 years ago
an out of control radical left power hungry bunch of idiots seeking to transform our democracy into a socialist state.

Bullshit. That tired old diversionary trope is as ridiculous as ever. The relatively tiny "radical Left" is nowhere near the threat to our democracy that today's Republicans are. There are no "radical Left" state governments trying to make voting harder for certain groups of people, but there certainly are Republican ones. There are no "radical Left" state governments trying to give themselves the power to overturn election results they don't like, but there certainly are Republican ones.

If you'd turn off whatever propaganda you've been watching, you might notice that there's one party trying to uphold and bolster free and fair elections for everyone in this country, and it's NOT the Republicans.

Do you want a genuine republic or something like Orban's Hungary, Greg? Only one of those is in keeping with American patriotism.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.3  pat wilson  replied to  Greg Jones @3    4 years ago
Trump's is essentially gone,

The RNC chairwoman said just today that "trump is in control of the party". Doesn't sound like "gone" to me.

Professor Quiet
4  Ed-NavDoc    4 years ago

Just another rabid hit piece tar all with the same brush type of article from a hard core leftist liberal from a equally extreme leftist biased publication. I take articles like this with a grain of salt. Laughable!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4    4 years ago

This articles doesn't even try for coherence.   Just  a bunch of names, out of context quotes, and buzz words mashed together to service progressives' paranoia.  You can almost see the checklist of left wing talking points the author checked to gin up the required hysteria before submitting it.

Professor Quiet
4.3  Freefaller  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4    4 years ago
Just another rabid hit piece tar all with the same brush

Lol so just like every other political article posted here by either side for more years than I care to remember

Professor Principal
5  Gsquared    4 years ago

The fascistic radicalization of the Republican Party may be the biggest threat ever posed to the American way of life.  Thank you for posting this important article, Dig 

Professor Quiet
6  arkpdx    4 years ago

All that BS put into one article.  WOW! There was so much flying around as was reading I will have to tkae two or three showers to get it off and call in professional cleaners to sanitize my apartment. [deleted]

Professor Quiet
7  bbl-1    4 years ago

This article has merit to a degree.  However, the most important part is 'The FOX star, Tucker' fawning with and over Viktor Orban of Hungary's autocratic/dictatorship government.  And this where the right wing and to many republicans are placing their bets.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  bbl-1 @7    4 years ago

Whatever happened to the Republicans that were proud to live in a democratic republic and would fight to the death to defend it?

The article mentions Miller painting a bleak future, but if he gets his way our future will be bleak

Professor Quiet
7.2.1  bbl-1  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2    4 years ago

First sentence reply;  I suspect they were 'b-s-sing' all along.

Second sentence reply;  Why isn't Miller arrested for Child Kidnapping, Child Abuse, Child Exploitation, Human Traffiking and Misuse of Government Funds?

Professor Quiet
7.2.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2    4 years ago

I'm not a Republican, but I am a right leaning conservative registered Independent. That being said, myself and others are proud to live in said democratic republic, and as you said, would fight to the death to defend it and all the people in it, even the individual who gleefully called my comments idiotic because they did match his views. You have a good evening.

Professor Expert
7.2.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2.2    4 years ago
the individual who gleefully called my comments idiotic because they did match his views

That's not true, Ed.  It's because you accused him of being 

okay with the socialistic/ communistic leanings of the far left Democrats! Got it...

which is an accusation you declined to back up in any way.

Professor Quiet
7.2.4  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  sandy-2021492 @7.2.3    4 years ago

If anybody had noticed, I ended that sentence with a question mark asking him if that was the case. Please reread the post. There was no intent to accuse.The fact is that upon much consideration, I realize that I was in the wrong to have stated it the way I did. My apologies to any that I may have offended. I will have to be more careful with my words.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @7.2.2    4 years ago

I believe everything you just said, Ed. I like conversing with you. We don't always agree, but I know that you are a true patriot. Have a good day, Ed

Professor Quiet
7.2.6  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2.5    4 years ago

My thanks and likewise. I am only human and I do make mistakes, but when I do I try to own up to them. You have a good day as well.

Professor Guide
8  evilone    4 years ago

Trumpublican Populism seems preoccupied more by national identity than by the rule of law. We see it with the CRT and "war on Christmas" bullshit all the time. 


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