Rural Oklahoma hospitals overwhelmed by people overdosing on ivermectin | Daily Mail Online
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 91 commentsBy: Mansur Shaheen (Mail Online)

Overdoses from anti-parasite drug ivermectin overwhelm rural Oklahoma hospitals - leaving gunshot victims waiting for emergency rooms
By Mansur Shaheen For Dailymail.Com 15:57 EDT 03 Sep 2021 , updated 16:03 EDT 03 Sep 2021
- Hospitals in rural southeast Oklahoma are struggling with a surge of ivermectin overdose patients
- So many patients are coming in with overdoses of the horse-grade medicine that other serious injuries - like gunshot wounds - have to wait
- Ivermectin is FDA approved for human use fighting some parasite-related conditions, but has not demonstrated that it can fight viruses in humans
- Many are purchasing versions of the drug meant for horses and other large animals, where doses are dangerous for humans
So many rural Oklahomans are overdosing on horse medication that it is overwhelming local hospitals.
Dr Jason McElyea, a physician from Sallisaw, Oklahoma in the Southeast of the state, told Oklahoma City's KFOR that hospitals in his region are being clogged with patients overdosing on ivermectin after using the drug to treat COVID-19.
Many people are using ivermectin, which is FDA approved for human use in some situations, in doses meant for large animals like horses and overdosing.
The volume of overdoses has become a problem for the whole community, as people needing treatment for other issues, like gunshot victims, are left waiting in peril for emergency room space.
Dr Jason McElyea (pictured) told Oklahoma City's KFOR that so many people in his rural Oklahoma community are overdosing on ivermectin it is overwhelming some local hospitals
'There's a reason you have to have a doctor to get a prescription for this stuff, because it can be dangerous,' McElyea told KFOR about the drug.
'...the ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated.'
The surge in overdoses has led to ambulances being backed up with calls as well.
'All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don't have any, that's it,' the doctor told KFOR.
'If there's no ambulance to take the call, there's no ambulance to come to the call.'
Ivermectin is safe to use in doses of around 200 micrograms, and is often prescribed to people at those levels for conditions like onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis.
It is not a treatment for viruses like Covid, though, and has never demonstrated an ability to fight viral infections in humans.
The anti-parasite drug has been incorrectly deemed by some to be a potential treatment for COVID-19 after some misinterpreted a March 2020 study conducted in Australia.
Ivermectin is FDA approved for human use in fighting some parasite-related conditions. It has no known ability to fight viruses in the human body
Dr Timothy Geary, one of the world's foremost experts on the drug, explained to that the concentrations of the drug used in the study, which did show ivermectin could inhibit virus replication, was so high it could not be used in a person.
The drug can be dangerous is large doses and cause many potentially devastating side effects like blindness, nervous system damage or even death.
McElyea reports that many in his community are using the drug at dangerously high doses.
Many have failed to acquire the drug via prescription, and instead purchase veterinary versions of it over the counter at feed stores.
A standard dose for a horse is much larger than a dose for a human, though, causing people to overdose when using versions of the drug made for livestock.
'Some people taking inappropriate doses have actually put themselves in worse conditions than if they'd caught COVID,' McElyea said.
He told KFOR that he has seen patients suffering from cramps, muscle aches, nausea. The worst cases has has seen are people coming in with vision loss after taking the drug.
McElyea reports that tractor store in his area have sold out of the drug, and he implores others in his community not to self-medicate using the potentially dangerous drug.
'You have to ask yourself, 'If I take this medicine, what am I going to do if something bad happens?' What's your next step, what's your backup plan?' he said.
'If you're going to take a medicine that could affect your health, do it with a doctor on board.
'...It's not just something you look on the internet for and decide if it's the right thing.

I have been arguing with Facebook friends in Oklahoma about this. The worst part is that they get really abusive to anyone who tells them that this is stupid. The belief in Ivomectin as a cure for Covid is gospel to the die hard rural Trump fans. It is an article of faith...
I just hope the anti-vaxers will administer the ivermectin correctly for treating covid, by dissolving it in bleach and injecting it directly into their jugulars. /s
Has anyone figured out where this belief came from? Who actually suggested Ivomectin, an anti-parasite drug, as a cure for Covid?
... wingnut radio and media.
Are you now claiming that people are not taking Ivomectin, believing it is a COVID cure?
They spread the claim, I'm curious who created this belief.
Not sure why it was investigated to start with, but there have been studies that show ivermectin has the ability to stop viral replication in RNA viruses in vitro. Problem is, it was at concentrations that were toxic to humans, so that did not translate to effectiveness in vivo. Some people latch onto a few words, and either don't read or don't understand the studies
Science education in this country really needs to improve.
It IS what you wrote.
If you expect people to properly interpret your bumper sticker sized replies, I suggest you devote a little more time to composing that reply.
I asked:
Has anyone figured out where this belief came from? Who actually suggested Ivomectin, an anti-parasite drug, as a cure for COVID?
Your reply:
Have you figured out this is fake news yet?
How did you want me to take your 1 sentence reply to my simply question?
I have hundreds of FB Friends in Oklahoma and based on what they are saying there are lots of people taking veterinary Ivomectin they are buying at feed stores and vet supplies. It is a real thing and thousands are taking the stuff!
No, it is a real thing. How can you not know?
I agree.
However, I don't really blame people for being confused when there are doctors actually using (human strength) ivermectin to treat some of their covid patients. What is even more confusing are news articles that say some doctors are claiming its effective and the NIH saying there is not enough data to say yay or nay.
that give percentages instead of actual numbers.
According to CNN - In Mississippi, 70% of the recent calls to the state's poison control center are about ingestion of ivermectin formulations meant for animals and purchased at livestock supply centers.
I wondered how many hundred or thousand of calls had been received. So I googled. If a person or organization wants respect then they must quit playing the role of Chicken Little.
A website that I check a few times a month to see some of the covid data that is reported to the federal government.
and these every few days.....
I hope the information is accurate, but I don't know how to actually verify it.
Oy. Medicine should not be delivered via court order, until judges also obtain medical degrees. The judge involved is practicing medicine without a license, for which you or I would be thrown in jail. He has a gavel, not a script pad.
Unfortunately, some of the studies have been very flawed. There is an analysis of one supposedly large study that supports ivermectin use, which may actually have been fraudulent to the point of never even having been conducted.
This is reminiscent of studies supporting hydroxychloroquine. I remember reading one study's data, and coming across "n=?". Wait, what? They didn't even know their sample size, but they were drawing conclusions from the data? It was horribly done; wouldn't have passed a basic high school biology unit on statistics. But docs were prescribing based on it.
So for now, given that the efficacy of ivermectin is questionable, and we have great data on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, doctors should be pushing vaccination. An ounce of prevention...
How many drugs have been approved and then pulled from the market after the drugs proved fatal over the last two or three decades?
Covid has around a 99% survival rate across the board. We know this because of the hundreds of millions of people who have had it and survived. If those people have gained immunity, I understand why they are refusing to be vaccinated until more is known on whether it is really necessary. I watch the numbers every week and we may be gaining herd immunity between the shots and by the number of people who have acquired a level of natural immunity.
I have read articles that it is a likely possibility that covid will continue to mutate into milder forms (as has been done in the past) that are even less lethal to the 1 percent that is most susceptible at this time.
I feel extremely fortunate that I am retired and can isolate. I am (mostly) content piddling around the house and farm. I buy groceries every 3 weeks (and could go less if I had to) - make a list, go early in the morning and go home before most stores get busy. I shop online as much as possible.
But attempting to reach herd immunity by way of infection carries the risk of a strain arising to which nobody, either vaccinated or previously infected, is immune.
As far as studies, the sample size for the vaccine is now in the billions. We are monitoring for adverse reactions on an ongoing basis. The vaccine remains effective, and far safer than infection.
The infection rate could be in the billions also. Some, if not many, people have had covid and didn't know it or didn't test to verify. This is why I feel we may be close to having herd immunity. To date, there are scientists who are saying that boosters may not be needed for anyone except the most vulnerable.
Where are the studies that prove the vaccine is necessary for anyone who has had covid and acquired natural immunity?
There are no studies that say it's necessary. There is at least one I can find that says immunity from vaccination after infection is likely better than from infection alone. Whether the difference is clinically significant likely depends on the patient's age and health status.
There have also been reports that those suffering from "long Covid" experience improved symptoms on receiving the vaccine.
This is what I have read also. This is why I believe we may already be approaching herd immunity because of the number of healthy people who have had covid and most likely have better immunity that if they had been vaccinated. This is why I am not concerned about the numbers of who have been vaccinated. I am concerned that the people who need vaccines get them and we don't deprive them by vaccinating people who are fine without them.
People, who have risk factors, should definitely get the vaccine unless advised otherwise by their doctor. However, people, with risk factors, should be responsible for protecting their own health by also wearing masks and social distancing until advised otherwise by their doctor.
The scientists will continue to monitor variants and improve vaccines for those who require them.
Probably doing what the vaccine should do - give a weak immune system a booster.
Whatever the reason, it is wonderful that there is a treatment resulting in improvement.
If they are, where are the reports showing the numbers that have been hospitalized as a result? I've looked but haven't found anything.
I am just thankful this wasn't claimed about Roundup because I have met people who are convinced that it is safe to drink because they have either personally "seen" or "heard of" sales reps drinking Roundup during sales promotions.
If I wasn't an introvert, I'd probably have to become one to save whatever mental health I have left.
News release from 3 hours ago.....
So... What's wrong with taking your deplorables to the vet?
Please remember to neuter all your deplorables...
Always spay and neuter your deplorables. Absolutely.
It boggles the mind that they would refuse a safe vaccine and instead pay for a drug for horses. The true sign of a real horses ass.
Ivomectin is used as sheepdip. It make them "Dips".
People are have kids ingest injectable pig dewormer!
They are willing to take anything other than the vaccine that's proven to work.
Well... They do call it the Trump vaccine so...
Does it make people neigh or moo when they try to talk?
Yeah but the word itself sounds very pharmacological so it’s gotta work, right?
Damn, I knew I had forgot something when I picked up chicken feed this week! Ivermectrin. /s
Darwin smiles.
a batch of fentanyl-laced cocaine killed a comedian and two others, and left the ex-girlfriend of Darius Rucker in a Los Angeles hospital, a report said.
Is Darwin smiling?
How many ways can we think of to change the subject.
Let's count....
I take it you don't want to answer my question if those recent overdoses made Darwin smile. I assumed that would be the case.
But by all means, let's hear you explain why progressives and their media falling for a made up story about ivermectin overdoses overrunning hospitals in Oklahoma makes Darwin smile.
I said nothing about any hospital or over doses...
Reread what I quoted....
You posted that "darwin smiles" because people who are prescribed ivermectin can have fertility issues. Death also make its hard to reproduce.
Is Darwin happy because of deaths like the one I posted?
Again, why are you trying to say things that were never inferred.
I see you don't understand the tweet you copied. I covered exactly what it implied.
It nowhere implied death, no matter how hard you try.
Hah, dipshits. Why don’t they go start drinking bleach while they are at it. Can someone explain to me how something meant to protect against parasites (think ringworm) is going to do anything to protect against a virus? You may as well start taking antibiotics, they will be just as effective (not at all).
Ring worm is a fungus that causes a weird skin rash. I had it once and had to use a topical to take care of it. The ingestible invermectin is used for internal parasites
An update that I believe should be included on this article.....
Pretty obvious this whole article is fake news.
Except it is not.
Except it is not.
You can lead a horse to water:
"NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose,"
Please, progressives, stop spreading fake news and stop being so gullible.
You really need better news sources.
Please, conservatives, stop making yourselves targets for ridicule by using anything but vaccine to do the job of a vaccine, just to spite progressives.
You know how ridiculous you look criticizing anyone after falling for this, right?
after making such asses of yourselves falling for this, I’d hope progressives would learn some humility and not be so quick to attack others who have been fooled. I guess the lesson is lost.
Sean is implying that Democrats lie as much as the right. That assertion is bizarre.
I dont know what you are talking about.
The item was a news story originated by an Oklahoma television station. If it is inaccurate it is their problem.
I don't "believe shit" after it has been retracted.
stop wasting everyones time
I have probably forgotten more facts than you will ever know.
Biden has told 100,000 lies
John Russell wrote: "Sean is implying that Democrats lie as much as the right. That assertion is bizarre"
No, it's true
prove it.
Lol! I look ridiculous?! If you read my comment it is only in reference to the conservatives penchant for trying to deal with covid using stuff that does not have anything to do with seriously treating covid. That is not fake news, friend.
We all need better news sources.
And we will get better new sources when we verify facts and quit falling for propaganda to score points or whatever satisfaction some people get from constantly fighting with or demeaning other people.
People are actually dying from using cocaine. Where's the mockery ? Why aren't liberals talking about Darwin Awards for them?
Here we have a made up story about problems caused by ingesting a drug posted as an excuse to bash the people who ingest it. Why aren't you bashing the people who actually ingest fatal drugs?
Good questions.
I don't know, but maybe it can't be used for political gain?
The numbers are recorded by state at the link below.