
Frantic For False Covid Cure Ivermectin, Some Turn To A Pro-Trump Telemedicine Website


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  4 years ago  •  57 comments

Frantic For False Covid Cure Ivermectin, Some Turn To A Pro-Trump Telemedicine Website
The demand for ivermectin, a drug primarily used to deworm animals that has become the latest false cure for Covid-19, has risen as many turn to a pro-Trump telemedicine website that has a partnership with an organization whose founder stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Frantic For False Covid Cure Ivermectin, Some Turn To A Pro-Trump Telemedicine Website

 # Ivermectin # Trump # Telemedicine 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

Ivermectin, a false cure for Covid, is selling out, with many people turning to a Pro-trump telemedicine website to get it.

Senior Guide
1.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Krishna @1    4 years ago
Professor Expert
1.1.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1    4 years ago

So, you've taken the vaccine, but you're posting misinformation about the vaccine's effects on human DNA?  Does this mean that your own DNA is not intact?  Or are you just reflexively posting RW memes, even though they oppose your own actions regarding your health?

Senior Guide
1.1.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.1.1    4 years ago

I’m simply opposed to the effort to make three formerly common and easy to get medications so hard to get now.  It’s almost as if the pharmaceutical industry would rather see people die than use those to any positive mitigating effect.  When I had sinusitis to bronchitis in December and had to quarantine 14 days due to exposure to covid victim I made sure to get that antibiotic and take vitamin D and zinc with it.  

Professor Expert
1.1.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1.2    4 years ago

I'm asking specifically about the misinformation contained in your last meme, and you're dodging the question.

The pharmaceutical industry isn't responsible for making available ineffective treatments for inappropriate use.  If Tractor Supply can't keep horse wormer on the shelves, you have your cohorts to blame for that.  Also, if you would exercise a bit of logic, if the pharmaceutical industry lets people die, who do you think will buy their products?  Do you think the pharmaceutical industry really wants to kill (literally) their market?

Professor Guide
1.1.4  Gordy327  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1.2    4 years ago
I’m simply opposed to the effort to make three formerly common and easy to get medications so hard to get now.

Those 3 medications are not intended or approved for treating Covid.

When I had sinusitis to bronchitis in December and had to quarantine 14 days due to exposure to covid victim I made sure to get that antibiotic and take vitamin D and zinc with it.  

Antibiotics are for bacterial infections. They do nothing for viral infections. Antibiotics are useless against viral infections.

Professor Guide
1.1.5  Gordy327  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.1.1    4 years ago
but you're posting misinformation about the vaccine's effects on human DNA? 

I think Alex Jones peddles the nonsense that the vaccine changes your DNA. It's stupidity and misinformation like that which causes so many problems.

Professor Principal
1.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.5    4 years ago

But it would not be if there were not so many gullible people out there who blindly accept what their trusted sources claim as truth.   In particular, lowIQ individuals who believe whatever Trump claims.

Professor Guide
1.1.7  Gordy327  replied to  TᵢG @1.1.6    4 years ago
But it would not be if there were not so many gullible people out there who blindly accept what their trusted sources claim as truth.

Unfortunately, many people are stupid and do not think for themselves or bother to do some serious research.

   In particular, lowIQ individuals who believe whatever Trump claims.

Case in point.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.1.8  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.4    4 years ago

I heard on the news that arthritis medications are now in short supply.  They are being used to treat some of the symptoms associated with the CV.

Professor Expert
1.1.9  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.4    4 years ago

Antibiotics are for bacterial infections. They do nothing for viral infections. Antibiotics are useless against viral infections.

Its really pretty amazing how many people don't know that.

Professor Quiet
1.1.10  shona1  replied to  Krishna @1.1.9    4 years ago

Yep you are dead right. But many want a script no matter what when they go to the doctor's... can't tell some people.

Professor Guide
1.1.11  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @1.1.9    4 years ago

I'm not surprised anymore. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.12  cjcold  replied to  shona1 @1.1.10    4 years ago

Used to work as a paramedic and was constantly asked for pain and other medications before I'd even performed an initial exam or heard any oral history. Half the time what patients were demanding would have killed them. 

Sometimes patients were very knowledgeable of their condition and their help was invaluable in treating them.

Since their Drs. made twenty times the money that I did, Always enjoyed waking up doctors at 3AM to help me treat their patients.

Other times they were junkies just looking for a free fix by intentionally hurting themselves (I'd give them Narcan and tell them it was pure morphine.)

Then there were the accidents where innocents died, and I couldn't save them. Always blamed it on myself when I failed to save someone's life' who was still alive by the time I arrived.

The song Strange World was written for a reason.

So glad that I retired from being in the emergency medical business.

Way too many lose/lose situations.

Professor Quiet
1.1.13  shona1  replied to  cjcold @1.1.12    4 years ago

Morning CJ..thanks for what you did as a para...a thankless job in many respects and worse now with drugs etc..I watch a couple of ambulance shows here and don't know how they do it...takes a special type of human...and damn grateful they can..

Stay well and stay safe...

Professor Guide
1.1.14  MrFrost  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1.2    4 years ago
I made sure to get that antibiotic

Which literally does nothing against a virus, (as others have pointed out). 

Professor Guide
1.1.15  MrFrost  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1    4 years ago

Why promote any of that shit if vaccines work and are proven to work? 

Freshman Silent
1.1.16  MsMarple  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1    4 years ago

Only in TEXAS mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) or a dead adenovirus (from an entirely different virus kingdom than coronavirus) cause changes to HUMAN DNA. WHAA! But, it's Texas. So, what do I know???
Better watch out, Jefferson! It's like in that Civil War - "President" Jefferson thought he was fighting for "states rights", but the Union thought it was about slavery...Jefferson was wrong, and he lost....

Like, now you think Pfizer is trying to change your DNA (to buy more Pfizer stuff, I think you meant), but it's just trying to keep you alive. And the rest of us alive. 
Who knew. Crazy stuff. Can't trust them yankees. 

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

This story blows my mind because you've got some anti-vaxxers who are unwilling to take an FDA approved vaccine that millions of people have taken at this point BTW, but at the same time they are willing to put a horse de-worming medicine in their bodies . . . why?

Professor Quiet
2.1  shona1  replied to  Krishna @2    4 years ago

Morning Krishna...I heard cyanide was also a cure but so far no one has survived to tell us it worked.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  shona1 @2.1    4 years ago


Professor Expert
2.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  shona1 @2.1    4 years ago
Morning Krishna...I heard cyanide was also a cure but so far no one has survived to tell us it worked

By any chance did you happen to see this press conference where Trump went totally nutty and suggested that household disinfectants are powerful, and that there might be a way to put them in the body to kill Covid?

President Trump raised some eyebrows during his daily coronavirus briefing Thursday, suggesting patients be exposed to heat and light or injected with disinfectant

(There were a few of his more deranged groupies who actually tried it-- drank Lysol!)

Professor Expert
2.1.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.2    4 years ago

Another camera caught the reaction of Dr. Birx:

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, could be seen on a side camera as Pres. Trump floated ideas to her at a Task Force briefing.

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  shona1  replied to  Krishna @2.1.2    4 years ago

Evening....oh yes we see it all. Often USA news is headlines here so have a very good grasp on what is said and done over there.

Professor Principal
2.1.5  devangelical  replied to  shona1 @2.1    4 years ago

I read that crushing the ivermectin tablets, dissolving in bleach, and then shooting it up was the best protection against the delta and lambda variants for the unvaxed. shhhh, don't tell any trumpsters... /s

Professor Quiet
2.1.6  cjcold  replied to  shona1 @2.1    4 years ago


This is what saved Trump at John's Hopkins.

Professor Quiet
2.1.7  shona1  replied to  cjcold @2.1.6    4 years ago

Morning CJ ..they use Ivermectin here as sheep drench..rather appropriate in some respects as they follow like a pack of sheep..

Freshman Silent
2.2  MsMarple  replied to  Krishna @2    4 years ago

<deleted> - self-deleted on the mods behalf (saved me some tickets!)

What I was gonna say would be against CoC. 
I have a thing against anti-vaxxers and especially anti-vaxxers who take horse dewormer or that malaria drug. None of it printable. 

Professor Expert
3  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

This is an off-shoot of the Hydroxychloroquine fad that happened last year. They has a press conference that had millions of views. President Trump retweeted it.

They said that Hydroxychloroquine cured Covid.  Of course that wasn't true.

However they do have an online pharmacy where they sell Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and for 90 bucks you can get a consult there have have Ivermectin shipped to your door!

Professor Quiet
3.1  cjcold  replied to  Krishna @3    4 years ago

XX just wrote a post denying reality for the millionth time (Yawn).

Professor Guide
3.1.1  Gordy327  replied to  cjcold @3.1    4 years ago

I posted actual research articles from credible scientific sources and journals which proved the general ineffectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine (and potential for harm) against Covid. Of course, that reality was denied or ignored in favor of a reality spun by a politician over scientists.

Professor Principal
4  Kavika     4 years ago

Proof positive that there are millions of horses asses in the USA.

Professor Quiet
4.1  shona1  replied to  Kavika @4    4 years ago

Morning Kavika....nah as I said on a previous seed..

Forget the Ivermectin...just put on a flea collar...it kills everything..my cat will be happy to share...

Hope all is well in Orange... Melbourne nearly hitting a hundred infections today so lock down will be extended...still it is what it is and onwards and upwards..

Professor Principal
4.1.1  Kavika   replied to  shona1 @4.1    4 years ago

It was just reported a sheriff in Georgia died from Covid. He was an anti vaxxer and promoted the USA of ivermectin. The US has more than our share of morons.

Professor Quiet
4.1.2  shona1  replied to  Kavika @4.1.1    4 years ago

Morning Kavika....I cannot believe people will go ahead and munch on worm tablets...they think their life is only worth that??

Can't fix stupid, but the virus certainly does....

Professor Principal
4.2  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @4    4 years ago

morons ingesting an anti-parasite drug... that should be interesting... 

Professor Quiet
4.2.1  cjcold  replied to  devangelical @4.2    4 years ago

Heard from a local ER Doc that there have been many poisonings thanks to Trump's ongoing insanity that recommends drugs from whatever company he has stock in.

Professor Principal
4.2.2  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @4.2.1    4 years ago

that's the kind of GOP voter suppression I can support...

charger 383
Professor Silent
5  charger 383    4 years ago

Why not take the Vaccine that was developed for CV-19?   

A lot of effort was put it coming up with it and Trump ordered it at warp speed. Why mess around with other stuff?  Trump took it and said to take it.  

Professor Expert
5.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  charger 383 @5    4 years ago

Not to mention, the other stuff is making people sick.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  sandy-2021492 @5.1    4 years ago

The warnings to not take this medication has been put out numerous times.  If people still insist on taking it and they get sick or even die, que sera sera.

Professor Expert
6  sandy-2021492    4 years ago


You probably don't want to take ivermectin.  Or if you do, stay close to a bathroom. 

Professor Guide
6.1  Gordy327  replied to  sandy-2021492 @6    4 years ago

When one follows shit like the FLCCC, it comes as no surprise when one gets the shits. And deservedly so!

Professor Guide
6.2  Tacos!  replied to  sandy-2021492 @6    4 years ago

“Is this normal?” Taking horse wormers to prevent Covid is not freaking normal! Wow.

These people resemble homo sapiens, but they don’t act very sapient.

Professor Expert
6.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @6.2    4 years ago

I've posted it before-- but this is still one of my favourite quotes:

I know of two things that are infinite-- The Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not entirely sure about the former.

--Albert Einstein

Professor Expert
6.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @6.2    4 years ago

“Is this normal?” Taking horse wormers to prevent Covid is not freaking normal! Wow.

These people resemble  homo sapiens , but they don’t act very sapient.

Some people were hoping that much of this would die out after trump lost the Election and is no longer president-- but many of his crazier followers will persist.

And scarier yet-- most of them will mate...and produce offspring! jrSmiley_5_smiley_image.png

Professor Expert
6.2.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Tacos! @6.2    4 years ago

Anything to avoid the side effects of the vaccine.

I was one who had a rough time with the second dose of the Pfizer.  Several unpleasant but temporary side effects.  I'm happy to report that none of those side effects involved shitting myself at the grocery store.

Professor Quiet
6.2.4  Freefaller  replied to  Krishna @6.2.2    4 years ago
And scarier yet-- most of them will mate

Hopefully after the shits have passed, that would be messy.

Professor Guide
6.2.5  Tacos!  replied to  sandy-2021492 @6.2.3    4 years ago


Freshman Silent
7  freepress    4 years ago

Rather than take a vaccine from a trusted American name like Johnson & Johnson who make a wide variety of baby products, they dig their heels in being scammed by their political idols and Fox pundits into risking their lives doubly by taking an animal medicine for parasitic worms. The only parasite they need cured from is right wing propaganda.

The "libs" holding out their hands telling them to get vaccinated to save their lives and all that happens is nothing but willful ignorant contrariness slapping an outreached hand away for even suggesting they save themselves with a vaccine or a mask.

People need to come to their senses and realize that they can still hate the "libs" if they stay alive, so why not take the best treatment in America from a vaccine?

Fox news has made sure every employee is vaccinated and must provide proof, they do testing, so why doesn't this actual fact get through to their viewers? It doesn't get through because the willfully brainwashed won't watch or listen to anything outside the right wing propaganda bubble of Fox and right wing media.

Covid is not "fake news", it does not discriminate based on political party, everyone can potentially die from it. Keep hating the "libs" but for Gods sake people, get the vaccine, wear a mask, if you hate the libs so much wear a Trump mask but just save yourself and your family.

Professor Principal
8  Hallux    4 years ago

The radical anti-vaxxer method for ingesting Ivermectin ... works like a charm.



Freshman Silent
8.1  MsMarple  replied to  Hallux @8    4 years ago

Yeah, if you can't shoot them with a gun, go ahayd and take Clorox/Ivermehmehmentin-whatever, swig it with a good Oxy - that should take care of all that varmint.

Professor Quiet
9  bbl-1    4 years ago

Bottom line here is the honest fact that everything remotely connected to the Trumps' is a grift.  This is all they do--this is all they are.  It is time to follow the money.  Where is the DOJ and the FBI on this?

Professor Guide
10  MrFrost    4 years ago

It's like they will try ANYTHING except what has been proven to work. 

5.21 BILLION vaccinations given and the number of deaths as a result is so small it's almost literally zero% chance of dying, much less severe side effects. But, the Nutters want cow dewormer. Lovely. Then they wonder why Covid will not go away. 

Global vaccine stats.

Freshman Silent
10.1  MsMarple  replied to  MrFrost @10    4 years ago

Neh. Let them take Imervectin. And Hydroxycloroquin. Then tune into OANN and watch Mike Lindell humping a pillow in a Cyber-forum in North Dakota in front of binary gibberish on the screen while dodging Dominion lawsuits.
Event Trump himself got tired of this shit. Don't see him yapping about any of that any more do you?


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