
Beware the tea party of the left


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  gregtx  •  4 years ago  •  14 comments

By:   Joe Lieberman (MSN)

Beware the tea party of the left
Much like the earlier tea party, they seem to take pleasure in a kind of irresponsible political brinkmanship, as happened with government shutdowns in years past, and with the failure of the infrastructure bill last month.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A decade ago, when a wave of tea party Republicans came to Congress, many Americans were worried about our government. Determined to dictate terms to the rest of America despite drawing only a minority of support, the tea party's leaders over-promised and under-delivered. They almost pushed America into default when they threatened to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. Now, the same tactics are taking control of the left of the Democratic Party.

Just as tea party pugilists upended John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chuck Schumer's (D-N.Y.) "Gang of Eight" immigration reform bill in the House after it passed the Senate with 68 votes in 2013, the new "tea party of the left" has undermined the bipartisan infrastructure reform bill that passed the Senate with 69 votes in August. In both cases, the broad majority of the country was held hostage by an activist fringe. Both cases represent crucial missed opportunities to get Washington working again.

Today, as before, those leading a movement that speaks for just a portion of the electorate believe they have a mandate to force their beliefs and their agenda on all Americans. Anyone who has the temerity to question their tactics is attacked or threatened. This should be a moment of bipartisan renaissance. Joe Biden won the presidency in part as a result of his appeal to moderates and for his long-standing record of work across the aisle.

The margin of his victory was clear, but not large enough to justify the embrace of an expansive agenda of the kind once pushed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he had a 194-seat House majority in 1933, or Lyndon Baines Johnson when he had a 155-seat majority. While FDR's coattails gave him the leverage and arguably the mandate to impose reforms almost at will, Biden today has the narrowest House majority since World War I and controls a 50-50 Senate only by virtue of a tie-breaking vote from the vice president. And yet somehow the new tea party of the left has concluded this constitutes permission from the public to push the biggest expansion of government in 60 years with almost no debate or public discussion of what they are proposing and no questions about whether our country can afford these new programs.

When Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) made the sensible suggestion to put a "strategic pause" on the reconciliation debate to give Congress the proper time to review and discuss these proposals that touch almost every facet of American life - from child care and education to health care and energy and climate change - he was unfairly shouted down as a traitor to the Democratic party.

Rather than accepting the limits of their political power, the tea party of the left is working to leverage it into more than it really is. Rather than seeking common ground with more moderate Democrats and Republicans, they use over-the-top rhetoric to demonize them, and presume that any difference of opinion is born of corruption or greed.

Much like the earlier tea party, they seem to take pleasure in a kind of irresponsible political brinkmanship, as happened with government shutdowns in years past, and with the failure of the infrastructure bill last month. Both the tea party of the right and the left want everything they want, and they want it now. That is not the way Washington works when it works.

When I look back at my service in the Senate, the accomplishments I am most proud of were all the result of bipartisan negotiation and compromise, including the Clean Air Act amendments of the 1990s, the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the post-9/11 reform in homeland security and intelligence, and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

I understand and applaud the many Americans who have protested and demanded something better from Washington. That's what our democracy is all about. But to reform Washington, our leaders will need to embrace solutions from the middle out together. Far from solving our problems, angry rhetoric, nasty threats, and endless brinkmanship are sure to worsen our governmental crisis.

In the end, the original tea party was never able to achieve anything much legislatively, but they did bring about the defeat of many Republican candidates for Congress and national office. The tea party of the left is forcing President Biden, the Democratic Party, and America down a similar path.

Joseph I. Lieberman was a senator from Connecticut and is the founding chairman of No Labels, a national movement of Democrats, Republicans and Independents working to bring our leaders together to solve America's toughest problems.

Editor's note: This piece was updated at 10:13 am.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Guide
1  seeder  GregTx    4 years ago
While FDR's coattails gave him the leverage and arguably the mandate to impose reforms almost at will, Biden today has the narrowest House majority since World War I and controls a 50-50 Senate only by virtue of a tie-breaking vote from the vice president. And yet somehow the new tea party of the left has concluded this constitutes permission from the public to push the biggest expansion of government in 60 years with almost no debate or public discussion of what they are proposing and no questions about whether our country can afford these new programs.
Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2  Greg Jones    4 years ago

They should  listen to Lieberman

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Although the current situation with Congress is a difficult situation, it is not a complicated one. 

Democrats want to tax high wealth to finance programs to benefit the middle class and the poor , and Republicans want to lower taxes to benefit mainly the wealthy and have it be every man for themselves for everyone else. 

I can't even remember the last time a Republican authored a bill which would have government funds help people live better. 

Joe Lieberman is not a Democrat, and thus has no standing by which to offer Democrats "advice". He was basically run out of the party.  He did not endorse Barack Obama for president either in 2008 or in 2012. 

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
4  Colour Me Free    4 years ago
 Joe Biden won the presidency in part as a result of his appeal to moderates and for his long-standing record of work across the aisle.

In 2016 I would have voted for Biden as a moderate and an individual that could/would/did work across the aisle ... but by 2020 Biden was the name recognition that was getting his butt handed to him until South Carolina .. Biden owes his nomination and ultimate presidency to Jim Clyburn .. that said, wasn't 2020 all about anyone but Trump or Sanders? 

 Biden today has the narrowest House majority since World War I and controls a 50-50 Senate only by virtue of a tie-breaking vote from the vice president. And yet somehow the new tea party of the left has concluded this constitutes permission from the public to push the biggest expansion of government in 60 years with almost no debate or public discussion of what they are proposing and no questions about whether our country can afford these new programs.

Fake it til you make it?  If ones constituents thinks an elected official has the mandate, the elected official is half way there?  

Era of FDR and LBJ will never be seen again .. moderates have been / are being run out of government, exiled for being a dreaded bothsider.  The extremes of both parties are trying to, if not running the show.  Never thought I would see the day when I would say Elizabeth Warren seems to be more of a 'centrist progressive'... whatever that means

Do not even get me started on what the party of (R) is doing ... my head shake is never going to stop...!

P.s.... it just does not seem right to call the movement in the party of (D) 'Tea Party' .. for as big a nuisance as the Tea Party was, they wanted something totally different than what the current disruptors want .. a new label is needed for todays obstructionist's.

[sigh] I want to see compromise, not this force it down the throat crap the US government has become

Professor Guide
4.1  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Colour Me Free @4    4 years ago

Perhaps the Pee Party?

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
4.1.1  Colour Me Free  replied to  GregTx @4.1    4 years ago


The Constipation Party?  the party of (C)  : )


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