
It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  4 years ago  •  11 comments

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

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1963 comedy movie "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World"                                              Kabul Airport - Aug 15, 2021

In 1963 the world could still laugh at greed , stupidity , and ignorance, all of which were on display in the slapstick comedy movie It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

The current slapstick in world news is just sad.

@MollyJongFast ·So much in the world to be sad slashed worried about tonight. ============================================================================= The Prime Minister of Canada , Justin Trudeau , announced yesterday that Canada will take in 20,000 Afghan refugees as new immigrants . Trudeau says Canada has a long history of welcoming political refugees.  As I saw this on twitter I also saw responses to his tweet. People from Afghanistan , but also from all over troubled parts of the middle east/south Asian began to implore Trudeau to help them . They say they have no future in their country and would like to find a better life. From Pakistan to Lebanon, people who have no idea what Canada might be like for them asked him to answer their tweets and give them a path to something better.  There was a suggestion made by someone else that these refugees should go to Turkey to live, but the answer was that the rents are too high in Turkey and a poor person cant find an apartment. 


Ryan Hampson
4 months ago
I saw this after saving private Ryan and at the time I was disappointed....Fast forward nearly 20 years and having been to Iraq and Afghanistan I can say I can truly understand the message this film was trying to convey.

Gabe Spece
2 years ago
Twenty years later and I don't know if a single movie sequence has affected me more than this one. One of the great bits of dialogue ever written for a film and just heart-breaking imagery.



shaun douglas
shaun douglas
2 years ago
If ever their was a movie that explains the falling condition of humanity this is it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





Stephen Miller usefully reminds everyone that the only argument against accepting a lot of Afghan asylum-seekers is racism. It’s a moral obligation and strategically beneficial, and we shouldn’t throw those away because some Americans hate brown people and Muslims.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    4 years ago

When will the world get better? 

I think human beings are fallen creatures and I dont know what can be done about it. 

We thought that technology would save us but to some extent it has made things worse. 

Freshman Quiet
1.1  exexpatnowinTX  replied to  JohnRussell @1    4 years ago
When will the world get better? 

Simple.  When our species ceases to exist.  There have been mass extermination events in this planets history, it's just a matter of time until the next one occurs.  Then nature, in all it's glory can start over and try to get it right.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.3  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    4 years ago

Why don't you sponsor an Afghan refugee? Or volunteer in some useful project?

Might give you some purpose in life.

Professor Principal
2  author  JohnRussell    4 years ago
Hallie Jackson Reports
"Already across Afghanistan, we are seeing girls being told they're not to go to school anymore, women being told that they can't leave their homes but for with a guardian, flogging, sex slavery," says Fmr. Amb. @MelanneVerveer on what Afghan women face amid Taliban takeover.
Sparty On
Professor Expert
3  Sparty On    4 years ago

Simple, pay more attention to the good that happens every day and not the bad.   Probably should spend less time on NT for that ......

If there is a sickness in man, it's the tendency to rubberneck the bad.   See it every time i drive by an accident and people slow down to look for the gore i guess.

So true, there is evil in this world but there is great kindness as well.   Don't fall for the lie that there isn't.

Professor Guide
4  Tacos!    4 years ago

It amazes me that there is apparently no self-reflection in the brutal dictators of the world. We have seen it for 100 years with communist countries, and we see it today with the Islamic fascists. How, as a leader, can you want to rule so badly that you won’t change anything even though your own citizens are trying to escape by the thousands? Not political enemies. Just regular people.

In America, passionate partisans often proclaim they will move to Canada after the next election, but nothing ever comes of it. By contrast, people in Afghanistan are literally running for their lives. At what point do the leaders say to themselves, “Hey, maybe it’s us. Maybe we need to change something?”

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1  Sparty On  replied to  Tacos! @4    4 years ago

How much self reflection do you see from our politicians?   Not much from some i tell you.

If we didn't have a Constitution they are constantly attacking and a Bill of Rights they try to redefine non-stop, many would be trying the same things here.

Politicians having a healthy fear of the people they serve is a good thing in my book and sorely missing in many of the countries these dictators prey on.

Professor Guide
4.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Sparty On @4.1    4 years ago
Politicians having a healthy fear of the people they serve is a good thing in my book

I do wonder what the political dynamic would be if the Afghan people were armed like Americans.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  Tacos! @4.1.1    4 years ago

They are, they are called the Taliban. jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5  Greg Jones    4 years ago

So how do the Taliban plan to feed the Afghan people, and provide housing, jobs, and medical care?

Gonna get interesting


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