Texas Man Murdered Woman Because She Supported Joe Biden, Say Police
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 20 commentsBy: Alia Shoaib (Insider)

Joseph Angel Alvarez targeted the Kauffmans' home after seeing a Biden flag outside their home. El Paso Police Department (L), Scott Olson/Getty Images (R)
- Joseph Angel Alvarez murdered a woman and shot her husband in El Paso, Texas, shortly after the 2020 election, say police.
- Police found emails in which Alvarez said he targetted the Kauffmans because they voted for Joe Biden.
- The accused killer also said he believed "pro-choice" people were part of a "Jewish Satanist Party."
A Texas man has been charged with murdering a woman and shooting her husband because they voted for Joe Biden, reports say.
On 14 November 2020, Georgette Kauffman was shot and killed in her garage, and her husband Daniel was shot through their front door, but survived.
Police have now charged Joseph Angel Alvarez, 38, with the crime, after finding emails in which he admitted to targeting the Kauffmans because they had a Joe Biden flag and a "doll of Trump hanging" outside their house, documents show.
According to the affidavit, seen by local outlet KDBC-TV, Alvarez approached the Kaufmanns' home on Copper Avenue in El Paso, Texas, armed with a shotgun.
Documents say he found Georgette, 50, in the detached garage and shot and killed her.
Attorney Georgette had just arrived home from work, police said, and the vehicle's engine was still on and the driver's side door was ajar.
Alvarez then attempted to enter the main residence but found that the wrought iron door locked, the documents said.
Hearing noises and thinking his wife was outside, Daniel Kauffman approached the entrance, at which point the killer shot through the door several times.
Daniel Kauffman told KFOX14 that he was shot at five times, once in the head, once in the shoulder, and once in the wrist. He said two of the shots did not strike him.
While investigating the murder, police obtained a search warrant that uncovered emails sent from Alvarez revealing his extreme political and religious views.
In an email to a US army intelligence group, Alvarez said abortions were "Jewish child sacrifice", and that "pro-choice" people were part of a "Jewish Satanist Party," according to KFOX14.
He also wrote that he believed Democrats were liars.
According to the outlet, Alvarez attached images of Memorial Park in El Paso to the email, which he said was a "ritualistic satanic ground to conduct abortions by the manner of magic."
The killer said in the email that he targeted the Kauffmans' home, which was on Memorial Park because he had seen pro-Biden and anti-Trump paraphernalia outside of the house.
The court documents note that the house on Copper Avenue displayed Democrat posters and LGBTQ flags.
Police arrested Alvarez outside his place of employment, KFOX14 said.
Alvarez is currently being held at the El Paso County Jail, according to the outlet.
Daniel Kauffman said that he was relieved to hear that Alvarez had been charged, but that it wouldn't bring his wife back, the local outlet reported.

This is what happens when hate and lies prevail...
And when people who are mentally ill are allowed to have guns.
Old saying, Fire is a weapon of trust, just like people owning guns.
In an email to a US army intelligence group, Alvarez said abortions were "Jewish child sacrifice", and that "pro-choice" people were part of a "Jewish Satanist Party," according to KFOX14
Yes but usually when they do it they don't do it via abortions-- rather, they do it by using those insidious "Jewish Space Lasers"!
And when people who are mentally ill are allowed to have guns.
Well, that right is specifically addressed by the Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
"Shall not be infringed"
It doan say nuttin' about no mental ilnes!
Anoon... sorry someone has lost their life over this but why do you mob put political crap on your front lawns???
It is no one else's business who you vote for and here no one gives a stuff.. I have no idea who my neighbours vote for and I don't care.
To be shot dead by a lunatic over this is truly astounding...
G'day Shona1!
(Betya didn't know I could speak Australian,,,
Anoon... sorry someone has lost their life over this but why do you mob put political crap on your front lawns???
For some reason many Americans put out a sign supporting a political candidate in the days leading up to an Election. They are usually referred to as "Lawn Signs".
From an article on Wikipedia:
Lawn signs (also known as yard signs, bandit signs and placards, among other names) are small advertising signs that can be placed on a street-facing lawn or elsewhere on a property to express the support for an election candidate, or political position, by the property owner (or sometimes to promote a business). They are popular in political campaigns in the United States and Canada.
I believe that most people think that this has been going on "forever"....but I remember as a kid growing up they didn't exist. Don't know when the practice started, but it may have been only 15 or 20 years ago (?).
Most people who do it just put up one simple sign--- but occasionally some people go overboard and put up signs, flags, etc.
Evening Krishna...and you said it perfectly..🐨🐨
Just strange you do it as it seems to bring a lot of trouble..even to the extent that some neighbours stop talking to each other..and splits up families...
To me voting, religion etc is a private thing and you don't have to go around publicising it..
But I guess each to their own...🇦🇺🇺🇲
I guess someone running a campaign thought up the idea and the idea took off. Unfortunately, some people who are asking for trouble put up something derogatory about a candidate they oppose - like hanging an effigy.
Just to be clear...I was describing what many Americans do.
But I personally do not put up yard signs, bumper stickers nor do I wear political buttons supporting any politicians...or in fact supporting any cause.
Nor did I.
THAT was never this way until the advent of the MAGA. The sustenance of the MAGA is fear and loathing.
He's got a good shot at that insanity defense
Yes. He is a prime candidate for the MAGA social disorder defense.
This is what right wing extremism and Fox "news" has done to America.
These right wing extremists know that Democrats won't hurt them. They are not actually afraid of Democrats, they have been fed so much propaganda that feeds a hatred of Democrats that somehow they think that violence is the answer.
What do these right wing extremists think will happen? That Democrats, Independents and swing voters will embrace their craziness and join them?
Fox won't take responsibility, Republicans won't take responsibility, and the right wing has fallen so far off the wagon of reality that they will blame UFO's and ET before accepting how off the rails their rhetoric has gone.
He is just another one of Trump's "very fine" people.
I wonder if Jesus will protect him when he is being approached by his horny cellmate.
Georgette Frances Garcia Kauffman.
So, election lies, fear mongering, threats and assault will be allowed to continue by the FBI and DOJ? Couldn't they cut off the head of the snake?