1/3 of Republicans: Trump to Be Reinstated POTUS This Year
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 42 commentsBy: Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

Nearly a third of Republicans believe that former President Donald Trump will be "reinstated" to the presidency this year, even as the fantastical August 13 "deadline" for that event approaches with no sign of its fruition.
It has been more than two months since the political media world was set abuzz when The New York Times' Maggie Haberman first reported that Trump was telling confidants that he believes he'll be reinstated to the presidency in August, reporting that was later confirmed by other outlets — and fed by delusions floated by Trump allies like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and attorney Sidney Powell .
And Trump himself appeared to confirm this in June when he told a crowd in North Carolina that "we're gonna take back the White House, and sooner than you think."
According to Lindell, the date of Trump's miraculous ascension was to be August 13 — two days from now. And even though there have been a flood of fact-checks that show this to be a legal and constitutional impossibility, and intense coverage of that fact, a stubbornly large percentage of Republicans are immune to that truth.
A Politico/Morning Consult poll published Wednesday asked respondents "How likely do you think it is that former President Donald Trump will be reinstated as U.S. President this year, if at all?"
Among Republicans, 29 percent said it is either "very likely" (19%) or "somewhat likely" (10%) that Trump will be reinstated. That belief was even stronger among Republican women, 32 percent of whom see Trump's reinstatement this year as likely.
And there's an illustrative correlation between those Republican voters who believe Trump will be reinstated and the nearly identical 27 percent of "not fully vaccinated" people who say it is "very likely" (16%) or "somewhat likely" (11%) that Trump will be reinstated.
Lindell has since backed off of the August 13 timeline, but continues to spew election conspiracies to anyone who will broadcast them.

To be completely fair, I'll just go with the 1 in 5 who say it is "very likely" that Trump will be reinstated this year.
That is still potentially many millions of people who believe something that is insane.
You might say "millions of people believe in Bigfoot too". Yes but there is much more evidence that Trump will not be reinstated than there is that Bigfoot doesnt exist.
This fucktard is on day 2 of his 3 day bullshit "cyber symposium" in South Dakota. The cyber security expert (Robert Graham) that confirmed Hunter Biden emails for the Washington Examiner was complaining yesterday that Lindell still hasn't provided proof to anyone the cpac data he has is legit. Lindell just keeps repeating claims without evidence.
Well it's only 1/3 of republicans...not 1/3 of all Americans.
Hey I know that pic - I posted somewhere else.... I find it hilarious!!!
Those 1/3 need to have their faces and names on billboards prior to their next reelection bid so that the voters know who not to keep in office.
Trumpies get all excited! Yaaay! August 13 is almost here! Only to have their hopes and racially pure dreams dashed on the rocks like a promised pardon.
"Tomorrow is another day"
Scarlett O'Hara ( I think)
Now it is being moved to Sept......3024.
That damn new math!
How do these morons even get elected without knowing how this works. There is a line of succession to replace a sitting POTUS if he is unable to complete his term. Trump as a citizen is no where close to being on that list. He can't use being POTUS once to play that card.
Jesus will come again and fly Trump to the throne in the bosom of his arms.
I wish he'd hurry up.
Then he will drop him while yelling "Flap your arms!" Donnie will ask as he falls "Why did you drop me?!?" Jesus will tell him "Contrary to what you believe....your shit does stink."
And yelling
"Where's your faith, Donald? Don't you believe in me?"
My bad. I added after you posted.
that is funny
That is VERY funny.
Please explain to me how intelligent people survive when so many of your countrymen are of such inferior intelligence? One advantage of their antivax and antimask determination is that it is bound to reduce the voters among them, permanently.
I wonder how the Chinese survive in that they are apparently so gullible that their own government feeds them propaganda about the Coronavirus being created in an American lab and even makes up imaginary experts to cite in their "news." That's not a good sign when the Chinese government feels free to tell such blatant and transparent lies to its own citizens and expects to remain respected..
Simply fighting fire witth fire. America promotes a theory that has not been proven and China throws it back into America's face with a theory that has not been proven. I have to laugh at your comment that the Chinese people are more gullible than Americans, and out of curiosity, how do you know WHAT the Chinese people believe? It's also kind of laughable to project about Chinese people's respect for their govenment, when approximately half of the American population has little respect for ITS government, whichever government is in control at any time.
merica promotes a theory that has not been proven and China throws it back into America's face
w do you know WHAT the Chinese people believe? '
Well, since Chinese people aren't allowed to express their opinions freely, it's not as easy as simply looking at polls. But since they live in a shut off country that hides the truth from them, one can assume most believe the only source of information they have, state propaganda. Thus the racist treatment of blacks, including refusal to serve them in restaurants, because the government scapegoats them for Covid and the Chinese believe it.
Isn't it interesting that I, living in China, NOT using a VPN or any special method except a standard common Chinese internet provider (same as every person in China), am able to open and read Canadian, American, Israeli, and many other countries' internet news sites and information, including but not even closely limited to Microsoft Bing, Yahoo news, CTV (Canadian Television News), USA Today (which is sent to my email every day),the whole conglomerate of the MSN compilation of news sites for both the USA and the World, and, believe it or not, even FOX NEWS. If I can open and read them, so can every person in China. I can't open Facebook and Twitter and I wouldn't even if I could. I would have liked to be able to open YouTube, but I do have alternatives. Isn't NT a social NEWS site? How can I possibly be posting here and reading the information on this site, eh? After all, according to someone I'm limited to state propaganda as my only source.
It's up to the NT members who have read this dialogue to make up their minds as to who to believe and respect, and who not to.
Many, many new recipients of the Darwin Award....
What award is presented for just plain unalterable and unrectifiable ignorance, because there are some candidates on this very site.
I present this award for those occasions:
Some call it a badge of honor.
Which only proves their "unrectifiable ignorance," as Buzz calls it. Which in turn only affirms their award. It's almost comical actually.
I kind of feel sorry for those Secret Service folks stuck having to tail him. That's got to be somewhat if a bummer being stuck with him. Wonder if any of them just flat out quit?
'This Is a Mistake': Steve Bannon Slams Mike Lindell's Symposium for Not Proving Voter Fraud (msn.com)
www.msn.com /en-us/news/politics/this-is-a-mistake-steve-bannon-slams-mike-lindell-s-symposium-for-not-proving-voter-fraud/ar-AANdfHm
'This Is a Mistake': Steve Bannon Slams Mike Lindell's Symposium for Not Proving Voter Fraud
Bannon, who served as White House Chief Strategist under former President Donald Trump , has been at the symposium broadcasting War Room , his show on the right-leaning media network Real America's Voice.
"I think this is a mistake," Bannon in his Wednesday broadcast, speaking about the symposium's re-playing of a 15-minute film that had already been shown earlier in the event. "I want to be brutally frank. I think there's so much work to get through the day...It's now time to really get to the details."
"You've laid a theory of the case that is very powerful," Bannon continued, "but in laying that case out, you've got to bring the receipts." The phrase "bring the receipts" is slang for "show the proof."
Lindell has claimed that his symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota will reveal that voting machine fraud, orchestrated by China , stole the 2020 election from Trump. This supposed evidence, Lindell said, will convince the Supreme Court to vote unanimously to reinstate Trump into office by autumn.
Lindell said the "cyber guys"—technological experts who are Certified Information Systems Security Professionals—will apparently show "packet captures" that prove that votes were flipped from Trump to the election's winner, now-President Joe Biden .
"Packet captures" are computer data files taken from a specific moment of network activity. These packets can then be analyzed to understand network behavior at a later time. Lindell claimed that the "cyber guys" will use the packet captures to show how many votes were flipped in different parts of the country.
"It's going to be a worldwide event," Lindell said in late June . "Millions are going to see it. And those Supreme Court justices are going to look at it then, and they're going to go 9-0 that this country was attacked. The election is going to come down. Donald Trump will be in office by this fall, for sure."
There's neither legal nor historic precedent to support Lindell's theory about Trump's reinstatement by the Supreme Court.
Lindell's claims that voting machines helped rig the election compelled Dominion Voting Systems to sue him in a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit. Lindell countersued the company for $1.6 billion, claiming it violated his Constitutional rights to free speech.
Trump lost the 2020 election by over seven million popular votes and 74 electoral votes. Trump's own attorney general and federal head of election security both said there is no evidence that fraud affected the election's outcome.
Newsweek contacted Lindell's office for comment but did not hear back in time for publication.
53% of Republicans give Mike Lindell a good approval rating.
It's going to be a pitiful sight when these morons all turn on Lindell, which could be any time now.
They did not turn on Trump (inexplicably) so why do you think they would not stick with Lindell?
Gotta wonder what the excuse will be on August 14th.
As far as I know he never gave the year that August 14th will happen.
Gives him a lot of wiggle room.
And nut cases need as much wiggle room as possible.
He implied this year. Anyway, it does not matter. A guy like this does not care about his credibility. He will just move on to the next lie (just like Trump).
One has to think if he knows that he's lying or is he just completely crazy.