The Sierra Madre Tattler!: Larry Elder Website Claims Recall is Over, Newsom Won, & They Found Voter Fraud - All Before Election Day?

Mod : The big problem is the election hasn't happened yet. Election Day in CA is today.
As Newsom leads California recall polls, Larry Elder pushes baseless fraud claims - A website paid for by Elder's campaign on Monday predicted his defeat and blamed unsubstantiated fraud claims ( NBC News link ): Republicans in Tuesday's California gubernatorial recall election are already laying the groundwork to argue the election was stolen — even before a single ballot is reported or a victor declared, an increasingly common tactic in conservative circles.
Republican Larry Elder appealed on Monday to his supporters to use an online form to report fraud, which claimed it had "detected fraud" in the "results" of the California recall election "resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor."
The only problem: On Monday when the link was live on Elder's campaign site, the election hadn't even happened yet. No results had been released. And Elder was still campaigning to replace Newsom as governor.
"Statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia , Venezuela , and Iran ) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor," the site reads. "The primary analytical tool used was Benford's Law and can be readily reproduced."
The site added on Monday afternoon a disclaimer saying it was " Paid For By Larry Elder Ballot Measure Committee Recall Newsom Committee ," with major funding from Elder 's gubernatorial campaign.
The most recent polls show Newsom is likely to survive the attempt to remove him from office in Tuesday's recall election. Elder and other Republicans have already started chalking up a potential loss to baseless allegations of voter fraud, following the script written by former President Donald Trump .
"This is really becoming the standard GOP playbook," said Lee Drutman , a senior fellow at the New America think tank who studies democracy. "This is democracy 101. If you don't have elections that are accepted and decisive, then you don't really have a democracy, because the alternative is violence or authoritarianism."
Mod : The witless Russian news site Sputnik also jumped the gun ( link ). Big surprise in that, wot? Rachel Maddow is all over this story.

Californians vote not to recall Gavin Newsom today!
To be followed by Rudy coaching the disgruntled Republicans on how to file trivial lawsuits based on fraud (for which they will have no evidence ahd the lawyers will be rightly disciplined), followed by a storming of the Sacramento State Capital building by a mob led by the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Q'anon (who will deny that a vote was held), and all of that will be broadcast over international TV so that the rest of the world will have a good laugh at the "exceptional" democracy that is so treasured by Americans.
It's sad but you understand American society at the moment.
A view from abroad by a non-American is bound to be somewhat more objective, isn't it.
Sure, just like a view of China from abroad is more objective than that of anyone who resides there.
That depends on how unbiased a person is.
Bad news for you, huh?
AND that depends on how familiar a person is with America and Americans AND with China and the Chinese people as compared to someone who has probably never been to China and relies on what has already been described as uninformed bias on the part of the media.
I have no idea what you mean.
Most have already voted.
Borrowing from Donald Trump’s playbook is like hiring Larry the Cable Guy as a math tutor.
lmao good one!
Perhaps the Elder team lives in a parallel universe.
The money wasted on this bs could have been put to better use. One of Elder's talking points was taking care of our homeless problem. That money could have gone a long way help with that. Is this going to be the norm now, republicons crying fraud and demanding recounts every time they loose? What a sad bunch of crybaby losers the RP has become.