Majority says Biden is out of it, aides are doing his job

Read full articlePaul Bedard August 20, 2021, 11:07 AM·2 min read Majority says Biden is out of it, aides are doing his job
Preelection concerns that President Joe Biden wasn't physically or mentally up for his new job at age 78, the oldest-ever chief executive, are now settling in as the public sees him slow-walking, refusing to consider questions at press conferences, and seemingly befuddled with the crisis in Afghanistan.
Not only has his average approval rating fallen below 50%, the lowest of his presidency, but a new survey has found that in addition to likely voters believing that Biden is not all there, they believe that aides are doing his job.
In the survey, Rasmussen Reports said 52% of respondents said they are not confident that Biden is physically or mentally "up to the job of being president of the United States." And 41% of respondents said they are "not confident at all."
Another 46% said they are confident in Biden.
Women, men, white people, Republicans, and middle-aged to elderly voters lack confidence in Biden, according to the survey.
The survey outlet also asked, "Is Joe Biden really doing the job of president, or are others making the decisions for him behind the scenes?"
Again, a slight majority, 51%, said others are doing his work, while 39% said Biden is in charge, down from 47% in March.
Those numbers are worse than the findings from a similar SurveyMonkey poll just one month into his presidency when 33% said he isn't mentally sharp enough for the job.
The polling shift from a third to a majority having questions about Biden parallel other findings that the public does not expect Biden to finish out his term and expect Vice President Kamala Harris to fill in.
The Rasmussen survey also follows a troubled period for Biden. He has failed to push through his high-spending infrastructure bills, has seen election reform stall, is grappling with the largest illegal immigration crisis in U.S. history, and appears unconcerned about spiking inflation.

The show appears to be over folks.
Sitting in his Delaware basement, eating ice cream in the dark....
I see my dad in him almost every time he talks.
My father is in a dementia ward right now.
The similarities are striking unfortunately
I think we saw this same article or a very similar one a couple days ago.
Rasmussen is not a reliable poll source. It has been right wing -centric for years.
To me, if anything Biden seems almost too sure of himself. He doesnt seem befuddled , he seems like someone who is wondering why everyone doesnt agree with him.
A sure sign of senility.
no it isn't.
Because he is a mighty mental midget. His policies lead directly to disasters that will take years to recover from. He likes to think he is smart; gets proven wrong repeatedly; and is too stupid and arrogant to learn.
If only he had aides that were smart enough to do the job; but they were hand picked by Biden. Enough said.
The only thing I want to hear Biden say is, "What do you mean I am impeached!"
Rasmussen is one of the most reliable of all the polling organizations.
Only a few weeks before an election. FOX polls are far more reliable.
Even if it were, which it's not, who the fuck cares about random people opinions which are not based on any actual knowledge of what's happening in the white house? Why should I care that a bunch of bitter conservatives 'believe' is happening?
This was a rather funny statement since they avoid mentioning that even at just below 50% it's still a better approval rating than his predecessor ever enjoyed.
I just saw Biden on TV. He seemed totally in control.
Person … Woman … Man … Camera …TV.
I bet Biden could do even better.
At least this DQs Trumps retarded ass as well, he is like a cunt hair younger. Glad to see folks finally acknowledging that at a certain point people are too fucking old be in certain positions… SCOTUS, I am looking at you. Congress, you’re next.
Think of it like this. Jumping out of a perfectly good airframe is an insane thing to do to win a war or get your kicks.
( it is a hoot after the first time you survive )
Joe Biden committed, he jumped and there is no going back.
Unbeknownst to the moronic American press and many anti Biden people,
special ops has been retrieving people from embassy, business and hotel roof tops for a week
with no press coverage.
Mr. Dowd was quoted here somewhere because he went from being a Democrat prior to 1999
Then a Republican in the Bush Administration until 2007
now an Independent since 2008 as if this nullifies his political observations.
This afternoon in my off the beaten path in Texas, diesel fuel was a fraction lower than unleaded regular gas at $2.84 per gallon.
Local stations are running out of diesel. Nobody is patting Biden on the back because he has relatively little control over OPEC
but let the regular gas price rise to $3.85 and you would thinl the world is ending because Joe Biden stutters.
btw I paid $57.00 for 16 gallons of premium. @ $3.60 and I own shares of Shell.
That doesn't make it very much better. You don't thank the person saving you from the rooftop of your burning house if they're the ones who set it on fire to begin with.
We had control of the streets. We could have spent months or years in an orderly, safe withdrawal of Americans and allies, allowing people to walk or drive themselves to airports in complete safety.
Oh good grief Jack... One would have thought that out of all 345,000 security forces and tens of thousands of government workers, some one could have said to an American, "It's all arranged, a peaceful return to power has all been paid for by the Taliban.
No "we did Not", Afghan police controlled the streets, poorly. First order of business everyday, look for someone to shakedown
to get a bribe. At least the Taliban offered receipts for tax purposes.
Apparently not. Even with 2,500 combat troops to cover Kabul for three shifts a day = 833 combat troops per shift?
The Taliban had 18 months to accomplish a nearly peaceful takeover.
Hopefully it lasts another week.
We had enough control of them that people could get to the airport without special operations forces to "retrieve" them.
Well... we certainly could have.
I'm not optimistic. There is less reason every day for the Taliban to behave themselves.
Actually I see it the opposite. The closer they get the more they stand to gain.
The last thing any one wants to see is another aircraft of evacuees or troops crash like in Vietnam.
Because this time we still have B52s and drones that can easily take down the Presidential palace.
On the last day I hope there is plenty of CAP and a dozen circling AC-130 gunships brought in to discourage
ISISK and the Taliban.
You may be right, and I really, really hope you are.
I'm just concerned the Taliban will be thinking "they're not sending troops back in, no matter what we do", and see it as a chance to get a few parting shots in.
I fear the following few weeks in Afghanistan will be sort of like a combination of the French Revolution and the Visigoth sack of Rome. I'm not how that could have been avoided, but it's going to be ugly, nonetheless.
Apparently there were 2 suicide bombers today, after which ISIS gunmen opened up around the Abby gate.
USMC and Taliban fighters were briefly allied in fighting off the terrorists.
Some of the hard core ISIS clowns think the Taliban are too soft and not religious enough.
They are concentrated in force near the Pakistan border reportedly in easy targets.
Hopefully we retaliate with those drones or B52s.
After watching Biden’s five hour late public teleprompter reading, it’s clear he isn’t healthy. He’s not going to serve out this term
Hell no, it was clear to many during the campaign he wouldn’t last a full term.