The Russia probe: A timeline from Moscow to Mueller - ABC News
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 26 commentsBy: George W. Bush, Rosemary Collyer (ABC News)
This is an extensive account of the federal counterintelligence probe, laid out in a detailed timeline.
Our Intelligence agencies were investigating Trump's secret dealings with known clandestine operatives of Russian intelligence services long before 2016...
Trump was colluding with Russia to build Trump Tower Moscow right up to election day in 2016...
Our Intelligence agencies were doing their jobs...
Trump colluded with the Russians, lying about it.
Trump attempted to bribe Putin with a penthouse.
Considering that, the Trump Russia Probe was not only justified and legit it was ongoing before 2016.
And Mueller cleared Trump of any wrongdoing
MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'
It is insane that we have to go through these things endlessly with these people.
America is truly fucked.
It is insane and it's fucking tiresome
But yet they didn't have enough confidence to say he did commit a crime either. Checkmate.
He was, of course, referring to possible obstruction charges. It has nothing to do with Trump and Russia.
It's always hilarious to see you and yours breaking your arms patting yourselves on the back even when your comment fails miserably.
How did it fail? Did they say he did commit a crime? NOPE
It has everything to do with Trump and Russia. What do you think he was trying to cover up with his obstruction?
Some of the obstruction charges were directly connected to Trump and Russia.
Mueller DID say:
Not a single possible incident of corruption related to any alleged underlying crime with Russia.
He was trying to end an investigation into charges of which he was innocent hat was crippling his Presidency. Frustration with a witch hunt is typical among innocent people.
<raises hand>
I'm confused by it. Does that mean if a POTUS commits capital murder in the White House,
Your comment was about OBSTRUCTION, not corruption Sean. Why try to deflect now?
Bullshit Sean. READ the obstruction charges.
Do you actually think that Trump believed that firing Comey and/or Mueller would 'end the investigation'?
Trump wanted to CONTROL the outcome of the investigation AND the testimony of those who he was afraid would expose his skeletons.
Unfortunately, that is EXACTLY what it means.
Per the DOJ guidelines, they would have to impeach before they could prosecute.
The idea that Trump is "innocent" of anything is laughable.
If he wasn't trying to cover up his collusion with Russia, he was trying to cover up his tax fraud.
It's amazing what the GOP believed too...yet did nothing.
G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
You would accept no proof whatsoever. So why try, the evidence is out there for anyone with a computer and an open, honest, mind.
Argument didn't hold water elsewhere So let's start a new seed. Good move.